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She Used a Male Doll in a Joke. Now She’s Accused of Sexual Harassment.

来源:纽约时报    2021-05-13 05:32

        Park Na-rae, a comedian, grabbed a male doll, placed its plastic arm between its legs and made a suggestive remark.        喜剧演员朴娜勑(Park Na-rae,早期常被音译为“朴娜莱”——编注)拿着一个男性人偶,将它的塑料手臂放在它的两腿之间,并讲了一句带有暗示的话。
        By the standards of Western comedy, the stunt on her YouTube show in March would have hardly seemed offensive. But the skit became a scandal in her home country, South Korea. Legions of aggrieved young men accused her of sexual harassment. The police are investigating.        按照西方喜剧的标准,她3月在YouTube上的节目表演几乎不会让人感到冒犯。但这个小品在她的祖国韩国成了丑闻。一群怨愤的年轻男子指责她性骚扰。警方正在进行调查。
        The scandal has made headlines for weeks and has threatened to inflict lasting damage on Ms. Park’s career, two years after she became the first female comedian from South Korea to host a Netflix special.        这起丑闻已占据头条数周之久,有可能对朴娜勑的职业生涯造成持久的损害。两年前,她成为韩国首位主持Netflix特别节目的女性喜剧演员。
        Her supporters say the outcry illustrates a double standard in a culture where men often brag about sexual conquests and where sexual harassment is endemic, but where women who dare to mention sex in public can be penalized.        她的支持者说,这种强烈抗议说明了一种文化双标,在这种文化中,男人经常吹嘘性征服,而且性骚扰泛滥,但是敢于在公共场合提及性的女人会受到惩罚。
        “For guys, it’s a cool thing to be sexual,” said Jamie Suk, 26, a digital content manager for a company in Seoul. “But for women, it’s something they’re supposed to keep hidden.”        “对男人来说,与性相关的事情是很酷的,”首尔一家公司的数字内容经理、26岁的杰米·石(Jamie Suk)说。“但是对于女人来说,这是她们应该藏起来的东西。”
        Ms. Suk said that while she considered Ms. Park’s stunt “rude, even if it was just to a doll,” the criticism and police response were blatantly unfair. “If Ms. Park is to undergo police investigations, so should every individual accused of a violation of the same or worse degree,” she said.        杰米·石说,尽管她认为朴娜勑的表演“很没礼貌,即使只是对玩偶”,但批评声和警方的回应却极其不公平。她说:“如果朴娜勑要接受警方调查,那么每个被指控犯有相同或更严重罪行的人都应该接受警方调查。”
        The controversy surrounding Ms. Park, 35, centers on the show “Hey Na-rae,” which she started on a YouTube channel this year. The show was a bit raunchy from the start. In an early episode, Ms. Park used her hand to mimic male masturbation and joked about a “pepper in the pants,” slang for penis.        围绕现年35岁的朴娜勑引起的争议主要来自她今年在YouTube频道上开播的《Hey,娜勑》节目。该节目从一开始就有点打擦边球。在较早的一期中,朴娜勑用她的手模仿男性手淫,并讲关于“裤子里的辣椒”的笑话,这是阴茎的俗称。
        But it was her stunt with the doll that prompted enmity from male critics.        但是,她的玩偶表演引发了男性批评者的敌视。
        Ms. Park’s skit may have touched a nerve because it suggested that Korean women should be free to pursue their own sexual impulses, said Mo Hyun-joo, an anthropologist in Seoul who specializes in gender issues and digital culture.        首尔专门研究性别问题和数字文化的人类学家莫贤珠(Mo Hyun-joo,音)博士说,朴娜勑的小品可能触动了人们的神经,因为它暗示着韩国女性应该自由地追寻她们自己的性冲动。
        Some Korean women say they believe that Ms. Park’s stunt “crossed the line,” Dr. Mo said. “But at the same time, women think that young men have also crossed the line. Considering their misogynistic activities, online and offline, women think, ‘Do they have the right to accuse her?’”        莫贤珠说,一些韩国女性说,她们认为朴娜勑的表演“越了界”。“但与此同时,女性认为年轻男性也越了界。想想他们在线上线下的厌女行为,女性会想:‘他们有权指责她吗?’”
        In social media threads, many of her critics noted that one of Ms. Park’s co-hosts on another comedy show, a graphic novelist, Kim Hee-min, who writes under the pen name Kian84, had recently been forced to take a four-week break after women complained that one of his comic strips suggested that women use sex to get jobs. Since he was punished for inappropriate comments, they argued, Ms. Park should be called to account, as well.        在社交媒体上,她的许多批评者都指出,朴娜勑在另一个喜剧节目中的共同主持人之一、笔名“旗安84”的漫画小说家金希民最近被迫休假四周,因为有女性投诉说他的一则漫画暗示女性利用性来获得工作机会。他们提出,既然他因发表不当言论而受到惩罚,那么朴娜勑也应被要求承担责任。
        Lee Wonjae, a professor at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology who studies online, said that most of Ms. Park’s critics were not trolls from misogynistic, far-right websites, but ordinary men from mainstream society.        韩国高级科学技术研究院(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)教授、研究社交媒体的李原载(Lee Wonjae,音)说,朴娜勑的大多数批评者不是来自极右翼网站的厌女喷子,而是来自主流社会的普通男性。
        Professor Lee said that many young men in South Korea — which has one of the highest gender pay gaps in the developed world — feel threatened by certain gender trends and President Moon Jae-in’s attempts to push for gender equality. These men see women as growing competitors for jobs and gaining more bargaining power in the marriage market.        韩国是发达国家中性别工资差距最大的国家之一。李原载说,对于某些性别趋势以及文在寅总统促进性别平等的努力,韩国的许多年轻男性感觉受到了威胁。这些男性将女性视为不断增多的工作竞争者,并在婚姻市场上获得了更多讨价还价的权力。
        “Why are you going to support women more? Look at me: I’m doing my military service. What are you doing for me?” he said of how young men see their lot in life. “That is the message.” (Men in South Korea age 18 to 28 are required to serve in the military for about two years.)        “你为什么要更多地支持女性?看着我:我正在服兵役。你在为我做什么?”他谈到年轻人如何看待自己在生活中的角色时说。“这就是他们要说的。” (韩国18至28岁的男子必须在军队服役大约两年。)
        Sexism is deeply entrenched in South Korea. There is an epidemic of men using hidden cameras to spy on women in public restrooms and changing rooms. Misogynistic posts are a defining feature of Reddit-like forums. “It’s everyday life, this kind of gender conflict, misogyny, backlash and hatred,” Dr. Mo said.        性别歧视在韩国根深蒂固。男性在公共厕所和更衣室中使用隐藏的摄像机偷窥女性的行为泛滥。类似Reddit的论坛上总有厌女的帖子。莫贤珠说:“这种性别冲突、厌女症、强烈反对和仇恨是人们的日常。”
        In the realm of government, a former Seoul mayor, Park Won-soon, was one of many male politicians to be accused of sexual harassment. (He died by suicide last year.) And the Seoul authorities apologized this year after issuing guidelines that advised pregnant women to cook, clean and work on their appearances to ensure that their husbands still found them attractive.        在政府领域,前首尔市长朴元淳是被指控性骚扰的许多男性政治人物之一。(他去年自杀身亡)首尔当局今年发布了指南,建议孕妇做饭、打扫和修饰仪表,以确保丈夫仍然觉得她们有吸引力。首尔当局在发布指南后道歉。
        In the entertainment industry, some men have faced criticism or prison terms for sexual misconduct. Notably, two K-pop stars were sentenced to prison in 2019 for raping women who were too drunk to consent to sex.        在娱乐业,一些男人因不端性行为而受到批评或监禁。值得注意的是,两名K-pop明星在2019年被判入狱,因为他们强奸了因醉酒而无法同意进行性行为的女性。
        Yet, other male celebrities and public figures have made sexist remarks without facing the kind of scrutiny faced by Ms. Park. She already had a reputation for pushing the boundaries of what female South Korean comedians can say or do. She began her 2019 Netflix special, “Glamour Warning,” by talking about her “first time doing it without a man.”        然而,其他男性名人和公众人物在发表了性别歧视言论后,并没有面临朴娜勑所面临的那种审视。她已经以突破韩国女性喜剧演员的言论限制而出名。她通过谈论“第一次没有男人的性爱”为她的2019年Netflix特别节目《魅力预警》拉开帷幕。
        Ms. Park resigned from her YouTube show a few days after the scandal broke. The Seoul police later said that they were investigating the harassment claims to determine whether she had broken any laws. The police did not immediately respond to requests for comment.        丑闻爆发几天后,朴娜勑离开了她的YouTube节目​​。首尔警方随后表示,他们正在调查骚扰指控,以确定她是否违反了任何法律。警方没有立即回应置评请求。
        OpenNet, a South Korean nongovernmental organization that advocates for internet privacy, said this month that her doll stunt did not constitute sexual harassment under policies set by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family. The group said that she had merely tried to express female sexual identity.        倡导互联网隐私的韩国非政府组织OpenNet本月表示,根据韩国女性家族部(Ministry of Gender Equality and Family)制定的政策,她的玩偶表演并不构成性骚扰。该组织说,她只是试图表达女性的性身份认同。
        Ms. Park’s talent agency, JDB Entertainment, said that she was not available for an interview.        朴娜勑的经济公司JDB娱乐公司表示,她不便接受采访。
        In a handwritten note to her 1.8 million Instagram followers in March, Ms. Park said that it was her duty as a performer and public figure to “take responsibility” for her own acting and props. “I am nothing but sorry to the many people who trusted and supported me,” she wrote.        朴娜勑在3月给她的180万Instagram粉丝的手写信中说,她作为表演者和公众人物应当“为自己的表演和道具”承担责任。她写道:“我向许多信任我和支持我的人表示道歉。”
        Last month, she visited her grandparents for one of her other television shows, “I Live Alone,” and expressed remorse for how her stunt with the doll had caused harm to her castmates.        上个月,她在她的另一个节目《我独自生活》中拜访了她的祖父母,并为她的玩偶表演事件对她的剧组成员造成的伤害表示后悔。
        “Humans are imperfect,” her grandfather, who was not named in the broadcast, said as Ms. Park burst into tears. “Don’t listen to hate.”        “人是不完美的。”朴娜勑泪流满面的时候,她的祖父说道(节目未提及他的名字)。“不要听信仇恨。”

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