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As India’s Covid Crisis Rages, Its Neighbors Brace for the Worst

来源:纽约时报    2021-05-14 02:47

        KATHMANDU, Nepal — Most of Nepal is under lockdown, its hospitals overwhelmed. Bangladesh suspended vaccination sign-ups after promised supplies were cut off. Sri Lanka’s hopes of a tourism-led economic revival have collapsed.        尼泊尔加德满都——尼泊尔大部分地区处于封锁状态,医院不堪重负。在承诺的疫苗供应被切断后,孟加拉国暂停了接种疫苗的登记。斯里兰卡以旅游业带动经济复苏的希望已经破灭。
        As India battles a horrific surge of the coronavirus, the effects have spilled over to its neighbors. Most nearby countries have sealed their borders. Several that had been counting on Indian-made vaccines are pleading with China and Russia instead.        随着印度与可怕的新冠病毒激增作斗争,其影响已经波及邻国。大多数邻国都封锁了边境。一些原本指望印度制造疫苗的国家转向中国和俄罗斯求援。
        The question is whether that will be enough, in a region that shares many of the risk factors that made India so vulnerable: densely populated cities, heavy air pollution, fragile health care systems and large populations of poor workers who must weigh the threat of the virus against the possibility of starvation.        问题是这样做是否足够,这个地区同样拥有许多令印度如此脆弱的风险因素:人口稠密的城市、严重的空气污染、脆弱的医疗体系,以及大量的贫困工人,他们必须在病毒的威胁和挨饿的可能性之间做出权衡。
        Though the countries’ outbreaks can’t all be linked to India, officials across the region have expressed growing dread over how easily their fates could follow that of their neighbor.        尽管这些国家的疫情不可能都与印度有关,但该地区的官员们越来越担心,他们的命运可能会很快紧随这个邻国。
        “I feel like it’s a world war situation,” said Dr. Rajan Pandey, a physician in Banke, a Nepali district along the India border, who said he was turning away 30 patients asking for hospital beds every day.        “我感觉就像世界大战一样,”在尼泊尔与印度接壤的班克县,内科医生拉詹·潘迪(Rajan Pandey)说。他表示,自己每天都要拒绝30名要求住院的病人。
        “If lockdown was enforced two weeks ago, borders were closed and migrant workers returning from India were quarantined better, this situation could have been avoided,” he said.        “如果两周前就实施封锁,关闭边境,对从印度返回的移民工人更好地实施隔离,这种情况本来可以避免,”他说。
        As is, he added, “we are still waiting for the worst.”        如今,他说,“最坏的情况还没有到来。”
        Nepal shows most clearly how the crisis has rippled. After an initial wave last year, cases in the Himalayan nation of 30 million had plunged by January. Residents gathered for Nepali New Year celebrations last month, and hundreds of thousands of migrant workers returned to India, where they go each year in search of jobs.        尼泊尔的经历最清楚地显示了这场危机是如何蔓延的。经历了去年的第一波疫情,到今年1月,在这个拥有3000万人口的喜马拉雅国家,病例已经大幅下降。上个月,民众聚集在一起庆祝尼泊尔新年,成千上万移民工人返回印度,他们每年都会去那里找工作。
        But as the new surge began raging across India, many of those workers returned across the porous, 1,100-mile border. With them came the virus.        但随着新的疫情在印度各地肆虐,许多打工人越过漏洞百出、长达1100英里的边境线返回尼泊尔。他们带来了病毒。
        In the border district of Kanchanpur, more than 1,500 Nepalis come back from India each day. About one-fifth of them test positive, said Ram Kumar Mahato, the chief district officer there.        在边界地区坎昌普尔,每天有1500多名尼泊尔人从印度回国。这里的地方官拉姆·库马尔·马哈托(Ram Kumar Mahato)说,大约五分之一的人检测结果呈阳性。
        In Banke, as many as 9,000 workers returned last week, said Rajesh Saru Magar, a UNICEF worker. Only about 20 percent are being tested because of a lack of capacity, Mr. Magar said. Of those, 30 percent were positive.        联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)工作人员拉杰什·萨鲁·马加尔(Rajesh Saru Magar)说,在班克,上周有多达9000名打工者返回。马加尔表示,由于检测能力不足,只有大约20%的人接受了检测。其中30%的人呈阳性。
        Yet even now, Nepal’s government has closed only 22 of its 35 border checkpoints, a decision that officials have said is necessary to ensure that citizens can return. Until late April, Nepal also allowed passengers from India to transit through the capital, Kathmandu, a possible loophole for those seeking to get around other countries’ bans on travel from India.        然而,即便是现在,尼泊尔政府也只关闭了35个边境检查站中的22个。官员们表示,为了确保公民能够返回,这一决定是必要的。直到4月底,尼泊尔还允许来自印度的乘客在首都加德满都过境,对于试图绕过其他国家对印旅行禁令的人来说,这可能是一个漏洞。
        Now, Nepal is recording as many as 9,000 infections per day, with more than 40 percent of tests coming back positive. More than 4,200 people had died by Wednesday evening. Experts say the cases are likely being undercounted.        现在,尼泊尔每天录得感染病例多达9000例,超过40%的检测结果呈阳性。截至周三晚间,已有4200多人死亡。专家表示,病例数可能被低估了。
        Still, imported cases are not the only reason for the crisis engulfing Nepal.        不过,输入病例并不是危机席卷尼泊尔的唯一原因。
        As in India, the government did not expand health facilities when coronavirus cases appeared to be under control last year, and it was slow to enforce social distancing restrictions when it became clear that they were not.        与印度一样,在去年新冠病毒病例似乎得到控制的时候,政府没有扩大医疗设施;后来在病例已经明显失控的时候,政府迟迟没有执行社交距离限制。
        Critics have pointed to huge, maskless rallies in India hosted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi even as infections rose. Likewise, both the ruling and opposition parties in Nepal held large political gatherings after the prime minister dissolved Parliament in December.        批评人士指出,在感染人数上升之际,印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)在印度举行了大规模的无口罩集会。同样,在去年12月总理解散议会后,尼泊尔的执政党和反对党都举行了大型政治集会。
        “Because of this, the virus reached every corner of the country,” said Dr. Krishna Prasad Paudel, the director of the epidemiology and disease control division at Nepal’s health ministry.        “正因如此,病毒传播到了这个国家的每一个角落,”尼泊尔卫生部流行病学和疾病控制司司长克里希纳·普拉萨德·保德尔(Krishna Prasad Paudel)博士说。
        Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli told CNN on Saturday that Nepal’s situation was “under control” but acknowledged that “political instability” had led to “some mistakes.” On Monday night, Mr. Oli lost a vote of no confidence in Parliament, throwing Nepal into further turmoil.        总理卡·普·夏尔马·奥利(K.P. Sharma Oli)周六对CNN表示,尼泊尔的局势已“得到控制”,但承认“政治动荡”导致了“一些错误”。星期一晚上,奥利在议会未能通过信任投票,使尼泊尔进一步陷入动荡。
        Aid workers have warned that the parallels between Nepal and India may continue, as hospitals turn all but the most critically ill patients away. With medical oxygen supplies running short, as they did in India, Nepal’s government has imposed quotas for each hospital, which doctors say are far from adequate. Reports of patients dying from insufficient oxygen have spread.        救援人员警告,由于医院会将所有非危重症患者拒之门外,尼泊尔和印度之间的相似之处可能会持续下去。和印度一样,尼泊尔也存在氧气供应短缺的问题,政府已为每家医院实施了配额,医生说这还远远不够。病人死于缺氧的报道已广为流传。
        “What is happening in India right now is a horrifying preview of Nepal’s future if we cannot contain this latest Covid surge,” Dr. Netra Prasad Timsina, the chairwoman of the Nepal Red Cross, said in a statement last week.        尼泊尔红十字会主席内塔拉·普拉萨德·蒂姆西纳(Netra Prasad Timsina)博士上周在一份声明中说:“如果我们不能遏制最新一轮的新冠病毒病例激增,印度的可怕现状就是尼泊尔未来的预演。”
        Vaccines are unlikely to help immediately. Nepal paid for two million doses from India’s Serum Institute, the world’s largest producer of vaccines. But as India’s crisis has escalated, its government has essentially halted exports, leaving Nepal a million doses short.        疫苗不太可能立即起到作用。尼泊尔从世界最大的疫苗生产国印度血清研究所(India’s Serum Institute)购买了200万剂。但是随着印度危机的升级,印度政府基本上停止了出口,使尼泊尔出现了100万剂的短缺。
        India’s pause has also scrambled vaccination plans in Bangladesh. Late last month, the authorities there announced that they would temporarily stop accepting new registrations for shots after supplies from the Serum Institute were cut off.        印度暂停出口也扰乱了孟加拉国的疫苗接种计划。上个月下旬,孟加拉国当局宣布,在血清研究所的供应被切断后,他们将暂时停止接受新的接种申请。
        Now, Bangladesh is short roughly 1.5 million of the doses it needs to administer second shots, let alone first ones. It has turned to China and Russia for new supplies.        现在,孟加拉国缺少大约150万剂疫苗进行第二针的接种,更不用说第一剂了。它已经向中国和俄罗斯寻求新的供应。
        Despite the shortfall, Bangladesh has otherwise fared better than many of its neighbors. Numbers have dropped rapidly since an April surge, even though Bangladesh, like India, has many crowded slums and impoverished laborers who continued to work through lockdowns.        尽管存在短缺,但孟加拉国的情况比其许多邻国要好。自从4月的激增以来,病例数迅速下降,虽然它与印度一样,有许多拥挤的贫民窟,贫困的劳动者在封锁的过程中仍继续工作。
        Still, officials warn that its luck may not hold. On Saturday, the authorities announced that they had detected Bangladesh’s first case of a variant that was first discovered in India.        不过,官员们警告,这种运气可能不会持续下去。上周六,当局宣布已在孟加拉国发现首例最初在印度发现的变种。
        “If India’s present Covid-19 infection and death situation happens in Bangladesh, our situation will be like falling trees during a heavy storm,” Anwarul Iqbal, a Bangladeshi public health expert, said.        孟加拉国公共卫生专家安瓦鲁勒·伊克巴尔(Anwarul Iqbal)表示:“如果印度目前的新冠感染和死亡情况发生在孟加拉国,那么我们的情况将像是在暴风雨中倒下的树木。”
        Cases are also rising along Bhutan’s border with India, even though the country of about 750,000 has at least partially vaccinated 95 percent of its eligible population. Bhutan last month suspended entry for foreign workers, after experts cited concerns about laborers coming from India.        在不丹与印度接壤的边境地区,病例也在增长,尽管这个约有75万人口的国家为其95%的符合条件的人口提供了至少部分疫苗接种。在专家表示对印度劳工的担忧之后,不丹上个月暂停了外国劳工的入境。
        The border between Pakistan and India was closed even before the pandemic because of political tensions. But in Pakistan, too, cases are rising. Asad Umar, the official leading its coronavirus response, cited the fact that “the entire region is exploding with cases and deaths” to explain new lockdowns.        由于政治关系紧张,巴基斯坦和印度之间的边界在疫情之前就已经关闭。但是在巴基斯坦,病例也在增加。领导新冠疫情应对的官员阿萨德·乌玛(Asad Umar)在解释新的封锁措施时,理由说的是“整个地区都在暴发病例和死亡”。
        Even in countries where a spring surge has not been directly linked to the Indian outbreak, the ripple effects have created fresh pain.        即使在一些国家,春季疫情的激增与印度疫情没有直接关系,涟漪效应也带来了新的痛苦。
        Experts have attributed Sri Lanka’s new wave, which has brought its highest daily numbers yet, to domestic holiday travel last month. But the crisis in India led to the suspension of travel between the two countries, dashing hopes that a planned air travel bubble would revive Sri Lanka’s flailing tourism industry. In 2019, India was the country’s largest source of tourists, accounting for nearly one-fifth of arrivals.        专家们将斯里兰卡的新一轮疫情归因于上个月的国内假期旅行,这轮疫情带来了迄今最高的新增病例数。人们本来曾寄希望于斯印两国的“旅行泡泡”(疫情期间有限制地互相开放旅游的政策),重振斯里兰卡举步维艰的旅游业,但是印度的危机导致两国之间的旅行暂停,希望破灭。2019年,印度是该国最大的游客来源地,占入境人数的近五分之一。
        Nipuna Lokuhetty, a director of a tour company that mostly serves Indian tourists, has seen just a handful of visitors this year. Mr. Lokuhetty, 32, who lives in Rajagiriya, a Colombo suburb, said he had laid off 70 percent of his employees since the start of the pandemic. The salaries of those remaining were cut at least in half.        尼普纳·洛库赫蒂(Nipuna Lokuhetty)是一家旅游公司的负责人,该公司主要为印度游客提供服务,但今年只接待了很少的游客。现年32岁的洛库赫蒂住在科伦坡郊区拉贾吉利亚,他说自疫情开始以来,他解雇了70%的员工。剩下的职员薪水至少降了一半。
        “The travel bubble was a great initiative,” he said. “Unfortunately, we couldn’t reap any benefits from it because of the Covid-19 situation in India.”        “旅行泡泡是一个很棒的倡议,”他说。“不幸的是,由于印度的新冠疫情,我们无法从中获得任何好处。”
        In Nepal, as staggering as the new numbers are, experts have said the surge will likely take more than a month to peak. Nepal’s health care system is even more strained than India’s; when the government released its coronavirus response plan last May, it estimated that local facilities would be insufficient if there were more than 5,000 active cases at once. Now there are more than 100,000.        在尼泊尔,与新数字一样惊人的是,专家们表示,这一轮感染可能还要一个多月才能达到顶峰。尼泊尔的医疗体系承受的压力比印度的更大。政府在去年5月发布其新冠疫情应对计划时估计,当活跃病例超过5000例时,当地医疗设施将不足以应对。而现在的病例数超过10万。
        For many Nepalis, anger and sorrow have mixed with utter helplessness.        对于许多尼泊尔人来说,愤怒和悲伤与彻底的无助交织在一起。
        Pramod Pathak, a businessman in the border district of Kailali, has watched in anxiety and sorrow as migrant workers returned from India. They have crowded every day into overwhelmed testing centers, or — for the many for whom there are no tests — simply crammed into shared cars and returned to their villages.        凯拉利边境地区的商人普拉莫特·帕塔克(Pramod Pathak)焦虑又悲伤地看着农民工从印度返回。他们每天都挤进不堪重负的检测中心,或者——对于许多得不到检测的人——只能挤在共同乘坐的汽车里,然后回到自己的村庄。
        “The virus is transmitting as they travel in jam-packed vehicles,” Mr. Pathak said. “There’s no safety for them no matter where they go — be it India or Nepal.”        “病毒在拥挤的交通工具上传播,”帕塔克说。“无论他们走到哪里,无论是印度还是尼泊尔,都没有安全可言。”

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