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Long Before Divorce, Bill Gates Had Reputation for Questionable Behavior

来源:纽约时报    2021-05-18 09:52

        By the time Melinda French Gates decided to end her 27-year marriage, her husband was known globally as a software pioneer, a billionaire and a leading philanthropist.
        在梅琳达·弗兰奇·盖茨(Melinda French Gates)决定结束她27年之久的婚姻时,她的丈夫已是全球闻名的软件先驱、亿万富翁和首屈一指的慈善家。
        But in some circles, Bill Gates had also developed a reputation for questionable conduct in work-related settings. That is attracting new scrutiny amid the breakup of one of the world’s richest, most powerful couples.
        但是在某些圈子里,比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)还因在工作环境中存在可疑举止而出名。在这对举世最具财富与权力的夫妇的离婚案中,这一点引起了人们新的审视。
        In 2018, Ms. French Gates wasn’t satisfied with her husband’s handling of a previously undisclosed sexual harassment claim against his longtime money manager, according to two people familiar with the matter. After Mr. Gates moved to settle the matter confidentially, Ms. French Gates insisted on an outside investigation. The money manager, Michael Larson, remains in his job.
        两名知情人士说,2018年,她的丈夫对一位长期理财经理被指性骚扰的问题做出的处理,让弗兰奇·盖茨感到不满,该指控先前未被披露。比尔·盖茨提出私下和解后,弗兰奇·盖茨坚持进行外部调查。理财经理迈克尔·拉森(Michael Larson)仍任原职。
        On at least a few occasions, Mr. Gates pursued women who worked for him at Microsoft and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, according to people with direct knowledge of his overtures.
        据对他的示好有直接了解的知情人士说,至少有几次,比尔·盖茨对在微软(Microsoft)以及比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)为他工作的女性展开过追求。
        In 2019, Microsoft’s board of directors, on which Mr. Gates sat, opened an investigation into one of those cases after being notified that he had “sought to initiate an intimate relationship with a company employee in the year 2000,” Frank X. Shaw, a Microsoft spokesman, said on Sunday. The board hired a law firm to investigate. The following year, Mr. Gates stepped down from Microsoft’s board. The Wall Street Journal reported the 2000 incident and the board’s investigation.
        比尔·盖茨所在的微软董事会在2019年对其中一例展开了调查。微软发言人弗兰克·X·肖(Frank X. Shaw)周日表示,此前董事会被告知他“在2000年曾试图与公司雇员建立亲密关系”。董事会聘请了一家律师事务所进行调查。次年,比尔·盖茨辞去了微软董事会的职务。《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)报道了2000年的事件以及董事会的调查结果。
        “There was an affair almost 20 years ago which ended amicably,” said Bridgitt Arnold, a spokeswoman for Mr. Gates. “Gates’s decision to transition off the board was in no way related to this matter.”
        “这是大约20年前发生的事情,最终以友好的方式结束了,”比尔·盖茨的发言人布里奇特·阿诺德(Bridgitt Arnold)说。“盖茨做出退出董事会的决定与这件事没有任何关系。”
        And then there was Jeffrey Epstein, whom Mr. Gates got to know beginning in 2011, three years after Mr. Epstein, who faced accusations of sex trafficking of girls, pleaded guilty to soliciting prostitution from a minor. Ms. French Gates had expressed discomfort with her husband spending time with the sex offender, but Mr. Gates continued doing so, according to people who were at or briefed on gatherings with the two men.
        然后是杰弗里·爱泼斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein),比尔·盖茨从2011年起就认识了他。三年后,面对被指控贩卖女孩的爱泼斯坦承认犯有教唆未成年人卖淫罪。据参与过两人聚会或知情的人说,弗兰奇·盖茨对丈夫与该性犯罪者的往来表示不满,但比尔·盖茨仍继续这样做。
        So, in October 2019, when the relationship between Mr. Gates and Mr. Epstein burst into public view, Ms. French Gates was unhappy. She hired divorce lawyers, setting in motion a process that culminated this month with the announcement that their marriage was ending.
        It is not clear how much Ms. French Gates knew about her husband’s behavior or to what degree it contributed to their split.
        The announcement of their divorce has brought attention to a marriage whose dissolution has large social and financial implications. Multiple people said that during their marriage, Mr. Gates engaged in work-related behavior that they said was inappropriate for a person at the helm of a major publicly traded company and one of the world’s most influential philanthropies.
        Ms. Arnold disputed the characterization of his conduct and the couple’s divorce.
        “It is extremely disappointing that there have been so many untruths published about the cause, the circumstances and the timeline of Bill Gates’s divorce,” Ms. Arnold said.
        “Your characterization of his meetings with Epstein and others about philanthropy is inaccurate, including who participated,” she continued. “Similarly, any claim that Gates spoke of his marriage or Melinda in a disparaging manner is false. The claim of mistreatment of employees is also false. The rumors and speculation surrounding Gates’s divorce are becoming increasingly absurd, and it’s unfortunate that people who have little to no knowledge of the situation are being characterized as ‘sources.’”
        Long after they married in 1994, Mr. Gates would on occasion pursue women in the office.
        In 2006, for example, he attended a presentation by a female Microsoft employee. Mr. Gates, who at the time was the company’s chairman, left the meeting and immediately emailed the woman to ask her out to dinner, according to two people familiar with the exchange.
        “If this makes you uncomfortable, pretend it never happened,” Mr. Gates wrote in an email, according to a person who read it to The New York Times.
        The woman was indeed uncomfortable, the two people said. She decided to pretend it had never happened.
        A year or two later, Mr. Gates was on a trip to New York on behalf of the Gates Foundation. He was traveling with a woman who worked for the foundation. Standing with her at a cocktail party, Mr. Gates lowered his voice and said: “I want to see you. Will you have dinner with me?” according to the woman.
        The woman, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because she did not want the public attention associated with describing an unwanted advance, said she felt uncomfortable but laughed to avoid responding.
        Even so, Mr. Gates’s actions ran counter to the agenda of female empowerment that Ms. French Gates was promoting on a global stage. On Oct. 2, 2019, for example, she said she would spend $1 billion promoting “women’s power and influence in the United States.”
        “Even though most women now work full-time (or more), we still shoulder the majority of caregiving responsibilities; we face pervasive sexual harassment and discrimination; we are surrounded by biased and stereotypical representations that perpetuate harmful gender norms,” she wrote in a column in Time magazine announcing the pledge.
        In meetings at the foundation, Mr. Gates made sure his voice was dominant and could be dismissive toward Ms. French Gates, causing some foundation employees to cringe, according to people who attended foundation meetings with the Gateses.
        In 2017, the couple confronted a sexual harassment allegation against a close associate.
        For nearly 30 years, Mr. Larson had served as Mr. Gates’s money manager, earning solid returns on the Gateses’ and the foundation’s combined $174 billion investment portfolio through a secretive operation called Cascade Investment. Cascade owned assets like stocks, bonds, hotels and vast tracts of farmland, and it also put the Gateses’ money in other investment vehicles. One was a venture capital firm called Rally Capital, which is in the same building that Cascade occupies in Kirkland, Wash.
        拉尔森担任盖茨的基金经理近30年之久,通过一个名为瀑布投资(Cascade Investment)的神秘项目,为盖茨夫妇和盖茨基金会总计1740亿美元的资产组合带来稳定收益。瀑布投资拥有的资产包括股票、债券、酒店和大片农田,还将盖茨夫妇的钱放到了其他投资方手里。其中之一就是名为众集资本(Rally Capital)的风险投资公司,它与瀑布投资的地址都在华盛顿州柯克兰市的同一栋大楼里。
        Rally Capital had an ownership stake in a nearby bicycle shop. In 2017, the woman who managed the bike shop hired a lawyer, who wrote a letter to Mr. Gates and Ms. French Gates.
        The letter said that Mr. Larson had been sexually harassing the manager of the bike shop, according to three people familiar with the claim. The letter said the woman had tried to handle the situation on her own, without success, and she asked the Gateses for help. If they didn’t resolve the situation, the letter said, she might pursue legal action.
        The woman reached a settlement in 2018 in which she signed a nondisclosure agreement in exchange for a payment, the three people said.
        While Mr. Gates thought that brought the matter to an end, Ms. French Gates was not satisfied with the outcome, two of the people said. She called for a law firm to conduct an independent review of the woman’s allegations, and of Cascade’s culture. Mr. Larson was put on leave while the investigation was underway, but he was eventually reinstated. (It is unclear whether the investigation exonerated Mr. Larson.) He remains in charge of Cascade.
        A spokesman for Mr. Larson had no comment.
        About a year after the settlement — and less than two weeks after Ms. French Gates’s column in Time — The Times published an article detailing Mr. Gates’s relationship with Mr. Epstein. The article reported that the two men had spent time together on multiple occasions, flying on Mr. Epstein’s private jet and attending a late-night gathering at his Manhattan townhouse. “His lifestyle is very different and kind of intriguing although it would not work for me,” Mr. Gates emailed colleagues in 2011, after he first met Mr. Epstein.
        (Ms. Arnold, the spokeswoman for Mr. Gates, said at the time that he regretted the relationship with Mr. Epstein. She said that Mr. Gates had been unaware that the plane belonged to Mr. Epstein and that Mr. Gates had been referring to the unique décor of Mr. Epstein’s home.)
        The Times article included details about Mr. Gates’s interactions with Mr. Epstein that Ms. French Gates had not previously known, according to people familiar with the matter. Soon after its publication she began consulting with divorce lawyers and other advisers who would help the couple divide their assets, one of the people said. The Wall Street Journal previously reported the timing of her lawyers’ hiring.
        The revelations in The Times were especially upsetting to Ms. French Gates because she had previously voiced her discomfort with her husband associating with Mr. Epstein, who died by suicide in federal custody in 2019, shortly after being charged with sex trafficking of girls. Ms. French Gates expressed her unease in the fall of 2013 after she and Mr. Gates had dinner with Mr. Epstein at his townhouse, according to people briefed on the dinner and its aftermath. (The incident was reported earlier by The Daily Beast.)
        时报的爆料令弗兰奇·盖茨尤其气愤,因为她已经对丈夫与爱泼斯坦的关系表示过不安。在被控安排女孩卖淫后不久,爱泼斯坦于2019年在联邦拘押期间自杀身亡。2013年秋,弗兰奇·盖茨与盖茨曾到爱泼斯坦的联排别墅共进晚餐,据了解晚宴内情及后果的人士透露,她之后就表达了自己的不安。(《每日野兽》[The Daily Beast]早些时候报道了此事。)
        For years, Mr. Gates continued to go to dinners and meetings at Mr. Epstein’s home, where Mr. Epstein usually surrounded himself with young and attractive women, said two people who were there and two others who were told about the gatherings.
        Ms. Arnold said Mr. Gates never socialized or attended parties with Mr. Epstein, and she denied that young and attractive women participated at their meetings. “Bill only met with Epstein to discuss philanthropy,” Ms. Arnold said.

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