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Gaza War Deepens a Long-Running Humanitarian Crisis

来源:纽约时报    2021-05-19 02:59

        GAZA CITY — The nine-day battle between Hamas militants and the Israeli military has damaged 17 hospitals and clinics in Gaza, wrecked its only coronavirus test laboratory, sent fetid wastewater into its streets and broke water pipes serving at least 800,000 people, setting off a humanitarian crisis that is touching nearly every civilian in the crowded enclave of about two million people.        加沙城——哈马斯武装分子和以色列军方为期九天的战斗已摧毁加沙的17家医院和诊所,摧毁了该市唯一的新冠病毒检测实验室,导致恶臭的污水流进街道,破坏了为至少80万人服务的水管,引发一场人道主义危机,在这块拥有约200万人口的拥挤飞地,几乎每个平民都受到影响。
        Sewage systems inside Gaza have been destroyed. A desalination plant that helped provide fresh water to 250,000 people in the territory is offline. Dozens of schools have been damaged or closed, forcing some 600,000 students to miss classes. Some 72,000 Gazans have been forced to flee their homes. And at least 212 Palestinians have been killed, including dozens of children.        加沙内部的污水处理系统已被摧毁。曾为该市25万人提供淡水的一家海水淡化厂已经停工。数十所学校受损或关闭,迫使约60万学生停课。大约7.2万名加沙人被迫逃离家园。至少212名巴勒斯坦人遇难,其中包括数十名儿童。
        The level of destruction and loss of life in Gaza has underlined the humanitarian challenge in the enclave, already suffering under the weight of an indefinite blockade by Israel and Egypt even before the latest conflict.        加沙承受的经济和生命损失之严重,凸显了这块飞地面临的人道主义挑战,甚至在最近的冲突之前,这里就已在以色列和埃及无限期封锁的重压下遭受苦难。
        As the crisis deepened there were increasing international demands for a cease-fire on Tuesday.        随着危机的加深,周二,国际社会要求停火的呼声越来越高。
        President Biden, who had publicly supported Israel’s right to defend itself, privately warned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel that he could not deter growing pressure from the international community and American politicians for much longer, according to two people familiar with the call. The private message hinted at a time limit on Mr. Biden’s ability to provide diplomatic cover for Israel’s actions.        据两名知情人士透露,曾公开支持以色列自卫权利的拜登总统私下警告以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu),他无法再阻止来自国际社会和美国政界人士日益增长的压力。这则私下的信息暗示,拜登为以色列的行动提供外交掩护的能力是有时间限制的。
        And all but one member of the European Union, Hungary, called for an immediate cease-fire in an emergency meeting on Tuesday. They backed a statement that condemned rocket attacks by Hamas and supported Israel’s right to self-defense but also cautioned that it had “to be done in a proportional manner and respecting international humanitarian law,’’ according to the bloc’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell Fontelles.        周二,除匈牙利外,其他欧盟成员国都在紧急会议上呼吁立即停火。欧盟外交政策负责人何塞普·博雷尔·方特莱斯(Josep Borrell Fontelles)说,他们支持一份声明,谴责哈马斯的火箭弹袭击,支持以色列的自卫权,但也警告说,以色列的自卫必须“以适当的方式进行,并尊重国际人道主义法”。
        Israel and Hamas were locked in cease-fire negotiations mediated by Egypt, Qatar and the United Nations, but no progress was reported Tuesday as Israeli airplanes continued to pound Gaza with missiles, and Hamas and its Islamist affiliates fired rockets into Israel.        以色列和哈马斯在埃及、卡塔尔和联合国调解下的停火谈判陷入僵局,据报道,谈判在周二没有取得任何进展。以色列飞机继续用导弹对加沙实施打击,哈马斯及其伊斯兰附属组织继续向以色列发射火箭弹。
        At least 12 Israeli residents have been killed in the conflict; the latest were two Thai citizens who were hit by a rocket strike Tuesday afternoon at a food-packing site, the Israeli police said.        以色列警方称,至少有12名以色列居民在冲突中丧生;最近的一次是在周二下午,两名泰国公民在一个食品包装场所遭火箭弹袭击丧生。
        Inside Israel and the occupied territories, Palestinians held one of the largest collective protests in living memory. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians went on general strike in Gaza, the West Bank and within Israel, protesting the Gaza war, the Israeli occupation, discrimination and violence against Palestinian citizens of Israel, and the expulsions of Palestinians from their homes in Jerusalem.        在以色列和被占领土内,巴勒斯坦人举行了有史以来最大的集体抗议活动之一。数十万巴勒斯坦人在加沙、约旦河西岸和以色列境内举行大罢工,抗议加沙战争、以色列的占领、对以色列境内巴勒斯坦公民的歧视和暴力,以及将巴勒斯坦人驱逐出他们在耶路撒冷的家园。
        The demonstrations began peacefully but led to clashes in some places in the West Bank Outside Ramallah, a group of Palestinians who had gathered separately from the protesters set fires on a major thoroughfare and later exchanged gunfire with Israeli soldiers, officials said. Three Palestinians were killed.        官员们说,示威活动以和平方式开始,但在拉马拉外约旦河西岸的一些地方引发了冲突。一群与抗议者无关的巴勒斯坦人在一条主要道路上放火,后来又与以色列士兵交火。三名巴勒斯坦人被打死。
        Rocket fire from Palestinian militants has also harmed Israeli infrastructure, damaging a gas pipeline and pausing operations at a gas rig and at two major Israeli airports.        巴勒斯坦武装分子发射的火箭弹也损害了以色列的基础设施,破坏了一条天然气管道,并导致一个天然气钻井平台和以色列两个主要机场暂时关闭。
        But the damage was incomparable to that in Gaza.        但是这与加沙遭受的破坏无法相提并论。
        Until Monday evening, Al Rimal health clinic in central Gaza City housed Gaza’s only coronavirus test laboratory. Doctors and nurses there administered hundreds of vaccinations, prescriptions and screenings a day to more than 3,000 patients.        直到周一晚上,加沙市中心的利马尔卫生所还设有加沙唯一的新冠病毒检测实验室。那里的医生和护士每天为3000多名患者进行数百次疫苗接种、开具处方和筛查。
        But on Monday night an Israeli airstrike hit the street outside, sending shrapnel into the clinic, shattering windows, shredding doors, furniture and computers, caking rooms in debris and wrecking the virus lab.        但在周一晚上,以色列的一次空袭击中了外面的街道,弹片射入诊所,打碎了门窗、家具和电脑,房间被瓦砾覆盖,病毒实验室遭到摧毁。
        Vaccinations were canceled and doctors’ appointments were postponed. The pharmacy was shut, and medicine deliveries paused.        疫苗接种被取消,医生预约被推迟。药店关闭,药品运输也被暂停。
        More than 1,000 Gazans have been wounded in the Israeli offensive, so the damage to hospitals and clinics was especially dangerous.        超过1000名加沙人在以色列的进攻中受伤,因此医院和诊所遭到破坏格外危险。
        “During times of war people need more treatment than usual,” Mohammed Abu Samaan, a senior administrator at the clinic, said Tuesday. “Now we can’t give people medicine.”        “战争时期,人们需要比平时更多的治疗,”周二,该诊所的高级管理人员穆罕默德·阿布·萨曼(Mohammed Abu Samaan)说。“现在我们无法给人们提供药品。”
        The humanitarian situation in Gaza was already dire before the war. Unemployment hovered around 50 percent. The Israeli and Egyptian governments control what comes in and out of the strip, as well as most of its electricity and fuel. Israel also controls Gaza’s birth registry, airspace, maritime access and cellular data, and restricts Palestinian access to farmland beside the strip’s perimeter.        加沙的人道主义状况在战前就已经很糟糕了。失业率徘徊在50%左右。以色列和埃及政府控制着该地带的人员进出,以及大部分的电力和燃料。以色列还控制着加沙的出生登记、领空、海上通道和手机数据,并限制巴勒斯坦人进入该地带周边的农田。
        A spokesman for the Israeli Army, Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, did not deny Israel’s airstrikes had caused damage to civilian infrastructure, but he said Israeli military leaders did their best to avoid it.        以色列陆军发言人乔纳森·康里克斯中校(Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus)没有否认以色列的空袭对民用基础设施造成了破坏,但他说,以色列军方领导人已尽力避免这种情况。
        “Obviously, yes, health care facilities, mosques, schools, water facilities and the like are all marked in our system as sensitive infrastructure that must not be targeted and affected by our fire,” he said. “Obviously we take precautions.”        “当然,是的,医疗设施、清真寺、学校、供水设施等在我们的系统中都被标记为敏感的基础设施,不得成为我们的火力目标或受其影响,”他说。“我们当然会小心行事”
        The high civilian death toll and damage to civilian infrastructure have raised questions about Israel’s adherence to the international laws of war, which bar the targeting of purely civilian sites and limit acceptable collateral damage to that which is proportionate to any military advantage.        平民的大量死亡和民用基础设施的破坏令人们质疑以色列是否遵守国际战争法,该法律禁止以纯粹的民用场所为目标,并将可接受的附带损害限制在与军事优势相称的比例。
        But, said William Schabas, an international law professor and former chairman of a United Nations commission that investigated allegations of Israeli war crimes in Gaza in 2014, “Proportionality is a subjective notion.”        但是,国际法学教授,调查以色列战争犯罪指控的联合国加沙冲突问题调查委员会前主席威廉·沙巴斯(William Schabas)表示,“比例是一个主观的概念。”
        Hamas fighters operate from an extensive network of tunnels under Gaza. As Israeli warplanes drop bombs aimed at destroying that network, it is the people caught between who suffer the most calamitous losses.        哈马斯战斗人员在遍布于加沙地带的地道网络中行动。当以色列战机投掷炸弹以摧毁该网络时,遭受最大的灾难性损失的是被卷入的人。
        Hamas, which has fired more than 3,000 rockets at Israeli cities and towns, is clearly committing war crimes, legal experts say, though its weapons are far less effective and their toll far lower.        法律专家说,哈马斯已经向以色列城镇发射了3000多枚火箭弹,显然在犯下战争罪,尽管其武器的效力和杀伤力远低于对手。
        In southern Israel, schools within range of Hamas’ rocket fire have been closed and many families have left the border areas. The constant wailing of sirens warning of incoming rocket fire punctuate daily life in Israel, particularly in the south, sending Israelis repeatedly running to shelters.        在以色列南部,哈马斯火箭弹射击范围内的学校已经关闭,许多家庭离开了边界地区。不断响起的警报声和火箭弹即将来临的警告打断了以色列特别是在南部的日常生活,使以色列人屡次奔赴避难所。
        But the Hamas attacks also seem to be contributing to the humanitarian crisis within Gaza.        但是,哈马斯的袭击似乎也加剧了加沙境内的人道主义危机。
        On Tuesday, as a convoy of 24 trucks carrying much-needed international aid from Israel tried to enter Gaza they came under mortar fire from Palestinian militants, according to Israeli and United Nations officials. Only five of the trucks got through the crossing before the rest were turned back.        据以色列和联合国官员说,周二,从以色列运送急需的国际援助物资的24辆卡车试图进入加沙地带,遭到巴勒斯坦激进分子的迫击炮袭击。只有五辆卡车通过了闸口,其余被迫转回。
        The trucks contained medical equipment, animal feed and fuel tanks for the use of international organizations in Gaza, Israeli officials said.        以色列官员说,这些卡车装有医疗设备、动物饲料和油箱,供国际组织在加沙使用。
        Since 2007, Hamas has engaged in three major conflicts with Israel and several smaller skirmishes. After each eruption of violence, Gaza’s infrastructure was left in shambles.        自2007年以来,哈马斯与以色列爆发了三场大冲突,另外还有几次小规模冲突。每一次都会导致加沙的基础设施成为废墟。
        The wars and the blockade, according to a report last year by the United Nations, have left Gaza with “the world’s highest unemployment rate” and more than half of its population living below the poverty line.        根据联合国去年的一份报告,战争和封锁使加沙成为“世界上失业率最高”的地区,加沙超过一半的人口生活在贫困线以下。
        By Monday, Israeli bombs had destroyed 132 residential buildings and rendered 316 housing units uninhabitable, according to Gaza’s Housing Ministry.        据加沙住房部称,截止周一,以色列炸弹摧毁了132座住宅楼,导致316个住宅单位无法居住。
        One airstrike essentially destroyed the Hala al Shawa clinic in northern Gaza which also provides primary health-care services and vaccinations, while another damaged four ambulances nearby, the Health Ministry said.        卫生部说,一次空袭基本上摧毁了加沙北部的哈拉沙瓦卫生中心,该中心还提供基本保健服务和疫苗接种,另一次空袭破坏了附近的四辆救护车。
        The blast from a third airstrike broke windows in operating rooms, forcing the clinic to transfer surgery patients to other hospitals, said Abdelsalam Sabah, the ministry’s hospitals director. A separate airstrike caused some structural damage to the nearby Indonesian hospital, he added. A piece of shrapnel flew into the emergency room at the Gaza Eye Hospital, nearly wounding a nurse, he said.        国防部医院主任阿卜杜勒萨兰·萨巴(Abdelsalam Sabah)说,第三次空袭炸毁了手术室的窗户,迫使诊所将手术患者转移到其他医院。他还说,另一次空袭对附近的印度尼西亚医院造成了一些结构性破坏。他说,一块弹片飞进了加沙眼科医院的急诊室,差点伤了一名护士。
        The strike on Al Rimal clinic in Gaza City also damaged the administrative offices of the Hamas-run Health Ministry, said Dr. Majdi Dhair, director of the ministry’s preventive medicine department.        国防部预防医学部主任马吉迪·德海尔(Majdi Dhair)说,对加沙利马尔卫生所的空袭还破坏了哈马斯下辖卫生部的行政办公室。
        One ministry employee was hospitalized and in serious condition after shrapnel struck him in the head, Dr. Dhair said in a phone interview on Tuesday.        德海尔在周二的电话采访中说,一名部方雇员在被弹片击中头部后被送往医院,伤势严重。
        “This attack was barbaric,” he said. “There’s no way to justify it.”        “这是一次野蛮的袭击,”他说。“没有任何理由可以开脱。”

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