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Hong Kong Pushes ‘Fake News’ Label as Media Face ‘Worst of Times’

来源:纽约时报    2021-05-07 10:22

        HONG KONG — The glossy pamphlet from the police, delivered to newsrooms in Hong Kong, declared: “Know the Facts: Rumors and Lies Can Never Be Right.” With it was a letter addressed to editors, decrying the “wicked and slanderous attacks” against the police.        香港——警方已将一份题为《认清事实——谣言谎话真不了》的精美小册子发送到香港所有的新闻编辑部,同时还有一封谴责针对警方“恶意抹黑”的致编辑信。
        The 12-page magazine, distributed Wednesday to news outlets including The New York Times, described the police’s efforts to push back against misinformation. In one instance, the department countered rumors that officers had attended a banquet with gang members, saying the police had held their own private dinner. In another, it accused a local TV station of smearing the police in a parody show.        这份本周三送到包括《纽约时报》在内的新闻机构的12页警声特刊描述了警方反击虚假信息的努力。例如,警方驳斥了警官与黑帮成员一起参加宴会的谣言,称那是警官自己举办的私人晚餐。在另一个例子中,警方指责当地一家电视台在一个滑稽模仿节目中诽谤警员。
        “Fake news is highly destructive,” read one graphic carrying the hashtag #youarewhatyousend.        “假新闻破坏力强,”一张带有#youarewhatyousend标签的图片写道。
        Officials in Hong Kong are increasingly seizing on the label of “fake news,” a common authoritarian refrain. The city’s leader, Carrie Lam, said on Wednesday that the government was looking at laws to tackle “misinformation, hatred and lies.” The city’s police chief has said a fake-news law would help fight threats to national security.        香港的官员们正在越来越多地利用威权政体经常挂在嘴边的“假新闻”标签。香港领导人林郑月娥周三说,政府正在研究针对“虚假信息、仇恨和谎言”的法律。香港警务处处长说,假新闻法将有助于打击针对国家安全的威胁。
        The rhetoric is raising fears among activists that the label could be used as a new tool to muzzle dissent.        这些言论已引起了活动人士的担忧,他们担心“假新闻”的标签可能被用作压制异见的新工具。
        The authorities have moved swiftly to quash the opposition in Hong Kong since antigovernment protests engulfed the city in 2019, using a sweeping national security law to arrest most of the city’s leading opposition figures. On Thursday, a court sentenced a prominent activist, Joshua Wong, to another ten months in prison, on top of previous sentences for unauthorized assembly of 17 and a half months.        2019年的反政府抗议活动席卷香港后,当局已迅速采取行动镇压香港的反对派,以违反涉及广泛的国家安全法为由逮捕了当地大多数主要的反对派人士。周四,一家法院再次判处知名活动人士黄之锋10个月监禁,他已因未经授权集会被判处17个半月监禁,正在服刑。
        The city’s traditionally unfettered news media, known for coverage that has been critical of the establishment, has been under attack for months. The national security law, which calls for increased regulation of the media, has given the police and local officials powerful tools to constrain the press, but they are seeking more.        曾以批评建制派报道著称、传统上不受约束的香港新闻媒体,近几个月来一直受到攻击。港区国安法要求加强对媒体的监管,已赋予警方和地方官员束缚媒体的强有力工具,但他们仍在寻求更多的工具。
        Mrs. Lam, the city’s chief executive, has said that the government was exploring legislation to curb fake news, which she said spread online during the protests and the pandemic.        香港行政长官林郑月娥说,政府正在研究遏制假新闻的立法。她说,假新闻在抗议活动和疫情期间在网上流传。
        “We have seen the internet, especially social media, flooded with doxxing, hateful and discriminatory remarks and fake news,” she said in remarks to lawmakers in February. Mrs. Lam has said that the proposed legislation had yet to be drafted because the government was still examining how such laws were handled elsewhere.        “政府留意到网络,特别是社交媒体,充斥‘起底’、发表仇恨及歧视性言论、发布假新闻等问题,”她今年2月对立法会议员发表讲话时说。林郑月娥说,尚未起草拟议中的法案,因为政府仍在研究其他地方如何处理这类问题的法案。
        Like elsewhere, fake reports online can sometimes be an issue in Hong Kong. Last year, rumors of shortages drove the hoarding of toilet paper and other supplies. Unsubstantiated reports of deaths in a subway station circulated for months in 2019 after police attacked protesters with pepper spray and batons.        和其他地方一样,在香港,网上的虚假报道有时也会成为一个问题。去年,有关短缺的传言导致人们囤积卫生纸和其他用品。2019年,警方用胡椒喷雾和警棍袭击抗议者后,有关一个地铁站发生了死亡的未经证实的报道曾流传了好几个月。
        In Asia, countries such as Cambodia, Singapore and Malaysia have passed laws in recent years to curb fake news. While those governments have described the legislation as important to prevent falsehoods leading to threats to public safety and national security, critics say they have been used to stifle dissent.        柬埔寨、新加坡和马来西亚等亚洲国家已在最近几年通过了遏制假新闻的法律。虽然这些国家的政府称,有关立法对防止虚假言论危害公共安全和国家安全非常重要,但批评人士说,这些法律被用来压制异见。
        In Hong Kong, media freedom organizations said they were worried that such a law would be used to target critical coverage, putting further pressure on the city’s embattled news outlets.        香港倡导新闻自由的组织说,他们担心该立法会被用来针对批评性的报道,向已经陷入困境的香港新闻机构进一步施压。
        “There is no doubt it is the worst of times,” said Chris Yeung, the chairman of the Hong Kong Journalists Association. Mr. Yeung said that the government’s push against what it called fake news was an attempt to avoid accountability for public discontent.        “毫无疑问,现在是最糟糕的时候,”香港记者协会主席杨健兴说。他表示,政府对其称为“假新闻”的报道发起进攻,是试图逃避不满公众的问责。
        “They will also try to redefine the 2019 protests as something that happened because of misleading information, not because of wrong decisions by the chief executive,” police misconduct or failed policies, he said.        “他们还将努力把2019年的抗议活动重新定义为由于误导性信息,而不是行政长官的错误决定所导致的事件,”他说。
        Hong Kong’s chief of police, Chris Tang, has warned that the police would investigate news outlets deemed to be endangering national security.        香港警务处处长邓炳强警告,警方将调查被视为危害国家安全的新闻媒体。
        “Agents of foreign forces disseminate fake news and disinformation to drive a wedge in the community, cause division in society and to incite violence,” Mr. Tang told lawmakers last month. He singled out Apple Daily, a pro-democracy news outlet, for criticism, accusing it of “inciting hatred” in its coverage of schoolchildren attending a national security event hosted by the police in April.        “不少外部势力利用在香港的代理人,用‘假新闻’、‘假消息’的方法,来分化社会、制造矛盾,”邓炳强上个月对立法会议员们说。他点名批评了支持民主的新闻媒体《苹果日报》,指责该报在关于小学生参加警方今年4月举办的一场国家安全活动的报道中“煽动仇恨”。
        The newspaper had run on its front page photos showing the children playing with toy guns at a police exhibition, alongside images of police officers attacking protesters in a subway station in 2019. “There was a lot of smearing targeting schoolchildren,” Mr. Tang said.        该报在头版刊登了儿童在一个警方活动上玩玩具枪的照片,旁边是2019年警察在地铁站袭击抗议者的照片。“有很多针对学童的抹黑,”邓炳强说。
        The police have long complained about Apple Daily’s coverage. The department says it has sent more than 100 letters to the newspaper seeking corrections and clarifications. The newspaper’s problems extend all the way to its founder, Jimmy Lai, who is serving a 14-month prison sentence for protesting in 2019, and is accused of fraud and colluding with a foreign country.        香港警方长期以来对《苹果日报》的报道颇有微词。香港警务处说,他们已向该报发出100多封要求更正和澄清的信函。《苹果日报》的问题一直牵涉其创始人黎智英,他已因2019年的抗议活动被判14个月监禁,目前正在服刑,他还被指控欺诈和与外国串通。
        The police have also bristled at coverage by RTHK, a government-funded public broadcaster with a tradition of independent coverage. The police complained about a parody program that portrayed officers as trash, with an actor portraying an officer in a garbage can.        警方也对香港电台的报道感到愤怒。香港电台是一家政府资助的公共广播机构,有着独立报道的传统。警方抱怨一个将警察描绘成垃圾的恶搞节目,其中有一名演员扮演的警察住在垃圾桶里。
        The government has moved to rein the broadcaster in, replacing its top editor with a civil servant with no journalism experience in February. Under the new leadership the broadcaster has cut two radio programs known for sharp political commentary and added a new show hosted by Mrs. Lam, the city’s leader, discussing an electoral overhaul imposed by Beijing that critics say would cripple the opposition.        政府已采取行动对这家广播机构加强了管理,今年2月将其高级编辑换为一名没有新闻工作经验的公务员。在新领导层的领导下,香港电台已砍掉了两个以尖锐政治评论著称的广播节目,增加了一个由香港领导人林郑月娥主持的、讨论北京对香港选举制度进行改革的新节目。批评人士说,选举制度改革将削弱反对派。
        The broadcaster was also at the center of a closely watched court case last month in which a former freelance producer for RTHK was convicted of making false statements to obtain public records for a report that was critical of the police. The journalist, Choy Yuk-ling, used the records for a documentary that examined how the police were slow to respond to an attack by a mob on protesters at a train station in 2019.        上个月,香港电台成了一起受密切关注的法庭案件的中心,一名曾为电台工作的自由制片人在该案中被判有罪,罪名是在制作一篇批评警方的报道时,为获取公开记录做了虚假陈述。这位名叫蔡玉玲的记者在一部审视警方对2019年一群暴徒在火车站袭击抗议者时反应迟缓的纪录片中使用了这些记录。
        On Thursday, Ms. Choy’s documentary was honored in Hong Kong with a human rights award. “Chasing the smallest clues, interrogating the powerful without fear or favor,” wrote the judging panel, which called it an “investigative reporting classic.”        周四,蔡玉玲制作的纪录片在香港获得了一项人权奖。“追寻最微小的线索,毫无畏惧或偏袒地质问有权有势的人,”评委会写道,并把这部纪录片称为“调查报道的经典之作”。
        The broadcaster has said that it would not accept the award.        香港电台已表示不接受该奖。

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