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Blinken Jousts With China and Russia in U.N. Meeting

来源:纽约时报    2021-05-10 10:23

        Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, meeting with counterparts from China and Russia on Friday, said that the United States would “push back forcefully” against breakers of international rules, even as he acknowledged his own country’s violations under the Trump administration.        美国国务卿安东尼·J·布林肯(Antony J. Blinken)上周五与中国和俄罗斯的同行会晤时说,美国将对违反国际规则的行为做出“强有力的回应”,同时他承认美国在特朗普政府时期有违反国际规则的行为。
        Mr. Blinken’s counterparts, Foreign Ministers Wang Yi of China and Sergey V. Lavrov of Russia, took their own diplomatic swipes at the United States, accusing it of hypocrisy and of defining international rules in terms designed to assert Western dominance in the world.        布林肯的同行——中国外交部长王毅和俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·V·拉夫罗夫(Sergey V. Lavrov)——分别对美国进行了外交上的抨击,指责美国虚伪,用旨在维护西方对世界主导地位的方式来定义国际规则。
        The exchanges came at a United Nations Security Council meeting, convened by China and held virtually via videoconference link, on the theme of multilateral cooperation against the pandemic, global warming and other common threats.        这些争论发生在中国主持的联合国安理会一次视频会议上,这次会议的主题是开展多边合作,以应对疫情、全球变暖等共同威胁。
        It was in some ways a rematch between Mr. Blinken and Mr. Wang, who was part of a top Chinese delegation that brusquely lectured the United States at a meeting in Alaska two months ago. That unscripted confrontation was regarded heroically in China, where the government has stoked rising anti-Americanism and nationalism.        在某种意义上,这是布林肯与王毅之间的再次较量。两个月前,王毅作为中国一个高级代表团的成员,在阿拉斯加的一次会议上对美国进行了不客气的批评。中国将那次脱稿对峙视为一种英雄行为,中国政府已在国内煽动起日益高涨的反美情绪和民族主义。
        Although the terms and tone used in the Friday meeting were more diplomatic, the differences were stark in the world views espoused by Mr. Blinken and his counterparts. Those differences suggested that the gridlock among the big powers of the Security Council would not ease anytime soon.        尽管上周五会议上使用的措辞和语气更为外交,但布林肯与同行们支持的世界观存在明显分歧。这些分歧意味着,安理会大国之间的僵局不会很快得到缓解。
        The session was held the same week that Mr. Blinken, meeting with the foreign ministers of the Group of 7 nations in Britain, emphasized what he described as the importance of “defending democratic values and open societies” — a signal of the Biden administration’s intent to challenge China and Russia on human rights, disinformation and other issues that had been de-emphasized or ignored by the administration of President Donald J. Trump.        在安理会举行会议的同一周,布林肯在英国与七国集团的外交部长们见面,强调了他所说的“捍卫民主价值观和开放社会”的重要性——这是拜登政府决心在人权、虚假信息,以及特朗普政府曾经淡化或忽视的其他问题上,对中国和俄罗斯发起挑战的信号。
        In another clear signal from the Biden administration, Mr. Blinken also visited Ukraine, where he pledged support for its fight against a Russian-backed insurgency that has claimed 13,000 lives since 2014.        作为来自拜登政府的另一个明确信号是,布林肯还访问了乌克兰,他在那里承诺支持乌克兰反对俄罗斯支持的叛乱。自2014年以来,这场叛乱已夺走了1.3万人的生命。
        Mr. Blinken asserted in his Security Council remarks that the United Nations remained a critical force for good in the world, responsible since its founding at the end of World War II for the most peaceful and prosperous era in modern history, but was now under severe threat.        布林肯在安理会的讲话中坚称,联合国仍是世界上维持道义的一个重要力量,联合国自“二战”结束后成立以来,一直承担着维持现代历史上最和平、最繁荣时代的责任,但现在它正面临着严重的威胁。
        “Nationalism is resurgent, repression is rising, rivalries among countries are deepening — and attacks against the rules-based order are intensifying,” Mr. Blinken said. “Some question whether multilateral cooperation is still possible. The United States believes it is not only possible, but imperative.”        “民族主义再度流行,镇压正在上升,国家之间的对抗正在加深——对基于规则的秩序的攻击正在加剧,”布林肯说。“有些人怀疑多边合作是否仍有可能。美国认为多边合作不仅有可能,而且势在必行。”
        Mr. Blinken said the United States would work with any country on the global threats presented by the coronavirus and climate change, “including those with whom we have serious differences.”        布林肯说,美国在应对新冠病毒和气候变化带来的全球威胁上会与任何国家合作,“包括那些与我们存在严重分歧的国家”。
        At the same time, he said, in a clear warning to China and Russia, that the United State would “push back forcefully when we see countries undermine the international order, pretend that the rules we’ve all agreed to don’t exist, or simply violate them at will.”        他同时也向中国和俄罗斯发出了明确警告,他说,“当我们看到一些国家破坏国际秩序,假装我们大家都同意的规则不存在或随意违反它们时,美国会做出强有力的回应。”
        He did not lay out any new positions but clearly sought to emphasize that the Biden administration was committed to reversing the foreign-policy legacy of Mr. Trump, who frequently disparaged the United Nations and led the United States down what critics called a destructive, unilateral path.        他没有提出任何新立场,但显然在寻求强化拜登政府致力于扭转特朗普外交政策遗产的决心。特朗普经常贬低联合国,并带领美国走上了批评者称之为破坏性的单边道路。
        “I know that some of our actions in recent years have undermined the rules-based order and led others to question whether we are still committed to it,” Mr. Blinken said. “Rather than take our word for it, we ask the world to judge our commitment by our actions.”        “我知道,近年来我们的一些行为破坏了基于规则的秩序,引起了他人对我们是否仍致力于遵守规则的质疑,”布林肯说。“我们要让世界不只是看我们怎么说,也要通过我们的行动来判断我们的承诺。”
        He enumerated how the Biden administration had rejoined the Paris climate accord, halted Mr. Trump’s withdrawal from the World Health Organization and was seeking to rejoin the U.N. Human Rights Council.        他列举了拜登政府重新加入巴黎气候协定、停止了特朗普退出世界卫生组织的决定,以及寻求重新加入联合国人权理事会的例子。
        “We’re also taking steps, with great humility, to address the inequities and injustices in our own democracy,” he said. “We do so openly and transparently, for people around the world to see. Even when it’s ugly. Even when it’s painful.”        “我们也正在采取步骤,以非常谦卑的态度,解决我们自己民主制度中的不平等和不公正,”他说。“我们公开、透明地解决这些问题,让世界各地的人都能看到。尽管这是家丑。尽管这样做很痛苦。”
        Mr. Wang, whose country holds the rotating Security Council presidency for May, sought to depict China as a responsible global citizen that adhered to international law. Without mentioning the United States by name, he chided countries that he said had defined international rules as a “patent or privilege of the few.”        中国是今年5月的安理会轮值主席国,王毅试图将中国描绘为遵守国际法、负责任的全球公民。他没有提美国的名字,而是指责了他所说的将国际规则定义为“少数人的专利或特权”的某些国家。
        He also declared that “no country should expect other countries to lose,” reflecting a Chinese accusation that the United States is seeking to suppress China’s ascendance — an accusation that Mr. Blinken and others have denied.        他还宣称,“任何国家都不该指望其他国家输”,反映了中国对美国试图遏制中国崛起的指控。布林肯和其他人否认这个指责。
        Mr. Lavrov was more direct in his criticisms of the United States and its allies, describing Mr. Blinken’s references to a “rules-based order” as a guise for Western efforts to repress other countries.        拉夫罗夫在批评美国及其盟友时更为直接,他把布林肯所说的“基于规则的秩序”描述为西方打压其他国家的幌子。
        He was especially critical of the economic sanctions that the United States and European Union have imposed on Russia and others they disagree with, which Mr. Lavrov said were designed to “take opponents out of the game.”        他尤其批评了美国和欧盟对俄罗斯和其他与欧美意见不一致的国家实施经济制裁的做法。拉夫罗夫说,这些制裁的目的是“毁掉游戏中的对手”。

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