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Was That a Giant Cat? Leopards Escape, and a Zoo Keeps Silent (at First).

来源:纽约时报    2021-05-11 10:18

        For a zoo to let a leopard escape is worrisome. To lose three of them and fail to warn residents for more than two weeks seems something else altogether.        对一家动物园来说,让一只豹子出逃令人担心。让三只出逃,而且在之后的两周多里不警告民众,这似乎完全是另一回事了。
        A safari park near the city of Hangzhou in eastern China is facing an onslaught of questions after it achieved that dubious feat, belatedly admitting late last week that three of its leopards had somehow absconded into the nearby hills.        中国东部城市杭州附近的野生动物世界在实现了这一“壮举”后,正面临着蜂拥而至的质疑。上周晚些时候,杭州野生动物世界姗姗来迟地承认,园中的三只豹子已不知为何逃进了附近的山丘。
        By Monday, searchers had found two of the big cats, and teams with dogs, drones and dart guns were looking for the third. They brought in 90 live chickens as bait to lure out the missing one.        截至周一,搜索人员已经找到了其中两只金钱豹,带着狗、无人机和麻醉枪的搜索小组仍在寻找第三只。为了引诱在逃的豹子,他们还带了90只活鸡作诱饵。
        A search for answers was also underway. The government put a senior manager of the zoo under criminal investigation, and officials promised an inquiry. Many Chinese people wondered how the Hangzhou Safari Park could lose several wildcats and hold back the news for so long.        寻找答案的工作也在进行中。政府已对动物世界的一名高级经理进行刑事立案,官员承诺将展开调查。许多中国人想知道,杭州野生动物世界怎么能在走失了几只豹子后隐瞒了这么久。
        The safari park and the government were vague at first about when the leopards escaped, but Hangzhou officials said at a news conference on Monday that they had fled on April 19 when two caretakers cleaning their enclosure violated “operational rules” — apparently by leaving doors open.        野生动物世界和政府最初对豹子出逃的时间含糊不清,但杭州市官员在周一的新闻发布会上说,豹子是4月19日逃逸的,原因是两名饲养人员在打扫围场时违反了“操作流程”——显然是没把门关上。
        The park’s explanation for keeping the news to itself while it secretly searched: It did not want to frighten the neighbors.        杭州野生动物世界在秘密搜捕的同时对消息保密的解释是:不想让周围居民受惊。
        “Taking into account that the escaped young leopards were not very aggressive, and worried that disclosing the matter would trigger panic, we did not promptly disclose the news,” the safari park said in a statement on Saturday after the local government confirmed the escape and warned residents to be on guard.        “考虑到出逃的未成年金钱豹攻击性较弱,担心事件公布会引起恐慌,未及时公布有关信息,”野生动物世界上周六在一份声明中说,声明是在当地政府确认豹子出逃并警告居民提高警惕后发布的。
        The Chinese internet has been agog with updates and discussion about the missing leopards. Many people were not impressed by the park’s explanation and had questions about the government’s actions, the frantic search and the well-being of the leopards that were hunted down. Leopards are an endangered species, and are found in the wild across remnant patches of western China.        中国互联网上关于失踪豹子的最新信息和讨论沸沸扬扬。许多人对野生动物世界的解释不以为然,并对政府的行动、手忙脚乱的搜索和被搜捕的豹子的健康有所质疑。金钱豹是一种濒危物种,在中国西部残存的野外仍能找到。
        “The ‘leopard hiding’ affair has exposed gaps in management that warrant more scrutiny and reflection,” Chinese Central Television News opined in an online article.        “这起‘瞒豹’事件暴露出的管理漏洞更值得我们追问和深思,”央视新闻在一篇网上评论中写道。
        Chen Fang, the owner of a rural leisure lodge in the area of the search, said in a telephone interview, “The zoo should have notified us earlier.”        位于搜索区域内的农家乐主人陈芳(音)在电话采访中说,“动物世界应该早点通知我们。”
        “If you say you worried about triggering public panic, wouldn’t someone panic if they ran into a leopard on the city outskirts?” one person wrote on Weibo, the popular Chinese social media platform.        “如果说担心引起市民恐慌,那请问市民哪天在郊外偶遇豹子了就不恐慌了?”有人在中国流行的社交媒体平台微博上写道。
        Zoos have become popular tourist destinations in China, and there have been attacks involving visitors stepping out of their cars in drive-through animal parks.        在中国,野生动物园已成为了热门的旅游目的地。曾经发生过在开车参观的野生动物园里,游客从车里下来后受攻击的事情。
        Online, many people voiced sympathy for the escaped leopards, citing signs that they had been hunted down and possibly mauled by tracker dogs.        许多人在网上对出逃的豹子表示同情,称有迹象表明它们被追踪犬追捕,可能还被咬伤。
        Residents have described spotting the animals for at least a week before the zoo and the local authorities revealed that they had escaped, according to Chinese news reports.        据中国的新闻报道,在动物园和地方当局透露豹子已出逃至少一周前,当地居民就曾报警他们看到过这种动物。
        Zhu Caifeng, a tea farmer, said he had spotted one in a field in early May. “At first I thought it was some kind of cat, but when I looked more closely, the dimensions weren’t right,” he told The Shanghai Observer. “This was much bigger than a cat.”        一位名叫祝财丰的茶农说,他5月初时在地里看见过一只豹子。“我最先以为是猫呀之类的,但是仔细一看,尺寸不对,”他对《上观新闻》说。“这东西比猫大多了。”
        Mr. Zhu was alarmed but kept his cool. He used his phone to snap a picture of the creature gazing at him quizzically among the tea plants. But he was too busy with farm work to overthink encountering an exotic wildcat. After it walked off, he said, he kept working in his fields.        祝财丰有点害怕,但他保持了冷静。他用手机拍下了这只动物从茶树间疑惑地凝视他的照片。但他正忙着干农活,无暇过多地考虑遇到一只奇异野猫的事情。他说,豹子走开后,他继续在自己的地里干活。
        Mr. Zhu later made another sighting of a leopard, but friends in the village advised him not to report it to the authorities in case that brought “unnecessary hassles and interfered with work,” he said.        祝财丰后来又一次看见了豹子,但村里的朋友们建议他不要向当局报告,以免“带来不必要的麻烦,到时候连干活都耽误了”,他说。
        A day later, the thought of a leopard attacking someone led him to change his mind, and he shared his picture on WeChat, the Chinese social media service, and soon the area was abuzz. Nearby villages went on guard.        一天后,想到豹子可能袭击人,他改变了主意,在中国的社交媒体服务微信上分享了他的照片,这件事很快成了该地区的热议话题。附近的村子开始提高警惕。
        Mr. Zhu declined to be interviewed, adding that he had been overwhelmed by journalists’ calls.        祝财丰拒绝接受采访,说记者的电话已令他应接不暇。
        “Online many have praised me for swiftly raising the alarm,” he told The Shanghai Observer. “But there are also people who accused me of making a mountain out of a molehill.”        “现在网络上赞扬我发现豹子及时发声的人不少,”他在接受《上观新闻》采访时说。“也有人说我大惊小怪。”
        Yet even after the sightings grew and residents called the police, managers at the Hangzhou Safari Park — and maybe the local authorities — appeared to have hoped to deal with the missing cats quietly during China’s May Day vacation. The park did not immediately answer calls seeking comment on Monday.        然而,即使在看见豹子的次数增多、民众报警之后,杭州野生动物世界的管理人员——也许还有地方当局——似乎仍希望在中国的五一长假期间悄声地处理豹子走失的事情。杭州野生动物世界周一没有马上回复寻求置评的电话。
        Chinese news reports have said that when asked by journalists, the park initially denied that any leopards were missing. It announced on Saturday that it was closing temporarily to deal with unspecified “safety issues.”        中国的新闻报道称,当记者问及此事时,杭州野生动物世界最初曾否认有豹子出逃。公园上周六宣布,为了处理未明确说明的“安全问题”,暂停开放。
        Later that day, the government of Fuyang District, the site of the park, disclosed that the three leopards had gone missing and that one was still at large; the park then issued its apologetic admission. Since then, search teams have swarmed the lush hills on the edge of Hangzhou.        当天晚些时候,野生动物世界所在的富阳区政府透露,共有三只豹子出逃,一只仍在逃;野生动物世界随后发了那份道歉声明。那以后,搜索队纷纷涌进了杭州周边郁郁葱葱的山丘。
        So far, there have been no reports of injuries from the leopards, and the safari park and some experts said the shy, youngish cats were unlikely to attack people.        到目前为止,还没有豹子伤人的报道。野生动物世界和一些专家说,这种怕生的尚未成年的豹子不太可能攻击人类。
        Still, Chinese news sites offered advice about what to do if you run into a stray leopard.        尽管如此,中国的新闻网站仍提供了一些建议,告诉你如果遇到一只走失的豹子该怎么办。
        “Don’t look them straight in the eye,” one article said. “Whatever you do, don’t panic,” said another. If attacked, it added, consider as a last resort ramming your fist down the leopard’s throat. “That’s the only chance of saving your life.”        “不要和它们目光对视,”一篇文章写道。“千万不要惊慌,”另一篇写道,并补充说,如果受到攻击,最不得已的一招是用手臂堵住豹子的呼吸道。“只有这样才能有一线生还的可能。”

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