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A Glass Bridge. Gale-Force Winds. A Moment of Terror High in the Air.

来源:纽约时报    2021-05-12 11:29

        A man who ventured out on a glass-bottom bridge in China’s northeast was left clinging to the side for dear life after gale-force winds blew away some floor panels, leaving gaping holes in the structure hundreds of feet above the ground, local officials said.        强风导致中国东北部一座玻璃栈道的几块玻璃地板掉落,在距离地面数百英尺的高空形成缺口,当地官员称,一名走在玻璃栈道上的男子紧紧抓住栏杆保命。
        The episode occurred on Saturday at Piyan Mountain in Longjing, China, state media said, citing the city government. It spurred a frantic attempt to rescue the man, whom the authorities did not identify. He inched his way to safety, helped or coaxed — news accounts varied — by a rescue crew. A photo of what state media said was the moment of terror went viral.        官方媒体援引政府的话说,这一事件周六发生在中国的龙井市琵岩山风景区。它引发了一场紧张的救援,当局未透露该男子姓名。在一名救援人员的帮助或引导下(新闻报道说法不一),他缓慢地爬到安全的地方。一张被官方媒体称为恐怖时刻的照片在网上迅速传播。
        The harrowing episode left many people in China deeply rattled, spurring discussions about what could have been a nightmarish ending and raising questions about the safety of many of the country’s glass bridges, walkways and viewing decks.        这一令人后怕的事件使许多中国人深感不安,引发了可能发生的噩梦般结局的讨论,并让人们对中国许多玻璃栈道、人行走道和观景台的安全性提出质疑。
        “This is exactly why I dare not step on a bridge like that,” one tourist identified as Wadetian wrote on Weibo, the Chinese social media site. “I broke out in a cold sweat just looking at it,” another user said.        “这就是为什么我不敢走这样的桥,”名为瓦德天的用户在微博上写道。另一名用户写道:“这光看着就冒冷汗。”
        The construction of glass-bottomed bridges has boomed in China in recent years, as part of a rush for hair-raising attractions that capitalize on the notion of construction that blends almost invisibly into the natural environment. The attractions have been swarmed in recent weeks by visitors as coronavirus fears have eased.        近年来,中国各地争相在景点添设这种惊心动魄的体验,修建玻璃栈道热便是其中之一,背后的建筑理念是,这样的结构可以几乎完美地融入自然环境。由于人们对新冠病毒的恐惧有所缓解,最近几周来,这些景点迎来了大量游客。
        By some estimates, there are about 2,300 such bridges across the country. The longest, completed last year, stretches more than 1,700 feet across a gorge and rises over 650 feet in the air. One has a built-in swaying effect intended to take away the breaths of those who dare traverse it. Another is designed so that it seems and sounds as if it is cracking.        据估计,全国大约有2300座这样的玻璃桥。最长的于去年完成,它横跨峡谷,桥长超过526米,距离地面超过200米。有一座桥为了让敢于过桥的人感受惊险刺激,自带摇摆效果。另一个经过特别设计,无论是视觉上还是听觉上都似乎在断裂。
        The Piyan Mountain bridge, which overlooks a bend in the Hailan River, is 100 meters high (about 330 feet). Up to 1,500 people have crossed at a time, and the bridge is advertised as offering an experience akin to “hanging above a bottomless chasm.”        琵岩山的这座玻璃栈道俯瞰海兰江的一个拐弯处,高达100米。最多一次1500人同时过桥,该桥被宣传为提供一种类似于“悬在无底洞之上”的体验。
        According to state media reports, around 12:45 p.m. Saturday, winds of up to 90 miles per hour tore through the picturesque tourist site, blowing out parts of the glass deck and trapping the man, described as a tourist.        据官方媒体报道,周六中午12:45左右,这个风景如画的旅游景点刮起了高达每小时145公里的大风,吹掉了桥上部分玻璃地板,困住了这名据称为游客的男性。
        Rescue workers were called to the scene. But after about 35 minutes, the reports said, he crawled to safety and was transferred to hospital for a psychiatric assessment.        救援人员赶到现场。据报道,大约35分钟后,他爬到了安全的地方,被送往医院接受心理疏导。
        The man was later released after his emotional and physical health “stabilized,” The Jilin Daily, the official provincial newspaper, reported, adding that the site of the accident had since been closed while inspectors checked for hazards.        该男子在情绪及身体情况“稳定”后已出院。官方报纸《吉林日报》报道说,事故发生后,景区已关闭,工作人员正在排查安全隐患。
        In 2019, one person died and six others were injured after they flew off a glass slide in Guangxi in China’s south, leading the Chinese province of Hebei to close all 32 of its glass attractions. Another person died in a similar accident in 2017.        2019年,在中国南部的广西省,七名游客从玻璃滑道滑下时发生事故,造成一死六伤,导致河北省关闭了该省全部32个玻璃结构的景点。2017年,另一人在一次类似的事故中死亡。
        The previous year, a glass bridge in Zhangjiajie, at that time the world’s longest, was shuttered because of overcrowding after it had been open for less than two weeks. The Piyan mountain bridge was also closed after inspectors found cracks on a glass plate in 2018.        该事件发生前一年,张家界的一座玻璃桥——当时是世界上最长的玻璃桥——开放不到两周后因人满为患而被关闭。2018年,琵岩山玻璃栈道曾在检查人员发现玻璃破碎后被关闭。
        In recent years, the government has attempted to control the rush of glass bridge construction and strengthen safety inspections, and new standards for building the attractions started this month.        近年来,政府试图控制建造玻璃桥的热潮,并加强安全检查,并于本月开始实施景点建设的新标准。

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