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World’s Most Vaccinated Nation Is Spooked by Covid Spike

来源:纽约时报    2021-05-13 11:09

        Marie Neige, a call center operator in Seychelles, was eager to be vaccinated. Like the majority of the residents in the tiny island nation, she was offered China’s Sinopharm vaccine in March, and was looking forward to the idea of being fully protected in a few weeks.
        在塞舌尔一家电话服务中心工作的玛丽·内芝(Marie Neige)非常想接种疫苗。与这个小岛国的大多数居民一样,她已在今年3月打了中国国药集团的疫苗,正期待着几周后疫苗将提供的充足保护。
        On Sunday, she tested positive for Covid-19.
        “I was shocked,” said Ms. Neige, 30, who is isolating at home. She said she has lost her sense of smell and taste and has a slightly sore throat. “The vaccine was supposed to protect us — not from the virus, but the symptoms,” she said. “I was taking precaution after precaution.”
        China expected its Sinopharm vaccines to be the linchpin of the country’s vaccine diplomacy program — an easily transported dose that would protect not just Chinese citizens but also much of the developing world. In a bid to win good will, China has donated 13.3 million Sinopharm doses to other countries, according to Bridge Beijing, a consultancy that tracks China’s impact on global health.
        Instead, the company, which has made two varieties of Covid-19 vaccines, is facing mounting questions about the inoculations. First, there was the lack of transparency with its late-stage trial data. Now, Seychelles, the world’s most vaccinated nation, has had a surge in cases despite much of its population being inoculated with Sinopharm.
        For the 56 countries counting on the Sinopharm shot to help them halt the pandemic, the news is a setback.
        For months, public health experts had focused on trying to close the access gap between rich and poorer nations. Now, scientists are warning that developing nations that choose to use the Chinese vaccines, with their relatively weaker efficacy rates, could end up lagging behind countries that choose vaccines made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. That gap could allow the pandemic to continue in countries that have fewer resources to fight it.
        “You really need to use high-efficacy vaccines to get that economic benefit because otherwise they’re going to be living with the disease long-term,” said Raina MacIntyre, who heads the biosecurity program at the Kirby Institute of the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. “The choice of vaccine matters.”
        “为了在经济上受益,真的需要使用高效疫苗,否则将不得不与这种疾病长期共存,”澳大利亚悉尼新南威尔士大学(University of New South Wales)柯比研究所(Kirby Institute)生物安全项目负责人雷娜·麦金泰尔(Raina MacIntyre)说。“疫苗的选择很重要。”
        Nowhere have the consequences been clearer than in Seychelles, which relied heavily on a Sinopharm vaccine to inoculate more than 60 percent of its population. The tiny island nation in the Indian Ocean, northeast of Madagascar and with a population of just over 100,000, is battling a surge of the virus and has had to reimpose a lockdown.
        Among the vaccinated population that has had two doses, 57 percent were given Sinopharm, while 43 percent were given AstraZeneca. Thirty-seven percent of new active cases are people who are fully vaccinated, according to the health ministry, which did not say how many people among them had the Sinopharm shot.
        “On the surface of it, that’s an alarming finding,” said Dr. Kim Mulholland, a pediatrician at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne, Australia, who has been involved in the oversight of many vaccine trials, including those for a Covid-19 vaccine.
        “从表面上看,这是一个令人震惊的结果,”澳大利亚墨尔本默多克儿童研究所(Murdoch Children’s Research Institute)的儿科医生金姆·马尔霍兰(Kim Mulholland)说,他参加过许多疫苗临床试验的监管,包括新冠病毒疫苗的临床试验。
        Dr. Mulholland said the initial reports from Seychelles correlate to a 50 percent efficacy rate for the vaccine, instead of the 78.1 percent rate that the company has touted.
        “We would expect in a country where the great majority of the adult population has been vaccinated with an effective vaccine to see the disease melt away,” he said.
        Scientists say breakthrough infections are normal because no vaccine is 100 percent effective. But the experience in Seychelles stands in stark contrast to Israel, which has the second-highest vaccination coverage in the world and has managed to beat back the virus. A study has shown that the Pfizer vaccine that Israel used is 94 percent effective at preventing transmission. On Wednesday, the number of daily new confirmed Covid-19 cases per million people in Seychelles stood at 2,613.38, compared to 5.55 in Israel, according to The World In Data project.
        科学家说,突破性感染是正常的,因为没有一种疫苗是百分之百有效的。但塞舌尔的经历与以色列的形成了鲜明对比,以色列的新冠病毒疫苗接种率在世界上排名第二,已有效地遏制了该病毒。一项研究表明,以色列使用的辉瑞疫苗在预防病毒传播上的有效率为94%。据“用数据看世界”(Our World in Data)项目的统计,本周三,塞舌尔每百万人中的日新增新冠病毒确诊病例为2613.38例,而以色列只有5.55例。
        Wavel Ramkalawan, the president of Seychelles, defended the country’s vaccination program, saying that the Sinopharm and AstraZeneca vaccines have “served our population very well.” He pointed out that the Sinopharm vaccine was given to people age 18 to 60, and in this age group over all, 80 percent of the patients who needed to be hospitalized were not vaccinated.
        塞舌尔总统瓦韦尔·拉姆卡拉旺(Wavel Ramkalawan)为本国的疫苗接种计划进行了辩护,称国药集团和阿斯利康的疫苗“为我们的人民提供了很好的服务”。他指出,国药疫苗的接种对象是18岁至60岁的人群,在这个年龄段的患者中,80%需要住院的人没有接种疫苗。
        “People may be infected, but they are not sick. Only a small number are,” he told the Seychelles News Agency. “So what is happening is normal.”
        Sylvestre Radegonde, the minister for foreign affairs and tourism, said the surge in cases in Seychelles happened in part because people had let their guard down, according to the Seychelles News Agency. Sinopharm did not respond to a request for comment.
        据塞舌尔新闻通讯社报道,塞舌尔外交和旅游部部长西尔韦斯特·拉德贡德(Sylvestre Radegonde)说,塞舌尔病例激增的部分原因是人们放松了警惕。中国国药集团没有回复记者的置评请求。
        In a response to an article from The Wall Street Journal on Seychelles, a spokeswoman for China’s foreign ministry blamed Western media for trying to discredit Chinese vaccines and “harboring the mentality that ‘everything involving China has to be smeared.’”
        中国外交部的一名发言人在回答有关《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)报道的塞舌尔疫情反弹的问题时,指责西方媒体试图抹黑中国疫苗,抱着“‘涉华必黑’的不健康心态”。
        In a news conference, Kate O’Brien, director of immunizations at the World Health Organization, said the agency is evaluating the surge of infections in Seychelles and called the situation “complicated.” Last week, the global health group approved the Sinopharm vaccine for emergency use, raising hopes of an end to a global supply crunch.
        世界卫生组织免疫和疫苗主管凯特·奥布莱恩(Kate O’Brien)在新闻发布会上说,世卫组织正在评估塞舌尔感染病例激增的情况,并称情况“复杂”。上周,世卫组织批准了国药集团的新冠病毒疫苗用于紧急使用,激起了结束全球疫苗供应紧张的希望。
        She said that “some of the cases that are being reported are occurring either soon after a single dose or soon after a second dose or between the first and second doses.”
        According to Ms. O’Brien, the W.H.O. is looking into the strains that are currently circulating in the country, when the cases occurred relative to when somebody received doses and the severity of each case. “Only by doing that kind of evaluation can we make an assessment of whether or not these are vaccine failures,” she said.
        But some scientists say it is increasingly clear that the Sinopharm vaccine does not offer a clear path toward herd immunity, particularly when considering the multiple variants appearing around the world.
        Governments using the Sinopharm vaccine “have to assume a significant failure rate and have to plan accordingly,” said John Moore, a vaccine expert at Cornell University. “You have to alert the public that you will still have a decent chance of getting infected.”
        使用国药集团疫苗的政府“必须假定一个相当高的失败率,并制定相应的计划”,康奈尔大学(Cornell University)的疫苗专家约翰·摩尔(John Moore)说。“政府必须提醒公众,仍有相当大的感染可能。”
        Many in Seychelles say the government has not been forthcoming.
        “My question is: Why did they push everyone to take it?” said Diana Lucas, a 27-year-old waitress who tested positive for Covid-19 on May 10. She said she received her second dose of the Sinopharm vaccine on Feb. 10.
        “我的问题是:为什么他们推动所有的人去打国药疫苗?”27岁的女服务员戴安娜·卢卡斯(Diana Lucas)说,她5月10日的新冠病毒检测呈阳性。她说,她已在2月10日接种了第二剂国药集团的疫苗。
        Emmanuelle Hoareau, 22, a government lawyer, tested positive for Covid-19 on May 6 after getting the second dose of the Sinopharm vaccine in March. “It doesn’t make sense,” she said. She said the government had failed to give the public enough information about the vaccines.
        22岁的艾曼纽·霍阿罗(Emmanuelle Hoareau)是一名政府律师,今年3月接种了第二剂国药疫苗,她5月6日的新冠病毒检测呈阳性。“这让人搞不明白,”她说。她还表示,政府没有向公众提供有关疫苗的足够信息。
        “They are not explaining to the people about the real situation,” she said. “It’s a big deal — a lot of people are getting infected.”
        Ms. Hoareau’s mother, Jacqueline Pillay, is a nurse in a private clinic in Victoria, the capital. She said she believes there is a new variant in Seychelles because of an influx of foreigners who have arrived in recent months. The tourism-dependent country opened its borders on March 25 to most travelers without any quarantine.
        霍阿罗的母亲杰奎琳·皮莱(Jacqueline Pillay)是首都维多利亚一家私人诊所的护士。她说,她认为一种新的变异病毒正在塞舌尔流行,因为近几个月来有大量外国人进入该国。3月25日,这个依赖旅游业的国家向大多数游客开放了边境,而且对来者不进行任何隔离。
        “People are very scared now,” said Ms. Pillay, 58. “When you give people the right information, then people would not speculate.”
        Health officials have recently appeared on television to encourage those who have only taken the first dose of the Sinopharm vaccine to return for the second shot. But Ms. Pillay said she is frustrated that the public health commissioner has not addressed why the vaccines don’t appear to be working as well as they should.
        “I think a lot of people aren’t coming back,” said Ms. Pillay.

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