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The Hardest Languages To Learn For English Speakers

来源:中国日报    2021-05-18 10:31

        Every Chinese word must be memorized separately as you can't guess its pronunciation from the script — but one could say the same of English if you consider plough, dough and tough.每个中文字都需要独立记忆,因为你无法从他们的书写方式中猜出读音——不过英语也差不多,想想plough(/plaʊ/ 犁)、dough(/dəʊ/ 生面团)和tough( /tʌf/ 强硬的)这三个单词。
        There are four tones in Mandarin: high pitch, rising pitch, falling low then rising and falling — and if you think that's difficult, there are nine tones in Cantonese.普通话里有四个声调:即阴平(第一声),阳平(第二声),上声(第三声),去声(第四声)。如果这你就觉得难了,粤语中还有9个声调呢。
        In Mandarin, there is a whole poem, "The Lion-Eating Poet in the Stone Den" with just the syllable "shi" repeated in various intonations.
        A country that's enriched the world with sushi, karaoke and manga, Japan has many devotees, especially among gamers and geeks.作为一个用寿司、卡拉OK和漫画来丰富这个世界的国家,日本拥有许多“粉丝”,尤其是游戏玩家和电脑迷们。
        But they are confronted with an extremely challenging language that uses imported Chinese characters cut off from their original meaning as well as two syllabaries — Hiragana and Katakana (you must learn when to use which).
        What Japanese you speak also depends on your gender. There's a "rough" language for men and a more "ladylike" language for women, but you must understand both.日语怎么说还与你的性别有关。这里分别有一种“粗野”的男性用语和“优雅端庄”的女性用语。但这两种用语你都要理解。
        The direction of reading and the cursive script are the two major hurdles for Arab learners.对阿拉伯语学习者来说,阅读方向和潦草的书写是两大主要的障碍。
        Hidden behind a Cyrillic veil of mystery, it's one of the harder languages to master, so much so that even many Russians speak it incorrectly.作为一门隐藏在斯拉夫字母神秘面纱背后的语言,俄语是较难掌握的语言之一。甚至有许多俄罗斯人都会说错。
        Any literature, music and ballet buff or aspiring astronaut — Russian is a mandatory subject at NASA — should study a language with over 500,000 words (some up to 38 characters long).
        With nouns that are masculine, feminine and neutral, verbs that conjugate heavily and an extremely strict syntax, German may appear insurmountable to start with.德语中的名词的阳、阴、中性,动词复杂的词形变化,以及极其严苛的语法句法可能成为很多初学者望而却步的理由。
        They share many words with English, but it's that common vocabulary that creates "false friends" — words in different languages that look or sound similar, but differ significantly as meanings have drifted with time. 这些语言和英语共用许多词汇,但有时同样的词汇可能也会带来“同形异义词”。不同语言中的词汇可能看起来或听起来相似,但其意思已随着时间的推移发生了巨大的转变。

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