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10 reasons you didn’t get a call back after a job interview (partⅡ)

来源:中国日报    2021-05-14 14:07

        You Spoke Poorly About Your Former Workplace        抱怨之前的工作单位
        Speaking poorly about former employers or managers could be a red flag for recruiters. There is a fine line between providing legitimate reasons for leaving a company — such as a change in leadership — and openly bad-mouthing a former manager or employer.        讲前雇主或前主管的坏话会让考官反感。说明离开上一家公司的正当理由(比如领导层变动)和公开批评前主管或前雇主之间只有一线之差。
        You Pretended To Know About a Topic You Don't Actually Know About        不懂装懂
        It is better to say ‘I’m not familiar with that,’ and then provide examples from their past on their continuous learning, appetite for being trained and engaging with new concepts, etc., than to pretend they know about a subject they don’t. Honesty is the best policy. No one knows it all.        和不懂装懂相比,坦言自己不熟悉某项业务,然后表示自己可以不断学习并举例证明,同时表示愿意接受培训和接触新观念,这样做会更好。诚实才是上策。没有人能无所不知。
        You Didn't Effectively Relate Your Experience to the Needs of the Current Position        你述说的工作经验和这一职位不相关
        You must explain how your previous experience qualifies you for the open position. Interviewees that studied the position’s responsibilities and duties and relate their experience, achievements and answers to the position’s requirements show they are motivated and detail-oriented, most importantly, make it very simple for the interviewer to understand how quickly the interviewee will be able to hit the ground running and positively fulfill the responsibilities of the position.        你必须解释过往的经历如何让你具备了胜任这一职位的资格。深入了解职位的责任义务并在回答考官时将自己的经验、成就与职位相匹配表明这位面试者积极性高且注重细节,最重要的是,让考官很容易就能了解面试者可以多快投入工作和真正履行职责。
        Your Salary Expectations Are Too High        你对薪酬的期待值过高
        If you’ve made it to the point in the interview process when it’s appropriate to discuss salary, be sure your expectations are in line with other salaries for the given role. You may not get a call back if your salary asks are above what the company is willing to pay — even if you’re qualified for the role. If you really need the job, make sure to compromise and be content with the initial offer that they can give you.        如果你到了面试过程中适合讨论薪酬的环节,你要确保你期望的薪酬和从事该职位的其他人的薪酬相一致。如果你要求的薪酬高于公司愿意支付的水平,即使你适合该职位,你也可能收不到回音。如果你真的需要这份工作,一定要做出让步,并接受对方最初提出的薪酬。
        You Are Under- or Overqualified        你的资历不够或资历过高
        You might be beaten to the post by a more qualified applicant. On the other hand, you could be overqualified, causing decision-makers to assume that you will soon move on or demand a higher salary.        你可能被资质更好的应聘者打败。不过,你也可能资历过高,导致决策者认为你很快会跳槽或要求加薪。

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