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来源:中国日报    2021-05-02 08:00

        The interviewer, a very senior technical guy, asked me, "So, do you have any questions for me?"
        I thought about it for a moment and said, "What's the worst thing about working here?"
        He thought about it for a minute, then got up and closed his door, and told me. For like half an hour, in painful detail, getting more agitated as he went. Then he was done, and sent me on my way saying I'd hear back soon.
        The next day I got called back in. Seems that after he talked to me, he went and resigned, and the HR rep asked what happened in our interview.
        After I told them, in detail, I expected to hear nothing further. Instead, the CTO came in to talk to me, and asked if I would be interested in coming aboard to help him fix all the things that seemed to be wrong with the organization (and solve some cool technical problems as well).
        So I did.
        This was a campus interview during my undergrad from a reputed technical institute in India.
        Interviewer: Tell me something about you that we can't get from your resume.
        Me: I'm a very popular person in our class.
        Interviewer: How popular?
        Me: (Without stopping to think for a minute): 8th popular person in class.
        Interviewer: (Little puzzled with the answer) 8th popular?
        Me: Yes. There are 7 girls in our class.
        The interviewer(s) burst into laughter.. I got the job offer.
        CEO & Founder: "So, since you worked at X, you must know Ms Y"
        Me: "Oh, I do know her. Quite a nut case if you ask me".
        (4 managing partners around the table, jaw dropped in awe)
        CEO: "She is the mother of my child."
        Me: "..."
        CEO: "Indeed, she is insane. We split up a few months ago."
        And yes, I got the job.
        At an interview for a tech startup, I was asked, "where do you see yourself in five years?"
        I answered, "in hollywood, making movies."
        I got the job. Three years later, the startup failed. Two years after that, I moved to Hollywood and am now making movies.
        Win, win.

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