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来源:中国日报    2021-05-03 10:18

        Take dementia - a truly horrific mental condition which affects millions of people worldwide. An important topic, for sure, but not necessarily the kind of thing you'd choose to watch a movie about after a hard day at work.
        It's confusing. You wonder if you've missed something. You can't keep track of who's who, or what's what. Names and faces get mixed up. The timeline is unclear.
        But, of course, this is precisely the point of The Father. Anthony's worsening dementia means that he can't get a grasp on what's going on around him.这其实就是《困在时间里的父亲》拍摄的初衷。你跟随的是安东尼的视线,患有痴呆症的安东尼开始搞不清周围都发生了什么。
        导演兼编剧Florian Zeller表示:
        "I wanted The Father to be a bit more than a story, but like an experience, as if you [the viewer] were the one losing your bearings."我希望《困在时间里的父亲》不是一个故事这么简单,它更像是一种体验,观众身临其中,体会(患者)那种不知所措的感觉。
        "It was so powerful, and so simple, so direct, so concise, so compact," he says. "I've been fortunate, in the last few years I've been involved with some wonderful films, but this was really unique."

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