​“能不能把飞机叫回来?” “能!”_OK阅读网
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​“能不能把飞机叫回来?” “能!”
Dozens of people work together to save boy's badly damaged arm

来源:中国日报    2021-05-07 10:55

        The airliner CZ6820 was being guided down the runway on April 30 at the Hotan airport in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region to prepare for its departure.4月30日,新疆和田机场CZ6820号航班准备起飞的过程中,收到指令返回廊桥。
        The boy required surgery within eight hours to save his arm, and in a race against time, crew members and passengers, police, medical workers and many other people joined in to help.男孩需要在8小时之内做手术,这是一场与时间的赛跑。机组成员、乘客、警察、医护人员和其他的很多人都加入了这场紧急救援之中。
        After the orthopedists in the hospital examined the arm, they suggested that as the injury was so severe that the arm would need to be severed and then reattached to properly align the bone fragments, otherwise the child would be disabled for life.医院的骨科医生检查完手臂后,建议由于伤势严重,需要将手臂切断,然后再复位,将骨片正确对齐,否则孩子将终身残疾。
        Soon, the plane stopped, returned to the parking bay and opened its cabin door. The child was lifted on a stretcher onto the plane.很快,飞机停了下来,回到了停车场,打开了舱门。孩子被担架抬上飞机。
        Zhao Yan, the flight's chief steward, said that as the doctors told her that the boy shouldn't fall asleep throughout the journey, she helped the boy to keep a clear mind by playing music. She also used ice cubes to cool down the severed limb.
        "During the flight, some passengers also helped to take care of the boy," she recalled.她回忆说:“在飞行过程中,一些乘客还帮忙照顾男孩。
        It was at 2:10 am on May 1 when the seven-year-old finally arrived at the affiliated TCM hospital of Xinjiang Medical University in Urumqi.5月1日凌晨2点10分,小男孩终于来到了乌鲁木齐新疆医科大学附属中医医院。
        The surgery lasted for more than three hours and was successful.手术持续了三个多小时,很成功。

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