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来源:中国日报    2021-05-09 08:00

        1. Because I said so!
        2. My mom used to scare me with this one: “Put on clean underwear! If you get hit by a bus, all the nurses will see those dirty ones!”. Always wondered which situation would have been worse.
        我妈以前会这么说来吓唬我:“给我穿条干净内裤!不穿的话想想要是你被公交车撞了,护士们就会看到你的脏内裤。” 这估计是最糟糕的状况了吧。
        3. My mom told me: “All you had to do was drink water. Water will be the cure for anything. If your head hurt, if you got a cold, if you are two inches away from dying …”
        4. Have you lost your cotton-picking mind!
        5. If you fall out of that tree and break both legs, don’t come running to me.
        6. I should have swallowed you!
        7. 80% kids will get this one: “Don’t sit too close to the TV, you’ll ruin your eyes!”
        8. You may do whatever you want but not while you are living under my roof.
        9. I was about 9 or 10 when mom told me: “You’d better learn to wipe your butt better or do your own laundry. No woman wants to live with a man who has dirty draws.”
        10. If I can carry you for 9 months, you can carry those groceries from the car to the house.
        11. “I won’t get mad if you just tell me.” That is the biggest lie moms ever say.
        “你早跟我说,我会生气吗?” 这估计是妈妈们最大的谎言。
        12. Why do you still live in my house? You are 35.
        13. Wait until your dad gets home.
        14. Wait until you have children.
        15. “Don’t make me turn this car around!” We all know she’s not going to turn the car around.
        “别逼我掉头打道回府!” 其实我们都知道她不会掉头的。
        16. Mummy’s just having grape juice like you are. (pouring wine into her wineglass)
        17. Don’t you roll your eyes at me! I’ll take you out and make another one who looks just like you.
        18. Mom: What’s my passcode again?
        Me: Same as your phone number.
Mom: What’s my phone number again?
        19. Mom: “Who did this?”
        Me: “I don’t know.”
Mom: “I didn’t ask WHO did it, I am telling you to pick it up!”
        20. “I love my children equally”. And we all know that’s a lie.
        “我对孩子们一视同仁。” 其实我们都知道是假的。
        21. I brought you into this world and I can TAKE YOU OUT.
        22. You better not ever start a fight. But if someone starts one with you, YOU BETTER FINISH IT!”
        23. “You are beautiful and people will love you.” — Where are those people momma?
        “你很漂亮啦,会有人爱你的” —— 老妈,这些人在哪?
        24. If you don’t eat your carrots, you won’t be able to see in the dark.
        25. This isn’t a hotel, you know.
        26. Having to say everything twice, having to say everything twice.
        27. Close the door. We are not cooling the whole neighborhood.
        28. If you don’t clean the gaps between your toes properly, you’ll start growing potatoes out of them.
        29. Dad is a millionaire – in the least worth currency in the world.
        30. You kids are the reason mommy drinks.

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