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It’s Time to Rethink the Olympics

来源:纽约时报    2021-04-13 03:07

        The time has come to press pause and reimagine the Olympics. It might even be time, I’ve come to believe, for the entire endeavor to close down for good.        是时候按下暂停键,对奥运会进行重新构想了。我甚至开始相信,也许是时候让这整件事彻底停止了。
        What say you?        你们觉得呢?
        First, consider the near term.        首先,考虑一下近况。
        In July, yet another wildly overbudget Summer Games, originally slated for 2020 but postponed because of the pandemic, will begin in Tokyo.        今年7月,又一届预算严重超支的夏季奥运会将在东京开幕。这届奥运会原定于2020年举办,但因为疫情而推迟。
        The timing remains awful.        时机依然很糟糕。
        Japan has worked hard to tamp down the coronavirus, but now cases are creeping up, and the nation’s vaccination rate is lagging. Organizers just rerouted the torch relay planned this week to reach the streets of Osaka, where one health official said the spread of new variants had pushed the medical system to “the verge of collapse.”        日本一直在努力遏制新冠病毒,但现在病例正在缓慢上升,疫苗接种率也处于滞后状态。组织方才修改了计划于本周进行的火炬传递的路线,将其移至大阪街头,当地一名卫生官员表示,病毒新变种的传播已将大阪医疗系统推向“崩溃边缘”。
        Into this troubled environment, 11,000 athletes from all corners of the globe will descend, along with coaches, officials, Olympic support staff, media workers and more. The Tokyo Games could end up being a three-week superspreader event that leads to death and illness across Japan and far beyond.        来自世界各地的1.1万名运动员,外加教练、官员、奥运会支持人员、媒体工作者等各路人马就要落进这种问题重重的环境。东京奥运会可能变成为期三周的超级传播事件,导致日本全境乃至更远的地方出现死亡和疾病。
        The Japanese public has grown wise to the health risk. It is also aware of the estimates that show the cost for the Games has swollen to a record $15.4 billion, up $3 billion in the last year alone. Recent surveys show close to 80 percent of Japanese say the Games should be postponed again or canceled.        日本公众已经意识到了健康风险。据估计,奥运会成本已经达到了创纪录的154亿美元,仅去年一年就增加了30亿美元。最近的调查显示,近80%的日本人认为奥运会应该再次推迟或取消。
        Then there are the Winter Games, scheduled for February 2022 in and around Beijing. Anticipation has mostly centered on whether they should be boycotted because China has been repeatedly accused of brutalizing its own people. China denies such claims, but the Biden administration, the Canadian parliament, United Nations officials and up to 180 human rights organizations have said China is engaged in genocide against ethnic Muslim minorities.        然后还有定于2022年2月在北京及其附近举办的冬季奥运会。由于中国不断被指控残酷对待其人民,外界预判主要集中在是否应该抵制冬奥会的问题上。中国否认这种说法,但拜登政府、加拿大议会、联合国官员及多达180个人权组织都表示,中国正在对穆斯林少数民族进行种族灭绝。
        That’s on top of the current Chinese regime’s brutal record of crackdowns on dissent in Hong Kong and Tibet, which its officials have continued to deny.        这还不算当前中国政府残酷镇压香港和西藏异见的残酷记录,其官员对此也继续予以否认。
        What’s the best way to respond?        最佳应对方式是什么?
        Should the Biden administration push an all-out boycott that keeps athletes at home even as a Chinese foreign minister last week warned of a “robust Chinese response”?        拜登政府是否应该发起全面抵制行动,即使中国一位外交司长上周警告称“中方将有力回应”,也要让运动员留在国内?
        Should U.S. corporate sponsors bow out? Should American broadcasters refuse to show China in a favorable light?        美国赞助商应该退出吗?美国转播商应该拒绝对中国进行正面报道吗?
        Do winter athletes go to Beijing while American diplomats steer clear? There are some pundits who believe athletes could send the sharpest signals, by rising in protest on medal podiums, during the opening ceremony or the competitions.        是不是要让冬奥会运动员前往北京,而美国外交官对此避而不谈?一些专家认为,运动员可以通过在领奖台上、开幕式中或比赛期间进行抗议,发出最尖锐的信号。
        But that’s asking a lot of a group shut out of genuine power by the International Olympic Committee, which still has Rule 50 on its books, a bylaw that strictly bans displays of dissent. To go against it is to risk being barred from future competition.        但对这一被国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee)排除在实权范围之外的群体来说,这样的要求太高了。国际奥委会章程仍保留了第50条规则,这是严禁表达异议的细则,如果违反这一规定,就可能被禁止参加未来赛事。
        “I would be terrified to protest in China, and I will be terrified for my American teammates if any of them decide to stand up” and make their opinions known while there, said Noah Hoffman, a two-time Olympic cross-country skier who is now a board member for Global Athlete, a nonprofit pushing to reform the Games.        “如果在中国进行抗议,我会感到恐惧,如果我的美国队友中有谁决定站出来(当场表态),我也会为他们感到恐惧,”曾两次参加奥运会越野滑雪比赛的诺阿·霍夫曼(Noah Hoffman)说,他如今是推动奥运改革的非营利组织全球运动员(Global Athlete)的董事会成员。
        Hoffman noted the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee recently agreed to allow athlete protest, but until the I.O.C. does the same, athlete voices will continue to be muted.        霍夫曼指出,美国奥林匹克与残疾人奥林匹克委员会(U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee)最近同意允许运动员进行抗议,但在国际奥委会做出同样决定之前,运动员将会继续被噤声。
        Recall that in 2014, the Winter Olympics were hosted in Sochi, Russia. The host nation not only conducted a massive doping operation during the event, but annexed Crimea shortly afterward, prompting widespread international condemnation. Why did the I.O.C. award the 2022 Games to yet another autocracy with a shoddy human rights record?        遥想2014年,冬奥会在俄罗斯索契举行。主办国不仅在赛事期间大规模使用兴奋剂,还在不久之后吞并了克里米亚,引发了国际社会的广泛谴责。为何国际奥委会又将2022冬奥会放在了另一个人权记录糟糕的专制国家?
        In 2015, when the final decision was made, only two options remained: China — which held the summer Games seven years earlier — and another dictatorship, Kazakhstan. Nations that would seem to be more ideal hosts, including Norway and Sweden, dropped out of the running, part of a trend toward skepticism about the costs of hosting an Olympics.        它在2015年做出最终抉择之时,只剩下两个选择:七年前举办过夏季奥运会的中国,以及另一个独裁政权哈萨克斯坦。挪威和瑞典等看似更理想的主办国都退出了角逐,这在一定程度上反映了人们对主办奥运成本的怀疑倾向。
        The modern Olympics, founded in the 1890s as a way to showcase “a life based on the joy found in effort, the educational value of a good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles,” are now synonymous with scandal of many varieties, including doping, bribery and physical abuse of athletes.        现代奥运会始于19世纪90年代,旨在展示“一种建立在从奋进中寻找快乐、良好榜样的教育价值以及对普世基本伦理原则的尊重之上的生活方式”,如今它已经成为各种丑闻的代名词,包括兴奋剂、贿赂和运动员身体虐待。
        They’ve sparked suffering among the poor and working class in host cities through gentrification and the forced removal of tens of thousands of residents at venues from Beijing to Seoul to Rio.        从北京到首尔再到里约,奥运会导致这些主办城市比赛场馆附近成千上万的居民遭遇改造强拆,让穷人和工薪阶层深受其苦。
        I’ll never forget reporting from the costly, freshly constructed arenas of the 2016 Rio Games and then heading off to the nearby favelas — the impoverished tenement communities dappled across the port city.        我永远不会忘记,在2016年里约奥运上,我从造价高昂的新建场馆里发回报道,然后再前往附近的贫民窟——那座港口城市到处散布着这种贫困棚屋区。
        There, near open sewers that flowed with rivers of urine and feces, I heard the anguished stories of residents who had been kicked out of their small homes to make way for Olympic construction. I also saw an ever-present feature of the Games: the paramilitary-style police seemingly on every corner, machine guns in tow, rousting street kids from corners, keeping tabs on the locals so the city could maintain a sterling image to the world.        在那里,在流淌着尿液和粪便的露天排水沟旁,我听居民们讲述了痛苦的故事,为了给奥运会建设让路,他们被赶出了自己的小屋。我还发现了那届奥运会一个无处不在的特色:似乎每个角落都有准军事化警察,他们扛着机枪,驱赶角落里的街头少年,密切监视当地人,以便让这座城市在世界面前保持良好形象。
        Rio couldn’t afford the Olympics, same as Athens, which put on a boondoggle of a Summer Games in 2004 that ended up costing nearly $11 billion — double the early predictions — in a precursor to Greek financial woes that saw the nation nearly become bankrupt. Those cities are hardly alone.        里约负担不起奥运,雅典也一样,后者在2004年举办了一场劳民伤财的夏季奥运会,耗资近110亿美元,是早期预测的两倍,这成为希腊经济危机的前兆,导致该国几乎濒临破产。这些城市并非孤例。
        It’s time to ask the big questions about the Olympic enterprise.        是时候对整个奥运事业提出一些重要问题了。
        Are the benefits worth the costs?        收益是否抵得上代价?
        Should the Olympics continue to exist if they keep causing such harm?        若是继续造成这样的破坏,奥运会是否应该继续存在?
        What could genuine reform look like?        实质性改革会是什么样呢?
        Here are a few ideas.        以下是一些想法。
        Stop awarding the Games to authoritarian nations that blatantly disregard human rights.        不要再将奥运主办权授予那些公然蔑视人权的国家。
        Give athletes greater power — not just so they can protest from the medal stands, but so they can be equal partners in shaping the entire Olympic movement.        赋予运动员更大的权力——这样他们不仅能在领奖台上抗议,也能成为塑造整个奥运活动的平等伙伴。
        Instead of hopscotching across the world, consider alternatives. Maybe park the Games permanently at a pair of well-used venues — one for summer, one for winter. That would cut costs, environmental damage and displacement. It would also end the churn of a bidding process that invites corruption.        与其在全世界到处挑地方,不如考虑其他举办途径。或许可以把奥运永久放在两处利用良好的场馆举行——一处用于夏季,一处用于冬季。这将减少成本开支、环境破坏和流离失所,也将结束充斥腐败的混乱竞标过程。
        Or decentralize. Hold individual events in already built sites across the globe during a three-week window. Sure, we’d have to give up the spectacle of a lavish opening ceremony and the thought of athletes from different sports mingling in Olympic Villages. But in an interconnected world full of lavish spectacle, is all that still a must?        或者将赛事分散。在为期三周的时间里,个人赛事可以在全球各地已落成的场馆进行。当然,我们因此得放弃奢华开幕式的奇观,放弃让不同项目的运动员混居奥运村的想法。可在一个已经充满奢华奇观的互联世界里,还有必要搞这一套吗?
        I admit, there aren’t many straightforward answers, but it’s time to work toward a new future.        我承认,这里并没有多少简单直接的答案,但是时候为新的未来而努力了。

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