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Writing for the Chinese Diaspora

来源:纽约时报    2021-04-20 06:11

        The past year has been momentous for so many reasons it’s hard to even begin to describe them. A harsh spotlight has been cast on deep inequities in American life and on the myriad ways that racism and hatred afflict our nation.        过去的一年因为无法尽数的诸多原因而不同寻常,根深蒂固的不平等、种族主义和仇恨给美国带来的巨大伤害被赤裸裸地置于聚光灯下。
        But if there’s one thing I hope we carry forward, it is a greater understanding of the history, breadth and growing power of the diverse Asian communities in California and across the country. Among them is the Chinese diaspora.        但如果有一样东西我希望我们能够发扬和推进,那就是对加州和全国多元化的亚裔社区的历史、广度和正在增长的力量更深刻的理解。海外华人是其中重要的一支。
        Today, I’m excited to introduce Rong Xiaoqing, a journalist who each Friday will write a revamped version of The New York Times’s Chinese-language newsletter. (The rest of the week, the Chinese Daily Briefing will highlight the best of our journalism in Chinese.)        今天,我很高兴向您介绍新闻工作者荣筱箐,她将在每周五为改版后的《纽约时报》中文新闻简报撰写一个专栏。(一周中其他日子里,中文简报将继续推荐华人关心的时报精彩文章,您可以点击此处订阅。)
        I asked Rong to tell me about the launch. Here’s our conversation:        我让筱箐向我介绍一下这个新栏目,以下是我们的对话: 
        First, tell us a little bit about the new newsletter — who will it be geared toward and what can subscribers expect?        首先,请简单介绍一下这个栏目——读者定位是什么?订阅读者将在这里读到什么?
        The newsletter is designed for Chinese language readers, especially the Chinese diaspora in the U.S. Here readers can find a hot topic interpreted from a Chinese perspective, such as how to understand rising anti-Asian hate, and where Chinese-Americans fit in an increasingly diverse Asian community. It also provides a recommended list of Times stories that Chinese readers are likely to be interested in but may not have had time to find themselves given the large number published every day.
        And Rong, tell us a little about yourself. Where do you live, and what issues are you most interested in?        筱箐, 跟我们介绍一些你自己吧。你住在哪里,对什么样的话题最感兴趣?
        I grew up in China but have lived in the United States for the past 20 years. I am a bilingual journalist based in New York, and I have been covering the Chinese community here for almost two decades. I am interested in any and all issues relevant to this community, from the struggles and tensions people face to their achievements and their intricate relationships with their home countries.        我在中国长大,但最近20年一直住在美国。我是纽约的双语新闻记者,报道华人社区已经快20年了。我对所有跟华人社区相关的议题都感兴趣,从华人生活中需要面对的困惑和挣扎,到他们取得的成就,以及和故国错综复杂的关系。
        If the newsletter is geared toward the Chinese diaspora, I’m guessing you’ll have lots of California readers. What will you be paying attention to that might have particular resonance in the Golden State?        如果这个专栏是为海外华人撰写的,我想你可能会有很多加州的读者。你关注的话题中有哪些是与加州读者息息相关的?
        As the state that has the largest population of Chinese-Americans, California has been in the center of many hot topics among Chinese readers, be it the application of affirmative action, the rising political cloutof Chinese-Americans, the hate attacks on Asians in the past year, and real estate investment by mainland Chinese in California’s major cities. I envision that sooner or later, all of these will be discussed in our newsletter.        加州是美国华裔人口最多的州,也常常处于华人关心的热点话题的漩涡中心,比如平权法案的运营问题、华裔政治力量的上升、最近一年针对亚裔的仇恨攻击、以及中国大陆资本在加州大城市房地产市场上的投资等。我想这些话题以后都会在我们的栏目中进行讨论的。
        Is there anything else you’d like to tell Chinese-Americans in California?你还有其他想对加州华人说的话吗?        

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