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Chloé Zhao and ‘Nomadland’ Win at 2021 Oscars

来源:纽约时报    2021-04-26 05:01

        LOS ANGELES — “Nomadland” was named best picture and Chloé Zhao won best director at Sunday night’s sleepy and surreal 93rd Academy Awards, a stage show broadcast on television about films mostly distributed on the internet.
        In a major upset, Anthony Hopkins was honored as best actor for “The Father,” beating out the late Chadwick Boseman (“Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom”), who was the favorite going into the night. Frances McDormand was named best actress for “Nomadland.”
        安东尼·霍普金斯(Anthony Hopkins)凭借《困在时间里的父亲》(The Father)击败了已故的查德维克·博斯曼([Chadwick Boseman],《蓝调天后》[Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom])获得最佳男主角,后者原本是当晚最被看好的人选。《无依之地》的弗朗西丝·麦克多曼德(Frances McDormand)获得了最佳女主角。
        Daniel Kaluuya was recognized as best supporting actor for playing the Black Panther leader Fred Hampton in “Judas and the Black Messiah.” “Bro, we out here!” Kaluuya shouted in joy before changing gears and crediting Hampton (“what a man, what a man”) and ending with the cri de coeur, “When they played divide and conquer, we say unite and ascend.”
        丹尼尔·卡卢亚(Daniel Kaluuya)凭借在《犹大与黑弥赛亚》(Judas and the Black Messiah)中扮演黑豹党领袖弗雷德·汉普顿(Fred Hampton)拿下最佳男配角。“兄弟,我们来了!”卡卢亚兴高采烈地叫道,随后他换了语气,称赞了汉普顿(“多么了不起的人啊,多么了不起”),并以一段有力呼吁结束了发言:“当他们玩起各个击破那一套,我们就要讲团结和进步。”
        The supporting actress award went to Yuh-Jung Youn for playing a comically cantankerous grandmother in “Minari.” She was the first Korean performer to win an acting Oscar, and only the second Asian woman; the first was Miyoshi Umeki, a Japanese-born American actress who was recognized in 1958 for playing a bride who encounters racism in “Sayonara.”
        在《米纳里》(Minari)中饰演了一位滑稽而古怪的祖母的尹汝贞(Yuh-Jung Youn)拿下最佳女配角。她是首位获得奥斯卡表演奖的韩国演员,也是第二位获得此奖的亚裔女性;第一位是日裔美籍女演员梅木三吉,1958年,她凭借在《樱花恋》(Sayonara)中扮演遭遇种族歧视的新娘获得此奖。
        “I’m luckier than you,” Youn said to Glenn Close, a supporting actress nominee, to laughter. (Peter O’Toole and Close now jointly hold the record for most nominations in the acting categories without a win — eight apiece.)
        “我比你幸运点,”尹汝贞对获得最佳女配角提名的格伦·克洛斯(Glenn Close)说道,引来一片笑声。(彼得·奥图[Peter O’Toole]和克洛斯目前共同保持着在表演类奖项中获得提名最多——各八次——却从未获奖的纪录。)
        In other firsts, Mia Neal and Jamika Wilson became the first Black women to win the makeup and hairstyling Oscar, a prize they shared with Sergio Lopez-Rivera for their work on “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom.” Ann Roth won for her “Ma Rainey” costume design, becoming, at 89, the oldest woman ever to win an Oscar.
        其他首创纪录还包括米亚·尼尔(Mia Neal)和贾米卡·威尔森(Jamika Wilson),她们成为了第一次拿下奥斯卡最佳化妆与发型设计奖的女性,与塞尔吉奥·洛佩兹-里维拉(Sergio Lopez-Rivera)一起凭借《蓝调天后》共获此奖。安·罗斯(Ann Roth)凭《蓝调天后》拿下最佳服装设计奖,89岁的她成为了奥斯卡最年长的获奖女性。
        Zhao won best director for “Nomadland,” a bittersweet meditation on grief and the damaged American dream. Zhao, who is Chinese, became only the second woman, and the first woman of color, to win the award. (Kathryn Bigelow was celebrated in 2010 for directing “The Hurt Locker.”)
        赵婷凭借《无依之地》拿下最佳导演奖,该片是对悲伤和破灭的美国梦的一次苦乐参半的沉思。作为华人的赵婷成为第二位获得该奖的女性,也是第一位获奖的有色人种女性。(2010年,执导《拆弹部队》[The Hurt Locker]的凯瑟琳·毕格罗[Kathryn Bigelow]获得此奖。)
        “I’ve been thinking a lot lately of how I keep going when things get hard,” she said in her acceptance speech, referring to a Chinese poem she used to read with her father that began with the phrase “People at birth are entirely good.”
        “This is for anyone who has the faith and courage to hold on to the goodness in themselves and to hold onto the goodness in each other,” she said. (Emerald Fennell was also nominated for “Promising Young Woman,” making this the first time two women had been nominated.)
        “这是给所有那些有信念和勇气保持良善,并相信彼此的良善的人,”她说。(埃默拉尔德·芬内尔[Emerald Fennell]也凭借《前程似锦的女孩》[Promising Young Woman]获得提名,这是首次有两位女性同时被提名。)
        “Soul,” the Pixar film about a Black musician stuck between Earth and the afterlife, added to the celebration of diversity, winning best animated film and score.
        People of color were nominated for all four acting awards — an indication that the film industry has implemented meaningful reforms.
        The academy, which has roughly 10,000 members, remains overwhelmingly white and male, but the organization invited more women and people of color into its ranks following the intense #OscarsSoWhite protests in 2015 and 2016, when the acting nominees were all white. This year, nine of the 20 acting nominations went to people of color.
        The ceremony got underway on Sunday with Regina King, a former Oscar winner and the director of “One Night in Miami,” strutting into a supper-club set. It harkened back to Hollywood’s earliest days, when the Academy Awards were held in supper clubs — laid-back, insider events without the pressure of worrying about whether the television masses might find them compelling.
        周日的颁奖礼开始时,前奥斯卡奖得主、《迈阿密的一夜》(One Night in Miami)导演雷吉娜·金(Regina King)昂首阔步走进晚餐俱乐部式的现场。这让人想起好莱坞发展早期,当时的奥斯卡颁奖礼就在晚餐俱乐部中举行,那是气氛轻松的业内活动,无需担心电视观众是否觉得引人入胜。
        “It has been quite a year, and we are still smack dab in the middle of it,” she said solemnly, referencing the pandemic and the guilty verdict in the George Floyd murder trial. “Our love of movies helped to get us through.”
        “这是不同寻常的一年,而我们恰好仍身处其中,”在谈到疫情和乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)谋杀案的有罪判决时,她郑重地说。“对电影的热爱帮助我们度过了难关。”
        With very little additional preamble — signaling a low-key, stripped-down-to-the-essentials ceremony, the snoozy opposite of the typical pomp and circumstance — Oscar statuettes began to get handed out. Fennell, a first-time nominee, won best original screenplay for “Promising Young Woman,” a startling revenge drama. The last woman to win solo in the category had been Diablo Cody (“Juno”) in 2007.
        几乎没有额外的开场白,奥斯卡小金人就开始颁出,说明这场典礼的低调和简明,与以往装腔作势的浮华相比显得沉闷。凭借惊心动魄的复仇故事片《前程似锦的女孩》,芬内尔首获提名就拿下了最佳原创剧本奖。上一位单独获得此奖的女性是2007年的迪亚波罗·科蒂([Diablo Cody],《朱诺》[Juno])。
        “He’s so heavy and so cold,” Fennell said about her little gold-plated man in an impromptu speech that revisited one she wrote when she was 10 and loved Zack Morris in the television series “Saved By the Bell.”
        “他这么重,还这么冰冷,”芬内尔在即兴演讲中这样评价手中的小金人,她重温了自己10岁时写过的一篇演讲,当时她很喜欢电视剧《救命下课铃》(Saved By the Bell)中的角色扎克·莫里斯(Zack Morris)。
        It was one of the few lighthearted moments in a telecast notable for marathon acceptance speeches. (Play-off music seemed not to exist.)
        Christopher Hampton and Florian Zeller won the adapted screenplay prize for “The Father,” about the ravages of dementia. “Another Round,” about middle-age men who decide to get drunk daily, won the Academy Award for international feature film (previously referred to as foreign-language film). The Danish filmmaker Thomas Vinterberg dedicated “Another Round” to his daughter, Ida, who was killed in a car crash in 2019.
        克里斯托弗·汉普顿(Christopher Hampton)和弗洛里安·泽勒(Florian Zeller)凭借描述失智症伤害的电影《困在时间里的父亲》获得最佳改编剧本奖。讲述一群计划每天喝醉的中年男人的《酒精计划》(Another Round)拿下了最佳国际影片奖(以前称为外语片)。导演托马斯·温特伯格(Thomas Vinterberg)将此片献给2019年因车祸丧生的女儿爱达(Ida)。
        “Maybe you’ve been pulling some strings somewhere,” Vinterberg said, providing a notable moment of emotion.
        Hollywood wanted the producers of the telecast to pull off an almost-impossible hat trick. First and foremost, they were asked to design a show that prevented the TV ratings from plunging to an alarming low — while celebrating movies that, for the most part, have not connected widely with audiences. The producing team, which included the Oscar-winning filmmaker Steven Soderbergh (“Traffic”), also hope to use the telecast to jump-start theatergoing, no small task when most of the world has been out of the box office habit for more than a year. Lastly, the producers needed to integrate live camera feeds from more than 20 locations to comply with coronavirus safety restrictions.
        好莱坞想要直播里的影人们上演一个几乎不可能完成的帽子戏法。首先,也是最重要的是,他们被要求设计出一个节目,既要避免收视率跌到令人担忧的水平,还要赞美那些基本还未与观众广泛见面的影片。其次,包括奥斯卡获奖导演史蒂文·索德伯格([Steven Soderbergh],《毒品网络》[Traffic])在内的制作团队,也希望通过这场直播来刺激观众进入剧院,这一任务相当艰巨,因为世界上大多数人放弃买票观影的习惯已有一年多时间了。最后,为了遵循新冠病毒的安全限制,制作方需要整合来自20多个地点的实时拍摄信号流。
        The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences had delayed the event, which typically takes place in February, in hopes of outrunning the pandemic. Still, the red carpet had to be radically downsized and the extravagant parties canceled.
        电影艺术与科学学院(The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences)推迟了这场通常在2月举行的典礼,希望能逃脱疫情影响。但红毯规模仍不得不大幅缩减,奢华派对也必须取消。
        Netflix wins multiple awards, but not best picture.
        Netflix received its first Oscar nomination in 2014 for “The Square,” a feature documentary about the Egyptian revolution. Since then — in large part because of copious amounts of money spent on awards campaigns — the streaming giant has come to dominate the nominations. It amassed 36 this year, more than any other company, with “Mank” receiving 10, more than any other film.
        2014年,Netflix凭借关于埃及革命的全长纪录片《广场》(The Square)收获了首个奥斯卡提名。此后,这家流媒体巨头主宰了奥斯卡提名——很大程度上是靠在颁奖季投入的大量资金。今年它获得了36项提名,超过其他任何电影公司,其中《曼克》(Mank)获得10项提名,是所有影片里最多的。
        Netflix did win seven statuettes, including for documentary feature (“My Octopus Teacher”), hair/makeup and costume (“Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom”), animated short (“If Anything Happens, I Love You”) and live action short (“Two Distant Strangers”). It also picked up two for the little-seen “Mank,” landing Oscars for production design and cinematography.
        Netflix还是赢得了七项大奖,包括纪录片《我的章鱼老师》(My Octopus Teacher)、发型/化妆和服装《蓝调天后》(Ma Rainey's Black Bottom)、动画短片《无论如何我爱你》(If Anything Happens, I Love You)和真人短片《两个遥远的陌生人》(Two Distant Strangers)。少有人观看的影片《曼克》(Mank)也来到奥斯卡,获得了美术设计和摄影两个奖项。
        But Netflix and its sharp-elbowed awards campaigners keep whiffing in the end.
        Last year, the company’s best-picture hopes rested on “The Irishman.” It failed to convert even one of its 10 nominations into a win. In 2019, Netflix pushed “Roma.” It won three Oscars, including one for Alfonso Cuarón’s direction, but lost the big prize.
        去年,该公司将最佳影片奖的希望寄托在《爱尔兰人》(The Irishman)上。它获得10项提名,但最终未能赢得一个奖项。2019年,Netflix推出了《罗马》(Roma)。它获得了三项奥斯卡奖,包括阿方索·卡隆(Alfonso Cuarón)Cuarón的最佳导演奖,但未能获得最佳影片大奖。
        On Sunday, Netflix had two nominees, “Mank” and “The Trial of the Chicago 7.” But they came up short against Zhao’s “Nomadland,” an entry from Searchlight, a division of the Walt Disney Company.
        周日,Netflix有两部影片获得最佳电影提名:《曼克》和《芝加哥七人审判》(The Trial of The Chicago 7)。但它们败给了赵婷的《无依之地》。《无依之地》是沃尔特·迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Company)旗下的探照灯影业(Searchlight)推出的。
        There was nothing usual about the broadcast.
        Soderbergh was not your usual Oscar producer, which is why he may have been the perfect choice for this very unusual year. He and his producing partners for the event, Stacey Sher and Jesse Collins, eschewed Zoom and implemented enough protocols to enable a mask-free environment for the nominees.
        索德伯格不是人们心目中通常的奥斯卡颁奖礼制片人,正因如此,在这个不寻常的一年,他可能是最佳人选。他和制作伙伴斯泰西·谢尔(Stacey Sher)以及杰西·柯林斯(Jesse Collins)放弃了Zoom,采取大量手段,为提名者营造一个不戴口罩的环境。
        In the lead-up to Sunday, Soderbergh kept referring to the show as a three-act film. The telecast’s writing staff included the “Surviving R. Kelly” filmmaker Dream Hampton and the veteran writer-director Richard LaGravenese (“The Fisher King”). Presenters were referred to as “cast members.” They included Zendaya, Brad Pitt and Bong Joon Ho, last year’s winner for best director.
        在周日的准备工作中,索德伯格一直说这个节目是一部三幕电影。节目编剧人员包括《逃脱R·凯利的魔爪》(Surviving R. Kelly)的制片德里姆·汉普顿(Dream Hampton)和《渔王》(The Fisher King)的资深编剧兼导演、理查德·拉格拉文斯(Richard LaGravenese)。主持人被称为“演职人员”。他们包括赞达亚、布拉德·皮特和去年最佳导演奖得主奉俊昊(Bong Joon Ho)。
        The ceremony has typically included performances of the five tunes nominated for best song. Not this year. Those were moved off the main stage and onto a preshow, which allowed them to be performed in their entirety.
        This time, however, the academy decided to hand out two honorary Oscars during the primary show. (Since 2009, honorary statuettes have been awarded during a nontelevised banquet in the fall.) The nonprofit Motion Picture & Television Fund, which underwrites a nursing home and retirement village for aging and ailing “industry” people (actors, executives, choreographers, lighting technicians, camera operators), received one. The organization, founded in 1921 by stars like Mary Pickford and Charlie Chaplin, also provides a wide range of other services to Hollywood seniors.
        然而,这一次,学院决定在主要节目中颁发两项奥斯卡荣誉奖项。(自2009年以来,荣誉奖小金人都是在秋季一个没有电视转播的宴会上颁发的。)非盈利组织电影电视基金(Motion Picture & Television Fund)获得了一个奖项。该基金为年老和病弱的“行业”人士(包括演员、高管、编舞、照明技术人员、摄像师)提供了一家养老院和一个退休村。该组织由玛丽·皮克福德(Mary Pickford)和查理·卓别林(Charlie Chaplin)等明星于1921年创立,还为好莱坞的老年人提供一系列其他服务。
        The second went to Tyler Perry, who the academy cited as a “cultural influence extending far beyond his work as a filmmaker.” Perry, of course, started his entertainment career as a playwright. Since ending his popular “Madea” film series in 2019, Perry has focused on making television shows like “Bruh,” “Sistahs” and “The Oval” for BET. He owns a studio in Atlanta.
        第二位获奖者是泰勒·佩里(Tyler Perry),学院称,他的“文化影响力远远超出了他作为电影制作人的工作”。当然,佩里是以剧作家的身份开始其演艺生涯的。自从2019年结束了广受欢迎的电影系列《玛蒂娅》(Madea)以来,佩里专注于为BET制作《兄弟》(Bruh)、《姐妹》(Sistahs)和《总统办公室》(The Oval)等电视剧。他在亚特兰大有一个工作室。
        The Dolby Theater, which holds more than 3,000 people and has been the home of the Academy Awards since 2001, was not the epicenter of the telecast. This year, with just the nominees and their guests in attendance, an Art Deco, Mission Revival train station in downtown Los Angeles served as the main venue.

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