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Long Before Her ‘Minari’ Oscar, Yuh-Jung Youn Won South Korea’s Heart

来源:纽约时报    2021-04-27 11:46

        SEOUL — “Minari,” the critically acclaimed movie about a hard-luck family of Korean immigrants in the United States, was not exactly a commercial blockbuster in South Korea: Fewer than a million people watched it in 54 days of screening across the country.        首尔——《米纳里》(Minari)是一部广受好评的电影,讲述了一个命运艰辛的韩国移民家庭在美国生活的故事,在韩国算不上一部商业大片,在全国放映的54天里,观影人数不到100万。
        But when one of its stars, Yuh-Jung Youn, won the Academy Award for best supporting actress, South Koreans rejoiced not only because it was a first for a Korean actor, but also because of the recipient.        但当片中演员尹汝贞(Yuh-Jung Youn)获得奥斯卡最佳女配角奖时,韩国人感到高兴,不仅因为这是韩国演员首次获得奥斯卡奖,还因为获奖者本身的原因。
        On Monday morning, the South Korean media sent out news flashes when Ms. Youn won her Oscar. Cable channels announced plans to screen her previous films. Social media was abuzz with fans congratulating her.        周一上午,韩国媒体发布了尹汝贞获得奥斯卡奖的新闻快报。有线电视台宣布计划重映她以前的电影。社交媒体上,影迷们纷纷祝贺她。
        “Her performance brilliantly helped us relive the memories of our own mothers and grandmothers,” President Moon Jae-in said in a statement, referring to Ms. Youn’s character in the film.        “她的表演出色地帮我们重温了自己的母亲和祖母的记忆,”文在寅(Moon Jae-in)总统在一份声明中提到尹汝贞在该片中的角色时说。
        Ms. Youn was the first Asian woman to win the best supporting actress Oscar since 1957. But it’s her life story — as well as those of her characters — that made her award resonate so deeply in South Korea, particularly among women who have long struggled under the country’s male-dominant hierarchical order.        尹汝贞是1957年以来首位获得奥斯卡最佳女配角奖的亚洲女性。但正是她的人生经历——以及她塑造的角色——让她的获奖在韩国引起了强烈的反响,尤其是长期以来在男性主导的等级制度下挣扎的女性当中。
        Minari is a parsley-like vegetable that is ubiquitous in Korea. It grows anywhere with a smidgen of moisture, including swamps and abandoned rice paddies.        “米纳里”是一种类似欧芹的蔬菜,在韩国随处可见。它可以生长在任何有水分的地方,比如沼泽和废弃的稻田。
        If there is anyone like minari in the South Korean movie industry, it’s Ms. Youn.        如果说韩国电影界有像“米纳里”这样的人,那一定就是尹汝贞。
        Long before her Oscar, Ms. Youn’s image as a fiercely independent woman with an often irreverent wit had endeared her to South Koreans. In her 55 years as an actress, she often took on any work that she could get, including Korean soap operas, indie movies and reality shows. Her success defied the predictions of male producers who considered her plain-looking and found her raspy voice grating and unappealing.        早在获得奥斯卡奖之前,尹汝贞以极其独立的女性形象,以及往往有些无礼的风趣,一直深受韩国人的喜爱。在她55年的演员生涯中,经常接受任何能得到的工作,包括韩国肥皂剧、独立电影和真人秀。她的成功打破了男性制片人的预言,他们认为她相貌平平,嗓音沙哑刺耳,没有吸引力。
        “The producers said they would eat their hat if I would make it as an actress,” she once told a South Korean cable channel. “Unfortunately, they are all dead now.”        “那些制片人说过,如果我能当上演员,他们就吃掉自己的帽子,”她曾对韩国一家有线电视频道说。“不幸的是,他们现在都死了。”
        For most of her career, Ms. Youn didn’t have a choice but to take the work as it came. She had early success in films such as 1971’s “Woman of Fire,” but left acting to marry Jo Young-nam, one of South Korea’s best-known singers. In the 1970s, she followed him to the United States, where Mr. Jo tried on a career as a gospel singer. The marriage ended in divorce in the 1980s.        在职业生涯的大部分时间里,尹汝贞没有选择,只能顺其自然。她在1971年的《火女》(Woman of Fire)等电影中取得了早期成功,但她离开演艺圈,嫁给了韩国最著名的歌手之一赵英男(Jo Young-nam)。1970年代,她跟随他来到美国,赵英男在那里尝试成为福音歌手。这段婚姻在1980年代以离婚告终。
        Ms. Youn returned to Seoul to pick up acting again at age 38. South Korean society at the time still held deep prejudices against women who were divorced, forcing her to scrape by. With two sons to raise, she said she “never had the luxury of actresses who have wealthy husbands and can pick and choose movie roles.”        38岁那年,尹汝贞回到首尔重新开始演戏。当时的韩国社会对离婚女性仍存有根深蒂固的偏见,迫使她勉强度日。她有两个儿子要抚养,她说自己“从来不能像那些丈夫有钱的女演员那样,可以奢侈地挑选电影角色”。
        “I did my work for survival and to put food on the table,” she told a South Korean TV station in 2009. “An actress can do her best work when she is most starved for cash. When you are hungry, you put your desperate best into your work.”        “我的工作是为了生存,为了养活一家人,”2009年,她对一家韩国电视台说。“一个女演员在最缺钱的时候表现得最好。饿肚子的时候,你就会竭尽全力地工作。”
        Her versatility landed her roles as the femme fatale, the loving grandmother and even an over-the-hill prostitute. When producers were casting for “A Good Lawyer’s Wife” (2003), many female actresses declined the role of a woman who has sex with another man while her husband is terminally ill. Ms. Youn took the role, saying she could use the money to redo her living room.        她的多面性使其扮演的角色包括蛇蝎美人、慈爱的祖母,甚至是过气的妓女。当制片人为《偷情家族》(A Good Lawyer’s Wife,2003年)挑选演员时,许多女演员都拒绝饰演一个在丈夫身患绝症时与另一个男人发生性关系的女人。尹汝贞接受了这个角色,说她可以用这笔钱来重新装修客厅。
        She once performed the role of a spiteful queen in a Korean soap opera so well that people often cursed when they saw her on the street.        她曾在一部韩国肥皂剧中出色地扮演了一个恶毒的女王,以至于人们在街上看到她时经常会骂她。
        “People like her because they know her life story,” said Huh Eun, a retired college media professor in Seoul. “When they think of her, they don’t think of the glorious spotlight usually associated with film stars, but of a woman who has struggled to make a living all these years like the rest of us.”        “人们喜欢她是因为他们知道她的人生经历,”首尔一位退休的大学传媒教授许恩(Huh Eun,音)说。“当人们想到她的时候,他们想到的不是通常和电影明星联系在一起的聚光灯,而是一个和我们其他人一样,那么多年一直在努力谋生的女人。”
        Ms. Youn’s global breakthrough came when she was offered a role in “Minari.”        尹汝贞在《米纳里》中获得一个角色后,也在全球取得了突破。
        As the news of her award hit on Monday morning, fellow actresses and female fans in South Korea flooded social media with their favorite dry humor from Ms. Youn.        周一早上,她获奖的消息传开,韩国的女演员同行和女影迷们把她们最喜欢的尹汝贞式冷幽默发到社交媒体上。
        “I am 67 this year and this is my first time being 67,” the actress Kim Hye-soo quoted Ms. Youn as saying. “This is our first time living this life, so we can’t help but feel regretful and hurt.”        “我今年67岁,这是我第一次当上67岁的人,”女演员金憓秀(Kim Hye-soo)援引尹玉妍的话说。“这是我们第一次过这样的生活,所以我们不禁感到遗憾和受伤。”
        Ms. Youn’s Oscar acceptance speech went viral for a characteristic tongue-in-cheek attitude. The award was presented by Brad Pitt, whose production company financed the film. “Mr. Brad Pitt, finally, nice to meet you!” she said to the American superstar. “Where were you when we were filming in Tulsa?”        尹汝贞的奥斯卡获奖感言因她特有的半开玩笑态度在网上疯传。该奖项由布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)颁发,他的制作公司为该片提供了资金。“布拉德·皮特先生,终于见到你了!”她对这位美国超级明星说。“我们在塔尔萨拍摄的时候你在哪里?”
        “Minari” depicts a Korean family struggling to build a life as farmers in rural Arkansas in the 1980s, when many poor Koreans headed for the United States for a better life. It is the second film about Koreans to make history at the Academy Awards, after “Parasite,” directed by Bong Joon Ho, won four Oscars last year.        《米纳里》讲述了1980年代阿肯色州的农村,一个韩国农民家庭努力谋生的故事,当时许多贫穷的韩国人前往美国寻求更好的生活。这是继奉俊昊(Bong Joon Ho)执导的《寄生虫》(Parasite) 去年获得四项奥斯卡奖之后,第二部在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上创造历史的韩国电影。 
        “Parasite” grossed more than 10 million viewers within two months of its release. Part of the reason “Minari” failed to achieve the same commercial success in South Korea is because the immigrant experience of the 1980s that it portrays is quickly fading.        《寄生虫》上映两个月后吸引了超过1000万观众。《米纳里》未能在韩国取得同样的商业成功,部分原因是它所描述的1980年代的移民经历正在迅速消退。
        These days, far fewer Koreans emigrate to the United States, and those who do are usually the children of rich families who go there to study. That may change, too, as Koreans watch hate crimes involving Asian-American victims soar in the United States.        如今,移民到美国的韩国人要少得多,移民过去的通常是去美国读书的富裕家庭的孩子。随着韩国人目睹涉及亚裔美国人受害者的仇恨犯罪激增,这种情况可能也会改变。
        But Ms. Youn struck a chord with South Koreans in her role as Soonja, the foul-mouthed but loving grandmother in “Minari” who moves from South Korea to the United States to take care of her grandchildren. Her grandson doesn’t consider Soonja a “real grandma” and complains that she “smells like Korea.” They slowly build a bond by playing cards together and sharing Mountain Dew, which Soonja seems to think is a health drink because it is made from “dew from the mountains.”        不过,尹汝贞在《米纳里》中饰演的顺子这个角色引起了韩国人的共鸣。顺子是一位满嘴脏话但很有爱心的外祖母,从韩国搬到美国来照顾孙辈。外孙子不认为顺子是“真正的姥姥”,抱怨她“闻起来像韩国人”。他们通过一起打牌和分享激浪汽水(Mountain Dew,直译为“山露”——译注)慢慢建立了联系,顺子似乎认为激浪是一种健康饮料,因为它是用“山上的露水”制成的。
        After “Minari” began accumulating awards at film festivals in recent weeks, fans started calling Ms. Youn “the Meryl Streep of Korea.” She has done what no other Korean actor or actress has done: while “Parasite” won best picture and best director, none of its actors were nominated for Oscars.        最近几周,随着《米纳里》在各个电影节上获得更多奖项,粉丝们开始称她为“韩国的梅丽尔·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)”。她做了其他韩国演员都没有做过的事:虽然《寄生虫》获得了最佳影片和最佳导演,但没有一位韩国演员曾经获得奥斯卡提名。
        On Sunday night during the award ceremony, Ms. Youn said her true inspiration was her two children. “I’d like to thank my two boys who made me go out and work,” she said while holding her statuette.        在周日晚间的颁奖典礼上,尹汝贞说,她真正的灵感来自她的两个孩子。“我要感谢我的两个儿子,是他们让我出去工作,”她拿着她的小金人说。
        “This is the result because mommy worked so hard.”        “这就是妈妈努力工作的成果。”

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