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Breaking Point: How Mark Zuckerberg and Tim Cook Became Foes

来源:纽约时报    2021-04-27 05:40

        SAN FRANCISCO — At a confab for tech and media moguls in Sun Valley, Idaho, in July 2019, Timothy D. Cook of Apple and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook sat down to repair their fraying relationship.        旧金山——2019年7月,在爱达荷州太阳谷一场科技和媒体巨头座谈会中,苹果公司(Apple)的蒂莫西·D·库克(Timothy D. Cook)和Facebook的马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)坐了下来,以修补两人间摩擦重重的关系。
        For years, the chief executives had met annually at the conference, which was held by the investment bank Allen & Company, to catch up. But this time, Facebook was grappling with a data privacy scandal. Mr. Zuckerberg had been blasted by lawmakers, regulators and executives — including Mr. Cook — for letting the information of more than 50 million Facebook users be harvested by a voter-profiling firm, Cambridge Analytica, without their consent.        多年来,这两位首席执行官每年都会在这场由投资银行艾伦公司(Allen & Company)主办的会议上聊聊近况。但这一次,Facebook正在努力应对一场数据隐私丑闻。由于允许为选民画像的公司剑桥分析(Cambridge Analytica)在未经许可的情况下收集超过5000万Facebook用户的信息,扎克伯格当时正遭受议员、监管机构和企业高管们——其中包括库克——的严厉抨击。
        At the meeting, Mr. Zuckerberg asked Mr. Cook how he would handle the fallout from the controversy, people with knowledge of the conversation said. Mr. Cook responded acidly that Facebook should delete any information that it had collected about people outside of its core apps.        据了解二人谈话内容的人说,在会上,扎克伯格询问库克他会如何处理这场争议的后果。库克尖刻地回答说,Facebook应当删除所有它在自己的核心应用之外收集的用户信息。
        Mr. Zuckerberg was stunned, said the people, who were not authorized to speak publicly. Facebook depends on data about its users to target them with online ads and to make money. By urging Facebook to stop gathering that information, Mr. Cook was in effect telling Mr. Zuckerberg that his business was untenable. He ignored Mr. Cook’s advice.        据这名未获得授权公开透露情况的人表示,扎克伯格当时目瞪口呆。Facebook依靠的就是关于其用户的数据,将在线广告展示给目标用户,实现盈利。通过敦促Facebook停止收集该类信息,库克实际上是在告诉扎克伯格,他的业务难以为继。他无视了库克的建议。
        Two years later, Mr. Zuckerberg and Mr. Cook’s opposing positions have exploded into an all-out war. On Monday, Apple released a new privacy feature that requires iPhone owners to explicitly choose whether to let apps like Facebook track them across other apps.        两年后,扎克伯格和库克的对立立场升级为全面战争。周一,苹果发布了一个新隐私功能,要求iPhone机主明确选择是否允许像Facebook这样的应用程序在其他应用程序上追踪他们的信息。
        One of the secrets of digital advertising is that companies like Facebook follow people’s online habits as they click on other programs, like Spotify and Amazon, on smartphones. That data helps advertisers pinpoint users’ interests and better target finely tuned ads. Now, many people are expected to say no to that tracking, delivering a blow to online advertising — and Facebook’s $70 billion business.        数字广告业的一个秘密,就是像Facebook这样的公司会在人们点击智能手机上的Spotify和亚马逊(Amazon)等其他程序时追踪他们的上网习惯。此类数据能帮助广告商精准找到用户的兴趣,更好地将经过精心策划的广告推给目标用户。如今,外界希望许多人能对这种追踪说不,这对网络广告和Facebook价值700亿美元的业务造成沉重打击。
        At the center of the fight are the two C.E.O.s. Their differences have long been evident. Mr. Cook, 60, is a polished executive who rose through Apple’s ranks by constructing efficient supply chains. Mr. Zuckerberg, 36, is a Harvard dropout who built a social-media empire with an anything-goes stance toward free speech.        这场冲突的中心是两位CEO。他们之间一直存在明显的分歧。现年60岁的库克是一位久经沙场的企管人士,通过为苹果打造高效的供应链一步步升到现在的位置。36岁的扎克伯格则是哈佛辍学生,本着一种无所顾忌的言论自由态度建起了一座社交媒体帝国。
        Those contrasts have widened with their deeply divergent visions for the digital future. Mr. Cook wants people to pay a premium — often to Apple — for a safer, more private version of the internet. It is a strategy that keeps Apple firmly in control. But Mr. Zuckerberg champions an “open” internet where services like Facebook are effectively free. In that scenario, advertisers foot the bill.        两人对数字未来的迥异构想更是加剧了这种反差。库克希望人们能通过加价——往往是付给苹果——来换取一个更安全、隐私的互联网。苹果正是凭借这一策略牢牢掌控着局面。但是扎克伯格倡导的是“开放”互联网,让Facebook这样的服务拥有实质上的自由。在这种情况下,买单的是广告商。
        The relationship between the chief executives has become increasingly chilly, people familiar with the men said. While Mr. Zuckerberg once took walks and dined with Steve Jobs, Apple’s late co-founder, he does not do so with Mr. Cook. Mr. Cook regularly met with Larry Page, Google’s co-founder, but he and Mr. Zuckerberg see each other infrequently at events like the Allen & Company conference, these people said.        了解内情的人士透露,两位CEO的关系日渐冷淡。扎克伯格曾经和苹果已故联合创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)一起散步、吃饭,但跟库克就不这样了。前述人士说,库克经常和谷歌联合创始人拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)见面,但和扎克伯格则只会在艾伦公司座谈会这类场合偶尔来往。
        The executives have also jabbed at each other. In 2017, a Washington political firm funded by Facebook and other Apple rivals published anonymous articles criticizing Mr. Cook and created a false campaign to draft him as a presidential candidate, presumably to upend his relationship with former President Donald J. Trump. And when Mr. Cook was asked by MSNBC in 2018 how he would deal with Facebook’s privacy issues if he was in Mr. Zuckerberg’s shoes, he replied, “I wouldn’t be in this situation.”        两位高管还会时不时发起相互攻击。2017年,一家由Facebook和其他苹果竞争对手资助的华盛顿政治机构发布匿名文章批评库克,还编造了推举他为总统候选人的假消息,估计是为了破坏他和前总统唐纳德·J·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)的关系。2018年MSNBC在采访中问库克,如果他在扎克伯格的位置上,会如何应对Facebook的隐私问题,他答道,“我就不会落入这样的处境。”
        Apple and Facebook declined to make Mr. Cook and Mr. Zuckerberg available for interviews and said the men have no personal animosity toward each other.        苹果和Facebook拒绝让库克和扎克伯格接受采访,并称两人之间并无罅隙。
        Regarding the new privacy feature, Apple said, “We simply believe users should have the choice over the data that is being collected about them and how it’s used.”        在新的隐私特性问题上,苹果表示,“我们只是单纯相信,用户在关于他们的数据收集以及使用方式上应该有做出选择的权利。”
        Facebook said Apple’s feature was not about privacy and was instead about profit.        Facebook表示苹果的这项产品特性意在盈利而不是隐私。
        “Free, ad-supported services have been essential to the growth and vitality of the internet, but Apple is trying to rewrite the rules in a way that benefits them and holds back everyone else,” a spokeswoman said.        “免费的、广告支持的服务是互联网发展与活力的根本,但是苹果试图重写规则,以便让他们成为唯一受益者,其他人都被压制,”一位发言人表示。
        A Chasm Opens        分歧的显现
        Mr. Cook and Mr. Zuckerberg first intersected more than a decade ago, when Mr. Cook was second in command at Apple and Facebook was a start-up.        库克和扎克伯格第一次打交道是在十多年前,当时库克是苹果二号人物,Facebook则还是一家初创企业。
        At the time, Apple saw Facebook as a hedge against Google, the search giant that had expanded into mobile phone software with Android, a former Apple executive said. Around 2010, Eddy Cue, who leads Apple’s digital services, sought out Mr. Zuckerberg for a potential software partnership, the former executive said.        一位前苹果高管说,当时苹果把Facebook看做是对谷歌(Google)的一种对冲,当时这家搜索引擎巨头已经凭借Android进入手机软件领域。这位高管说,大概在2010年的时候,苹果数字服务主管艾迪·库伊(Eddy Cue)与扎克伯格接洽,想看看能否建立软件合作伙伴关系。
        In the ensuing meetings, Mr. Zuckerberg told Mr. Cue that Apple had to deliver a great deal for a partnership, or the social network would be happy to go it alone, this person said. Some Apple executives felt those interactions showed that Mr. Zuckerberg was arrogant, this person added.        此人透露,扎克伯格在随后的会面中对库伊说,苹果要想合作,必须得拿出非常好的条件,否则Facebook也乐得自行其是。此人表示,当时有苹果高管觉得,这些交谈显示出扎克伯格是个傲慢的人。
        Two other people said that the talks were cordial and that they were confused by the characterization of the meetings. The discussions eventually led to a software feature that let iPhone owners share their photos directly to Facebook.        但另外两人称,谈话气氛是友好的,给苹果高管留下这样的印象让他们感到困惑。讨论最终促成了一个软件功能,即iPhone用户可以将他们的照片直接分享至Facebook。
        But the friction had set the tone. The situation was complicated as Facebook and Apple also became mutually dependent. The iPhone was a key device for people to use Facebook’s mobile app. And Facebook’s apps — which later also included Instagram and the messaging service WhatsApp — have been some of the most downloaded programs from Apple’s App Store.        但那次的摩擦定下了基调。随着Facebook和苹果的相互依赖增加,情况变得复杂。iPhone是人们使用Facebook移动应用的关键设备。Facebook的应用——后来还包括Instagram和信息服务WhatsApp——是苹果应用商店中下载次数最多的应用。
        By 2014, Facebook executives had grown fearful of the leverage that Apple had over the distribution of its apps with iPhone customers. Those concerns were compounded when Apple at times delayed updates of Facebook's apps through its App Store, said people familiar with the matter.        到2014年,苹果作为向iPhone用户分销应用的平台拥有了巨大的影响力,这让Facebook高管日渐感到担心。知情人士说,等到苹果数次延迟在应用商店上发布的Facebook应用更新时,这些担忧就进一步加剧了。
        Then, at its 2018 developer conference, Apple unveiled technology changes that struck at Facebook’s ad business. Those included a built-in screen-time tracker for iPhones that let users set time limits on certain apps, which affected companies like Facebook that need people to spend time in apps to show them more ads.        然后,在2018年开发者大会上,苹果公司公布了一些技术变革,这些变革打击了Facebook的广告业务。其中包括一个内置于iPhone的屏幕时间跟踪器,以允许用户设置某些应用的使用时间限制,从而影响了像Facebook这样需要人们在应用程序中多花时间才能向他们展示更多广告的公司。
        Apple also said that to protect people’s privacy, it would require companies to get permission from users of its Safari internet browser to track them across different websites. Facebook has used such “cookie” tracking technology to gather data, which enables it to charge advertisers more.        苹果还表示,为了保护人们的隐私,它将要求公司从用户那里获得其Safari互联网浏览器的许可,而后才能在不同的网站上进行跟踪。Facebook已经使用这种“cookie”跟踪技术来收集数据,从而使它可以向广告商收取更多费用。
        “It really spoke to the power of Apple controlling the operating system,” said Brian Wieser, president of business intelligence at GroupM, an advertising industry firm. “Facebook isn’t in control of its own destiny.”        “这确实证明了苹果控制操作系统的权力,”广告行业公司群邑(GroupM)的商业情报总裁布莱恩·维泽尔(Brian Wieser)表示。“Facebook的命运不在自己手里。”
        At Facebook, Apple’s privacy moves were viewed as hypocritical, said three current and former Facebook employees. Apple has long had a lucrative arrangement with Google to plug Google’s data-hungry search engine into Apple products, for instance. Facebook executives also noted that Apple was entrenched in China, where the government surveils its citizens.        三名现任和前任Facebook员工表示,在Facebook,苹果对隐私的保护被视为虚伪的举动。长期以来,苹果与谷歌存在利润丰厚的协议,例如将谷歌的数据搜索引擎接入苹果产品中。Facebook高管还指出,苹果公司深度涉入了对公民进行政府监视的中国。
        Privately, Mr. Zuckerberg told his lieutenants that Facebook “needed to inflict pain” upon Apple and Mr. Cook, said a person with knowledge of the discussions. The Wall Street Journal previously reported Mr. Zuckerberg’s comment.        一位对谈话知情的人士说,扎克伯格私下告诉下属,Facebook“需要给苹果和库克一些苦头”。《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)此前曾报道过扎克伯格的言论。
        App Tracking        应用追踪
        At Apple’s virtual developer conference last June, Katie Skinner, a manager on the privacy team, announced that the company planned a new iPhone feature to require apps to get users’ consent to track them across different apps. She discussed it for just 20 seconds.        在去年6月苹果的虚拟开发者大会上,隐私团队经理凯蒂·斯金纳(Katie Skinner)宣布公司计划推出一项新的iPhone功能,要求应用征得用户的同意才能在不同的应用之间进行跟踪。在这个问题上,她只用了20秒钟草草带过。
        To Facebook, it was a declaration of war, three current and former employees said. If people were given the option to not be tracked, that could hurt Facebook’s ad business, the executives figured.        三名现任和前任员工表示,对Facebook而言,这是在宣战。高管们认为,如果人们可以选择不被追踪,可能会损害Facebook的广告业务。
        The announcement came on top of a fight over gaming. Last year, Apple rejected a Facebook Gaming app from its App Store at least five times, until the social network had sufficiently tweaked the program.        在宣布前,两个公司已存在一场与游戏有关的对抗。去年,苹果公司在其应用商店中至少五次拒绝Facebook Gaming的应用,直到该社交网络对程序进行了充分调整。
        Mr. Zuckerberg has since shifted his tune about Apple’s move. With Wall Street nervous about the effect on Facebook’s business, he said in a March interview on the audio chat app Clubhouse that Apple’s feature could benefit the social network. If advertisers struggled to find customers across different apps, he said, they might gravitate more toward Facebook because of its already enormous troves of data.        此后,扎克伯格对苹果公司的举动改变了态度。随着华尔街对Facebook业务受到的影响感到担忧,他在3月的音频聊天应用Clubhouse采访中说,苹果的功能可能会让他的公司受益。他说,如果广告商难以在不同的应用中寻找客户,那么他们可能会更喜欢Facebook,因为Facebook已经拥有海量的数据。
        “It’s possible that we may even be in a stronger position,” he said.        他说:“我们甚至有可能处于更有利的地位。”
        But Mr. Zuckerberg has also been blunt about Facebook’s feelings on Apple. “We increasingly see Apple as one of our biggest competitors,” he said in an earnings call this year.        但是扎克伯格在Facebook对苹果的感受上也直言不讳。他在今年的财报电话会议上说:“我们越来越将苹果视为我们最大的竞争对手之一。”
        Even on that point, Mr. Cook has disagreed.        即使在这一点上,库克也不同意。
        “I’m not focused on Facebook,” he told The Times this month. “I think that we compete in some things. But no, if I’m asked who our biggest competitors are, they would not be listed.”        “Facebook不是我的重点,”他本月对时报说。“我认为我们在某些事情上有竞争。但是,如果我被问到我们最大的竞争对手是谁,我不会想到他们。”

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