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Chinese Shows Blur Western Brands Over Xinjiang Dispute

来源:纽约时报    2021-04-12 02:47

        HONG KONG — Viewers of some of China’s most popular online variety shows were recently greeted by a curious sight: a blur of pixels obscuring the brands on sneakers and T-shirts worn by contestants.        香港——最近,中国最受欢迎的一些网络综艺节目的观众看到了一个奇特的现象:参与者的运动鞋和T恤上的品牌标识被打上了马赛克。
        As far as viewers could tell, the censored apparel showed no hints of obscenity or indecency. Instead, the problem lay with the foreign brands that made them.        观众能看出来,这些经过画面处理的衣服并没有展示任何淫秽不雅的东西。相反,问题出在制造它们的外国品牌上。
        Since late March, streaming platforms in China have diligently censored the logos and symbols of brands like Adidas that adorn contestants performing dance, singing and standup-comedy routines. The phenomenon followed a feud between the government and big-name international companies that said they would avoid using cotton produced in the western Chinese region of Xinjiang, where the authorities are accused of mounting a wide-reaching campaign of repression against ethnic minorities, including Uyghurs.        自3月下旬以来,中国的流媒体平台一直在努力审查节目中跳舞、唱歌、脱口秀选手的服装上的阿迪达斯(Adidas)等品牌的商标。此前,由于中国西部地区新疆当局被指控对包括维吾尔人在内的少数民族进行广泛的镇压运动,大品牌国际公司称它们将避免使用新疆生产的棉花,由此引发了政府与这些公司之间的矛盾。
        While the anger in China against Western brands has been palpable and enduring on social media, the sight of performers turned into rapidly moving blobs of censored shoes and clothing has provided rare, albeit unintentional, comic relief for Chinese viewers amid a heated global dispute. It has also exposed the unexpected political tripwires confronting apolitical entertainment platforms as the government continues to weaponize the Chinese consumer in its political disputes with the West.        尽管在社交媒体上,中国人对西方品牌的愤怒显而易见且经久不息,但在一场激烈的全球争端中,看到表演者穿着打着马赛克的鞋子和衣服快速动来动去,无意中给中国观众带来了难得的喜感。随着政府在与西方的政治纠纷中继续将中国消费者用做武器,它还暴露了非政治性娱乐平台意外面临的政治绊索。
        Most of the brands were not discernible, but some could be identified. Chinese brands did not appear to be blurred. It’s not clear if Chinese government officials explicitly ordered the shows to obscure the brands. But experts said that the video streaming sites apparently felt pressured or obliged to publicly distance themselves from Western brands amid the feud.        大多数品牌都已无法识别,但有些还是能认出来。中国品牌似乎并没有被打上马赛克。目前尚不清楚中国政府官员是否明令要求节目给这些品牌打上马赛克。但是专家说,在这场争端中,视频流媒体网站显然感到压力,或自觉有义务公开与西方品牌保持距离。
        Ying Zhu, a media scholar based in New York and Hong Kong, suggested that the censorship was a response to both state and grass-roots patriotism, especially as the opinions of nationalistic viewers become more prominent and loud.        居住在纽约和香港的媒体学者朱影表示,审查制度是对国家和草根爱国主义的回应,特别是在民族主义观众的意见变得更加突出和强烈的时候。
        “The pressure is both top down and bottom up,” said Professor Zhu. “There is no need for the state to issue a directive for the companies to rally behind. Nationalistic sentiment runs high and mighty, and it drowns all other voices.”        “压力既有自上而下的,也有自下而上的,”朱影说。“国家无须发布指令让这些公司来支持它。民族主义情绪高涨,会淹没其他所有声音。”
        The censorship campaign can be traced to a dispute that erupted last month, when the Swedish clothing giant H&M was suddenly scrubbed from Chinese online shopping sites. The move came after the Communist Youth League and state news media resurfaced a statement H&M made months ago expressing concerns about forced labor in Xinjiang.        这次审查运动可以追溯到上个月爆发的争议,当时瑞典服装巨头H&M突然从中国的电商网站上被撤下。此前,共青团和国家新闻媒体重新提及H&M几个月前发表的声明,该声明表达了对新疆强迫劳动的担忧。
        Other Western clothing brands had also said they would avoid using Xinjiang cotton, and one after another, many Chinese celebrities severed ties with them. Since then, the loyalty test seems to have spread to streaming shows.        其他西方服装品牌也曾表示它们将避免使用新疆棉,许多中国名人相继与它们断绝了合作关系。从那以后,对忠诚的考验似乎已经蔓延到流媒体节目中。
        Fang Kecheng, an assistant professor of journalism at the Chinese University of Hong Kong who studies media and politics, said he believed that the platforms most likely censored the brands to pre-empt a backlash from viewers.        香港中文大学新闻学助理教授方可成研究媒体和政治,他说,他相信这些平台很可能为了避免引起观众的激烈反应而给品牌打上马赛克。
        “If anyone is not happy with those brands appearing in the shows, they could start a social media campaign attacking the producers, which could attract attention from the government and eventually lead to punishment,” he said by email on Thursday.        他在周四的电子邮件中说:“如果有人对节目上出现的这些品牌不满意,他们可能会在社交媒体上发起攻击生产商的运动,这可能会引起政府的关注并最终导致惩罚。”
        As the blurring spread across apparel brands, it led to some hiccups on shows. The video platform iQiyi announced that it would delay the release of an episode of “Youth With You 3,” a reality show for aspiring pop idols. It did not disclose the reason, but internet users surmised that it had to do with Adidas, which had supplied T-shirts and sneakers for the contestants to wear as a sort of team uniform.        随着越来越多的品牌被打上马赛克,节目中开始遇到一些小麻烦。视频平台爱奇艺宣布将推迟播出偶像练习生真人秀节目《青春有你3》的一集。它没有透露原因,但网民推测这与阿迪达斯有关,该品牌给参赛者提供了T恤和运动鞋作为队服。
        Some internet users made mocking predictions about how the upcoming episode would look, photoshopping images to flip the contestants vertically so that their Adidas T-shirts read, “Sabiba” instead.        一些网民对即将上线的一集的样子进行了讽刺性的预测,通过将参赛者的影像纵向翻转,使他们的阿迪达斯T恤上的字变成“Sabiba”。
        When the episode streamed two days later, pixelated rectangles obscured the T-shirts and sports jackets of dozens of dancers and the distinguishing triple stripes on their Adidas sneakers. Internet users observed mirthfully that none of the shirts had been spared, save for the one contestant who had worn his shirt backward. Many extended condolences to video editors for their lost sleep and labor blurring the T-shirts.        两天后,当这一集播出时,矩形马赛克遮盖了数十名舞者的T恤和运动外套,以及阿迪达斯运动鞋上标志性的三条线。网民们饶有兴致地观察到,没有一件上衣幸免,除了一位上衣反穿的选手。许多人向彻夜不眠给T恤打马赛克的视频编辑表示慰问。
        Other shows executed similar blurring feats in postproduction. Contestants on another reality show for entertainers, “Sisters Who Make Waves,” practiced cartwheels in sneakers blitzed into indiscernible blurs. So many shoes were erased in the stand-up comedy series, “Roast” that when a group gathered on a podium, the space between the floor and their long hems appeared to melt into a fog.        其他节目在后期制作中进行了类似的马赛克处理。有一场针对艺人的真人秀节目《乘风破浪的姐姐》的参赛者在练习侧手翻时,所穿的运动鞋变得模糊不清。脱口秀节目《吐槽大会》中抹掉了太多鞋子,以致当一群人聚集在舞台上时,地板和舞台边缘融合成了一团雾。
        A representative for Tencent Video, which hosts “Roast,” declined to comment on why some brands were censored. The streaming platforms iQiyi and Mango TV, which respectively host “Youth With You 3” and “Sisters Who Make Waves,” did not respond to requests for comment. Adidas did not respond to emailed questions.        《吐槽大会》主办方腾讯视频的代表拒绝评论为何对某些品牌进行审查。分别举办了《青春有你3》和《乘风破浪的姐姐》的流媒体平台爱奇艺和芒果电视均未回应置评请求。阿迪达斯没有回复通过电子邮件发送的问题。
        The onscreen blur or crop is hardly novel in China. The earlobes of male pop stars have been airbrushed to hide earrings deemed too effeminate. A period drama featuring décolletage distinctive to the Tang Dynasty was pulled off the air in 2015, only to be replaced with a version that cropped out much of the costumes and awkwardly zoomed in on the talking heads of the performers. Soccer players have been ordered to cover arm tattoos with long sleeves.        打马赛克或裁剪画面在中国并不鲜见。男偶像的耳垂被修饰处理以隐藏被认为太过阴柔的耳环。一部体现唐朝特有的袒胸露乳着装的古装电视剧于2015年停播,后来被替换为另一版本,该版本中裁剪了大部分戏服的画面,别扭地放大了正在说话的表演者的头。足球运动员也被命令用长袖遮盖手臂纹身。
        The onscreen censorship illustrates the difficult line that the online video platforms, which are regulated by the National Radio and Television Administration, need to tread.        通过屏幕审查可以看到,受国家广播电视总局监管的网络视频平台需要做到怎样的谨小慎微。
        “The blurring is likely the platforms’ self-censorship in order to be safe than sorry,” said Haifeng Huang, an associate professor of political science at the University of California at Merced and a scholar of authoritarianism and public opinion in China.        加州大学默塞德分校(University of California, Merced)政治学副教授、中国威权主义和民意研究学者黄海峰说:“打马赛克可能是平台以防万一而进行的自我审查。”
        “But it nevertheless implies the power of the state and the nationalistic segment of the society, which is also likely the message that the audience gets: These big platforms have to censor themselves even without being explicitly told so.”        “但是,它仍然暗示着国家和社会上的民族主义的力量,可能也是观众们接收到的信息:即使没有明确告知,这些大平台也必须对自己进行审查。”
        The blurring episodes also show how the platforms seem to be willing to sacrifice the quality of the viewing experience to avoid political fallout, even when they become the butt of audience jokes.        打马赛克的节目还显示了平台似乎愿意牺牲观看体验来避免政治后果,即使这样会成为观众的笑柄。
        “In a social environment where censorship is commonplace, people are desensitized and even treat it as another form of entertainment,” Professor Huang said.        黄海峰说:“在审查制度司空见惯的社会环境中,人们变得不敏感,甚至把它当作了另一种娱乐方式。”

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