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China’s Forced-Labor Backlash Threatens to Put N.B.A. in Unwanted Spotlight

来源:纽约时报    2021-04-13 12:42

        U.S.-Chinese tensions, human rights and business are once again meeting uncomfortably on the basketball court.        中美紧张关系、人权问题与商业再次在篮球场上令人不安地相遇。
        In China, local brands are prospering from a consumer backlash against Nike, H&M and other foreign brands over their refusal to use Chinese cotton made by forced labor. Chinese brands have publicly embraced the cotton from the Xinjiang region, leading to big sales to patriotic shoppers and praise from the Beijing-controlled media.        在中国,由于耐克(Nike)、H&M和其他外国品牌拒绝使用强迫劳动生产的中国棉花而面临消费者抵制,中国的本土品牌已在蓬勃发展。中国品牌公开欣然接受来自新疆地区的棉花,让爱国的购物者们给这些公司带来了巨大的销量,也让它们得到了政府控制的媒体的赞扬。
        In the United States, two of those same Chinese brands, Li-Ning and Anta, adorn the feet of National Basketball Association players — and those players are being rewarded handsomely for it. Two players reached endorsement deals with Anta in February. Another signed on this week. Klay Thompson of the Golden State Warriors already had a shoe deal with Anta that has been widely reported to be valued at up to $80 million.        在美国,全美篮球协会(简称NBA)也有职业球员使用上述中国品牌中的李宁和安踏的球鞋,这些球员因此得到丰厚的回报。两名球员在今年2月与安踏签了代言协议。另一名球员在本周签约。金州勇士队(Golden State Warriors)的克莱·汤普森(Klay Thompson)与安踏签了一份据广泛传说高达8000万美元的代言球鞋协议。
        Dwyane Wade, the three-time N.B.A. champion and retired Miami Heat player, has a clothing line with Li-Ning that is so successful he has recruited young players for the brand.        三届NBA总冠军迈阿密热火队(Miami Heat)的退役球员德怀恩·韦德(Dwyane Wade)与李宁公司合作推出了一个服装系列品牌,该品牌非常成功,以至于他为品牌招募了年轻球员。
        Like the foreign brands in China, the league and its players could soon feel themselves squeezed between Washington and Beijing. Western companies are being pressured by American officials and lawmakers to respond to accusations of genocide in Xinjiang. But they face a consumer-driven backlash in China, where celebrities have severed ties with brands like Burberry and patriotic citizens have burned their Nike shoes on social media.        与在中国的外国品牌一样,NBA及其球员们可能很快会感受到夹在华盛顿与北京之间的滋味。西方的公司正受到美国官员和议员的压力,要求它们对新疆种族灭绝的指控作出回应。但西方品牌在中国面临消费者发起的抵制,中国的名人同巴宝莉(Burberry)等品牌断绝了关系,爱国公民们在社交媒体上烧掉了自己的耐克鞋。
        The N.B.A. and its athletes are familiar with the challenges of trying to stand up to China and maintain access to its nearly 1.4 billion consumers. Just two years ago, China exiled the N.B.A. from state media channels after the general manager of the Houston Rockets supported pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong.        对于这种在试图与中国近14亿消费者保持接触的同时抵抗中国的挑战,NBA及其运动员们早已熟悉。就在两年前,休斯顿火箭队(Houston Rockets)的总经理发了一条支持香港民主抗议者的帖子后,中国曾将NBA从官方媒体频道撤下。
        The league has so far avoided the latest round of controversy. That may not last for long.        到目前为止,NBA一直避免卷入最新的这轮争议。这可能不会持续太久。
        “It’s hard to imagine celebrities and brand ambassadors being able to walk this line between those negative views of China in their home countries and the increasingly clear demands in China to publicly demonstrate the use of products made in Xinjiang,” said Natasha Kassam, director of the Public Opinion and Foreign Policy Program at the Lowy Institute in Australia.        “这些名人和品牌大使们的国家对中国持负面看法,中国却越来越明确地要求公开展示新疆制造的产品,很难想象这些能够在二者之间找到平衡,”澳大利亚洛伊研究所(Lowy Institute)舆论与外交政策项目主任娜塔莎·卡萨姆(Natasha Kassam)说。
        The Chinese companies themselves are unlikely to take a significant hit. The United States banned imports of products made from Xinjiang cotton in January, but neither Li-Ning nor Anta sells large numbers of shoes there. (They are available online, however.) Still, their full-throated support of Xinjiang could have reputational consequences for the American athletes.        中国企业本身不大可能受到重大打击。今年1月,美国禁止从新疆进口棉花制品,但李宁和安踏都不在美国销售大量的鞋。(但它们的产品能在网上找到。)尽管如此,这两个品牌全力支持新疆棉花的做法可能影响美国运动员的声誉。
        “It is a simpler proposition for a Chinese celebrity to say I’m going to end my ties with X European company and probably be rewarded domestically for it,” Ms. Kassam said. “Americans looking to profit off China’s market find themselves in a much more challenging place.”        “对于一个中国名人,说要结束同某家欧洲公司的关系是比较简单的事,并可能因此在国内获得回报,”卡萨姆说。“想从中国市场获利的美国人会发现自己的处境更有挑战性。”
        After Li-Ning and Anta published positive statements on Xinjiang cotton last week, investors in China sent the share price of both companies soaring. Chinese state media was quick to fuel the show of patriotism. At one point, a pair of Li-Ning shoes under Mr. Wade’s Way of Wade line traded for nearly $7,500.        李宁和安踏上周发表声明支持新疆棉后,中国的投资者们推动了这两家公司股价的飙升。中国官媒迅速为这种爱国表现加油。李宁韦德之道系列的球鞋一度被炒到了48889元一双。
        But the statements could invite regulatory scrutiny on future business operations in the United States, said Brian J. Fleming, a lawyer specializing in sanctions at Miller & Chevalier Chartered.        但这些声明可能会引发监管机构对它们未来在美国的商业活动进行审查,Miller & Chevalier Chartered律师事务所专门研究制裁问题的律师布莱恩·J·弗莱明(Brian J. Fleming)说。
        “By speaking out, Anta and Li-Ning are simultaneously supporting the Chinese government and thumbing their noses at U.S. restrictions, which is a combination unlikely to be greeted warmly by U.S. authorities,” Mr. Fleming said.        “安踏和李宁的公开表态,在对中国政府表示支持的同时,表达了对美国限制措施的蔑视,这种做法不太可能受到美国当局的热烈欢迎,”弗莱明说。
        Anta and Li-Ning did not respond to requests for comment.        安踏和李宁没有回复记者的置评请求。
        Mr. Thompson, one of the N.B.A.’s biggest stars, is known as “China Klay” to his Chinese fans and once said he wanted to be the Michael Jordan of Anta. His teammate James Wiseman, as well as Alex Caruso of the Los Angeles Lakers, signed with Anta this year, according to the sportswear brand’s social media account. Precious Achiuwa of the Heat announced this week that he was joining Anta.        汤普森是NBA最耀眼的明星之一,中国球迷们称他为“China Klay”(中国克莱),他曾经说过想成为安踏的迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)。安踏的社交媒体账号显示,汤普森的队友詹姆斯·怀斯曼(James Wiseman)和洛杉矶湖人队(Los Angeles Lakers)的亚历克斯·卡鲁索(Alex Caruso)已在今年与该运动服装品牌签约。热火队的普雷舍斯·阿丘瓦(Precious Achiuwa)本周宣布将与安踏签约。
        Requests for comment from Mr. Thompson and other N.B.A. players also went unanswered.        发给汤普森和其他NBA球员的置评请求也没有得到回复。
        Outside China, Xinjiang has become synonymous with repression. Reports suggest as many as one million Uyghurs and other largely Muslim ethnic minorities have been held in detention camps. In March, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken accused China of continuing to “commit genocide and crimes against humanity” in the far northwestern region.        在中国境外,新疆已成为镇压的代名词。有报道称,多达100万维吾尔人和其他主要是穆斯林的少数民族被关在拘禁营里。今年3月,美国国务卿安东尼·J·布林肯(Antony J. Blinken)指责中国继续在该国西北边远地区“犯下种族灭绝和反人类罪”。
        The N.B.A. has powerful reasons to keep quiet on China. When Daryl Morey, the general manager of the Rockets at the time, voiced his support for the Hong Kong protests on Twitter in 2019, Li-Ning and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Credit Card Center paused their partnerships with the team. The Chinese Basketball Association, whose president is the former Rockets player Yao Ming, also suspended its cooperation with the Rockets.        NBA有充分的理由在中国问题上保持沉默。2019年,时任火箭队总经理的达里尔·莫雷(Daryl Morey)在Twitter上表示支持香港的抗议活动后,李宁公司和上海浦东发展银行信用卡中心暂停了与该球队的合作。由前火箭队球员姚明担任主席的中国篮球协会也暂停了与火箭队的合作。
        Mr. Morey deleted the message.        莫雷删除了那条推文。
        Adam Silver, the N.B.A. commissioner, later said the Chinese government had asked the league to fire Mr. Morey, a claim that the Chinese Foreign Ministry quickly denied. But the incident left a scar on the N.B.A.’s reputation for supporting free speech and severely limited its access to the Chinese market.        NBA总裁萧华(Adam Silver)后来说,中国政府曾要求NBA解雇莫雷,但中国外交部马上否认了这个说法。但事件已给NBA支持言论自由的声誉造成了损害,并严重限制了NBA进入中国市场的机会。
        China Central Television, the state-run television network, stopped broadcasting N.B.A. games after Mr. Morey’s message on Twitter. Late last year, it briefly resumed coverage for Games 5 and 6 of the N.B.A. finals. A week later, Mr. Morey stepped down as general manager.        中国官方电视台央视在莫雷发了那条推文后暂停了转播NBA赛事。去年年底,央视短暂恢复了对NBA总决赛第五场和第六场比赛的报道。一周后,莫雷辞去了火箭队总经理的职务。
        In a radio interview this week, Mr. Silver said that CCTV had stopped airing N.B.A. games again, but that fans could stream them through Tencent, the Chinese internet conglomerate. He said the N.B.A.’s partnership with China was “complicated,” but that “doesn’t mean we don’t speak up about what we see are, you know, things in China that are inconsistent with our values.”        萧华在本周接受一家广播电台采访时说,中国的央视已再次停止播放NBA比赛,但球迷们可以通过中国互联网集团腾讯的流媒体观看这些比赛。他说,NBA与中国的合作关系是“复杂的”,但“这并不意味着我们不会对我们在中国看到的,与我们的价值观不一致的事情公开发言”。
        A spokesman for the league declined to comment for this article.        NBA的一位发言人拒绝对本文置评。
        Money and a large China fan base are at stake for players like Mr. Thompson and the dozens of other American athletes who have been heavily promoted by Anta and Li-Ning. Mr. Thompson has had a partnership with Anta since 2014 that has given him a popular shoe line and sponsored tours in China.        对像汤普森这样的球员、以及得到安踏和李宁大力宣传的其他几十名美国运动员来说,这些问题危及到金钱和庞大的中国粉丝群。汤普森自2014年以来一直与安踏有合作关系,让他在中国拥有一个受欢迎的运动鞋系列,并得到了在中国巡回比赛的赞助。
        More recent deals between the companies and N.B.A. players could face questions in coming weeks as tensions between the United States and China escalate. Jimmy Butler, a five-time All-Star who plays for the Heat, and the Toronto Raptors guard Fred VanVleet signed on with Li-Ning in November. Mr. Wade, the retired Heat player, helped CJ McCollum and D’Angelo Russell, two star guards, secure deals with Li-Ning through his sportswear line.        随着中美紧张关系升级,这些中国公司与NBA球员最近达成的更多合作协议可能会在未来几周面临质疑。曾效力于热火队的五届全明星吉米·巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)和多伦多猛龙队(Toronto Raptors)的后卫弗雷德·范弗利特(Fred VanVleet)已于去年11月与李宁签约。热火队退役球员韦德曾通过自己的运动服装系列,帮助两名明星后卫C·J·麦科勒姆 (CJ McCollum)和德安吉洛·拉塞尔(D’angelo Russell)与李宁公司签协议。
        “My decision 7 years ago to sign with Li-Ning was to show the next generation that it’s not just one way of doing things,” Mr. Wade wrote on Twitter when he announced Mr. Russell’s contract in November 2019. “I had a chance to build a Global platform that gives future athletes a canvas to create and be expressive.”        “我七年前做出与李宁签约的决定,是为了向下一代展示,这不只是一种做事情的方式,”韦德2019年11月在Twitter上宣布拉塞尔与李宁签约时写道。“我当时有机会建立一个全球平台,为未来的运动员提供创造和表现的画布。”

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