漫威发布新任美国队长海报 不仅有盾牌还有双翼_OK阅读网
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漫威发布新任美国队长海报 不仅有盾牌还有双翼
Marvel Studios releases new poster of Anthony Mackie as Captain America

来源:中国日报    2021-04-27 15:32

        Marvel movie fans know hanging around after a film or show's end credits usually rewards them with hints of things to come in the MCU, and the finale of "The Falcon and The Winter Soldier" was no different.        漫威影迷们知道,一部电影或电视剧片尾字幕放完后再等一会儿就能看到跟漫威续集有关的情节线索。《猎鹰与冬兵》的最后一集也一样。
        Not only did viewers see the full heel turn of Emily VanCamp's Sharon Carter, but the show's title changed to read "Captain America and The Winter Soldier."        观众不仅看到了艾米丽·万凯普饰演的莎朗·卡特掉转的鞋跟,而且还注意到该剧的名字改成了“美国队长与冬兵”。
        As if to reinforce that change, Marvel Studios has released an official poster of Anthony Mackie in his brand new red-white-and-blue supersuit.        似乎是为了强调这一变动,漫威工作室日前发布了一张安东尼·麦凯身穿全新红白蓝超级英雄制服的官方海报。
        The series finale dealt with Sam Wilson (Mackie) relinquishing his role as the Falcon and finally embracing the responsibility of the star-spangled shield Chris Evans' Steve Rogers gave him at the end of "Avengers: Endgame" -- but keeping his wings to give him some additional abilities.        《猎鹰与冬兵》的结局中,麦凯饰演的山姆·威尔逊终于放下了猎鹰的角色,接过了克里斯·埃文斯饰演的史蒂夫·罗杰斯在《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》结尾时交给他的星星盾牌和重任,不过,他依然保留他的双翼,让自己拥有额外的超能力。
        The Disney+ show followed how Wilson became conflicted about assuming the Captain America role as a Black man in America. "The legacy of that shield is complicated," Wilson said. But he ultimately decided to "do something different" with the responsibility, delivering a closing speech in the finale that said of the shield, and the mantle, "Every time I pick this thing up, I know there are millions of people out there who are going to hate me for it. Yet I'm still here. No super serum. No blond hair or blue eyes. The only power I have is to believe we can do better."        在迪士尼流媒体平台上播放的《猎鹰与冬兵》中,威尔逊对于自己身为美国黑人担任美国队长一职感到很矛盾。威尔逊说道:“那块盾牌带来的后续影响很复杂。”但是他最终决定接任之后要“做一些不同的事情”。他在剧终时发表的告别致辞中提到了盾牌和职责:“每当我拿起盾牌,我都知道会有数百万人因此恨我。然而我还在这里。没有超级英雄的血统。没有金发碧眼。我拥有的唯一的超能力就是相信我们可以做得更好。”
        Wilson was assisted along the way by Sebastian Stan's Winter Soldier.        威尔逊一直都有塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦饰演的冬兵从旁相助。
        The new poster, and the title change, gives weight to a report that series creator and head writer Malcolm Spellman is writing a fourth "Captain America" film with Mackie's Wilson in the title role.        新海报和名字变动证实了先前一篇报道中所说的《猎鹰与冬兵》的制作人和首席编剧马尔科姆·斯佩尔曼正在为麦凯主演的第四部《美国队长》电影编写剧本。

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