菲律宾男子5岁起开始收集快餐店玩具 希望可以办展览_OK阅读网
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菲律宾男子5岁起开始收集快餐店玩具 希望可以办展览
Philippine collector amasses super-sized collection of fast-food restaurant toys

来源:中国日报    2021-04-29 15:07

        From the age of 5, Filipino graphic artist Percival Lugue has had a passion for collecting toys from fast-food restaurant chains like McDonald's, Burger King and home-country favourite Jollibee.        菲律宾平面设计师珀西瓦尔·鲁格从5岁起就热衷于收集麦当劳、汉堡王和快乐蜂(菲律宾本土最受欢迎的快餐品牌)等快餐连锁店的玩具。
        Now,the 50-year-old has about 20,000 toys packed from floor to ceiling in his home and holds a Guinness World Record from 2014, when his collection reached more than 10,000 items.        如今这位50岁的男子已拥有约2万个玩具,家里的玩具从地上堆到了天花板,2014年还因收藏玩具过万而打破了吉尼斯世界纪录。
        "The toy is like a storyteller in itself," said Lugue, explaining his hobby while sitting among an eclectic mix of toys in his three-storey home.        鲁格说:“玩具本身就在述说着故事。”他坐在三层楼家中各式各样的玩具中间解释着自己的爱好。
        "For example, it gives me a glimpse of that particular period when I got it, the story of what's going on, what are the incidents that are attached in the acquisition," he said.        他说:“例如,它可以让我回想起我拿到玩具的那个特定时期,以及得到玩具时发生的故事。”
        Lugue, who lives in Apalit in Pampanga, a province northwest of Manila, built his home especially to house his collection.        鲁格住在位于菲律宾首都马尼拉西北方向的邦板牙省的阿帕里特,他盖这座房子就是为了收藏他的玩具。
        He likens the excitement that getting new toys gives him to Christmas morning.        他表示,获得新玩具的兴奋心情就像圣诞节早上的感觉一样。
        He has always played with the toys, but even as a child took good care of them and put them on display "unlike the other kids, who would tear up their toys into smithereens."        他一直都会玩这些玩具,但是从小他就很精心地保管和展示这些玩具,“和其他孩子不同,其他孩子会把玩具撕得粉碎。”
        While most of his toys were obtained through personal purchases, some were donated by friends and family.        他的多数玩具都是通过个人购买获得,但也有些玩具是朋友和家人捐赠的。
        "I would invite my friends to... have lunch at McDonald's... and in one sitting I would be able to complete the whole set," he said.        他说:“我会邀请我的朋友们去麦当劳吃午饭,吃一次我就能集齐整套玩具。”
        One of his most treasured pieces is a "Hetty Spaghetti" figurine, a mascot from the Jollibee chain that his mother gave him in 1988.        他最珍爱的一个玩具是通心粉女孩海蒂人偶,这是他母亲在1988年从快乐蜂买给他的吉祥物。
        His dream now is to eventually put his collection on display for the public or even open a museum to "give others a chance to revisit their own childhood memories."        他现在的梦想是有朝一日可以向公众展示他收藏的玩具,最好能开一家博物馆,“让其他人有机会重温自己的童年回忆”。

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