关爱地球母亲 可以从这四种绿色生活方式做起_OK阅读网
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关爱地球母亲 可以从这四种绿色生活方式做起
This Earth Day, take these 4 steps to go (more) green

来源:中国日报    2021-04-22 14:20

        Conduct a plastic audit        在地球日这天做一次“塑料审计”
        EarthDay.org suggests that every household take time this Earth Day to perform a plastic audit, which involves counting how many plastic containers, wraps, bottles and bags are purchased for at-home use. It may surprise you how many you use until you start counting! While we’re not saying that you have to get rid of every single ounce of plastic in your home, it is important to be aware of your family’s plastic usage, and to take time to research more sustainable products and start to incorporate them into your daily life. Simple swaps like glass containers instead of plastic or stainless steel bottles instead of single-use plastics can go a long way to making a difference.        地球日官网建议家家户户在地球日这天都来一次塑料审计,数一数一共购买了多少供家庭使用的塑料容器、塑料包装、塑料瓶和塑料袋。当你发现自己居然用了这么多塑料,你或许会感到惊讶。我们并不是说家里一点塑料都不能有,重要的是你应该意识到家里的塑料使用量,并花时间去调研更加可持续的产品,并开始将其纳入你的日常生活中。简单的做法比如将塑料杯换成玻璃杯,或者将一次性塑料瓶换成不锈钢瓶,日久天长,就能带来大的改变。
        Find a plant-based recipe to prepare        日常饮食摄入更多蔬果
        EarthDay.org also recommends researching a new plant-based recipe or recreating family-favorite recipes using plant-based alternatives. This can be research you do as a family or by live-streaming a plant-based cooking class for your friends and family.        地球日官网还建议人们摸索以植物为主的新食谱,或者用植物食材去做家人最爱吃的菜。你可以自己和家人摸索新食谱,也可以给亲友直播植物食材烹饪课。
        Take on the Global Earth Challenge        接受“世界地球日挑战”
        If you have family members who love to investigate, have them download the Global Earth Challenge app and collect data about the air quality and plastic pollution in your community. This is an ideal way to teach yourself and others about actions you can take locally to help lessen the stress on the planet. It’s also a great lesson to teach kids about curiosity and social responsibility. This is a lesson they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.        如果你有喜爱调研的家人,可以让他们下载世界地球日挑战应用,收集社区中关于空气质量和塑料污染的数据。这是一个让自己和他人了解在当地怎么做才能有助于减轻地球压力的理想方式。这也能给孩子上很好的一课,让他们拥有好奇心和社会责任感。这将会让孩子终生受用。
        Become an artist for a day        在地球日这天做一个废物利用艺术家
        Another fun activity is to make a craft—be it artwork, a birdhouse, or a new feature for the dining room table—using only recycled materials. You can use old aluminum cans, toilet paper rolls, glass, or find items from nature like leaves and pinecones to create a one-of-a-kind masterpiece you can enjoy for years to come. Make a bunch of crafts that your kids can give to family members for the holidays to teach them about what they can do to help protect the planet.        地球日的另一个有趣活动就是做手工,无论是艺术品、鸟舍还是餐桌新装饰都可以,但只能用回收材料。你可以用旧铝罐、厕纸卷轴、玻璃或从大自然找到的叶子、松果等物件来创造独一无二的杰作,而这一作品你可以留着欣赏很多年。这些工艺品你可以让孩子在节日时送给亲戚,教育他们怎样做可以有助于保护地球。

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