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Covid-19 deaths pass three million worldwide

来源:中国日报    2021-04-19 15:28

        The number of people who have died worldwide in the Covid-19 pandemic has surpassed three million, according to Johns Hopkins University.        约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的数据显示,新冠疫情期间全球死亡人数已经突破300万大关。
        The milestone comes the day after the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) warned the world was "approaching the highest rate of infection" so far.        就在此前一天,世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞警告称,全世界正接近迄今为止的“最高感染率”。
        India - experiencing a second wave - recorded more than 230,000 new cases on Saturday alone.        正在遭遇第二轮疫情的印度光是4月17日的单日新增病例就超过了23万例。
        More than 140 million cases have been recorded since the pandemic began.        自从疫情暴发以来,全球确诊病例已超过1.4亿例。
        WHO chief Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned on Friday that "cases and deaths are continuing to increase at worrying rates".        世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞博士4月16日警告称,“病例和死亡数量正在以令人担忧的速度持续增加”。
        He added that "globally, the number of new cases per week has nearly doubled over the past two months".        他补充道,“全球来看,每周新增病例数量在过去两个月几乎翻了一番”。
        The US, India and Brazil - the countries with the most recorded infections - have accounted for more than a million deaths between them, according to Johns Hopkins University.        约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的数据显示,确诊病例数量最高的美国、印度和巴西这三国的死亡人数总和达到了一百多万。
        Last week saw an average of 12,000 deaths a day reported around the world, according to news agency AFP.        据法新社报道,上周世界各地平均每天死亡人数达到了1.2万。
        However, official figures worldwide may not fully reflect the true number in many countries.        然而,世界各国的官方数据也许没有完全反映出许多国家的真实数字。
        Up until a few weeks ago, India appeared to have the pandemic relatively under control. Cases had been below 20,000 a day for much of January and February - a low figure in a country of more than a 1.3 billion people.        就在几周前,印度似乎相对控制住了疫情。一月和二月的大多数时间单日新增病例都不超过2万,这对于一个人口超13亿的国家来说是比较低的水平。
        But then infections began to rise rapidly: Saturday saw a record set for the third day in a row, with more than 234,000 cases reported.        但是从那以后感染人数就急剧增加:4月17日单日确诊病例超过了23.4万例,连续第三天打破了新增病例纪录。
        Brazil - which has recorded the third highest number of cases and, at 368,749, the second highest number of deaths - is still struggling to control the outbreak.        确诊病例数量高居世界第三的巴西,死亡病例数量高达368749例,排在全球第二位,目前仍在艰难地控制疫情。
        Canada has also reported a recent rise, registering more cases per million than the US over the last week - the first time this has happened since the pandemic began.        加拿大近期确诊病例数量也有所上升,上周每100万人的确诊人数比美国还多,这是自疫情暴发以来的首次。
        Papua New Guinea has also been highlighted as a cause for concern. The World Health Organization head, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, noted "the potential for a much larger epidemic" in the Pacific nation following a sharp increase in cases.        巴布亚新几内亚也是令人感到担忧的一个疫区。世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞博士指出,这个前不久确诊病例数量猛增的太平洋国家有着“疫情严重恶化的可能性”。
        He added that the country - which has received 140,000 vaccine doses through Australia and the Covax scheme - is a "perfect example of why vaccine equity is so important".        他补充道,该国经由澳大利亚和新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划获得了14万剂疫苗,是“疫苗公平重要性很好的例证”。
        More than 860 million doses of coronavirus vaccines have been administered, in 165 countries worldwide.        全球范围内,有165个国家已接种了逾8.6亿剂新冠疫苗。
        Those with high vaccination rates, such as the UK and Israel, have seen their numbers of new infections drop sharply.        在英国和以色列这样的高接种率国家,新增确诊病例数量已经剧减。
        A leading Israeli doctor said this week he believed Israel - where more than half the population has been vaccinated - may be close to reaching "herd immunity".        一名以色列首席医生本周表示,他认为已完成超半数人口接种的以色列可能即将实现“群体免疫”。
        While Israel has distributed 119 doses per 100 people, just 2.81 doses per 100 have been given in the Palestinian territories, recent data from Our World in Data at Oxford University showed.        牛津大学“用数据看世界”的最新数据显示,以色列每100人就有119剂疫苗,而在巴勒斯坦地区,每100人仅有2.81剂疫苗。
        But many more countries are still waiting for their first shipments to arrive.        但是还有许多其他国家仍然在等待第一批疫苗的到来。
        Scientists are also worried about how effective the current jabs will be against fast-spreading new variants of the disease.        科学家还担心,目前的疫苗对于快速传播的新冠病毒新变种的效力有多强。
        Professor Adam Finn, a member of the UK's Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), said he expected a "gradual erosion" of vaccine protection as the virus evolves, but immunity from vaccines "won't just disappear".        英国预防接种和免疫联合委员会的委员亚当·芬教授称,他认为,随着病毒不断变异,疫苗保护力会“逐渐减弱”,但是打疫苗获得的免疫力“不会突然消失”。

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