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1,465 examples of behavior that could be harmful to children discovered in 21 cartoons

来源:中国日报    2021-04-13 10:32

        According to the survey results, there are several main things that parents are unhappy about in cartoons: depictions of violent crime, dangerous behavior that is easily imitated, dark and negative content.调查结果显示,家长对动画片中的以下几点最为不满:对暴力犯罪的描写、易模仿的危险行为、暗黑负面内容。
        Some netizens remarked that they did not understand why these parents were making a fuss. However, there have been some incidents in which children have come to harm while imitating cartoons.一些网友对家长们为何如此大惊小怪感到不理解。但是,此前也确实出现过儿童模仿动画片而受伤的事件。
        The report, based on a survey of parents in the province, has sparked numerous hot discussions on Chinese social media since its release, leading many netizens to once again call for the implementation of a rating system for TV and film content, while other netizens called for parents to supervise their children more instead of just blaming cartoons for any accidents that may occur.这份报告基于对江苏省家长的调查而来,自发布以来,在国内社交媒体上引发热议。许多网民再次呼吁对影视内容实行分级制度,还有网民呼吁家长更多地监督孩子,而不是仅仅把任何可能发生的事故的责任归咎于动画片。
        综合来源:扬子晚报,Global Times,观察者网

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