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DC Festival of Heroes Introduces Monkey Prince

来源:中国日报    2021-04-15 11:22

        To celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, DC will debut an all-new hero within its commemorative anthology comic DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration. The new anthology hits comic book stores and digital platforms on May 11, and with its release comes the first appearance of Monkey Prince.为了庆祝美国亚裔和太平洋诸岛后裔传统月,DC漫画公司将在其纪念刊《DC英雄节:亚洲超级英雄庆典》中推出全新英雄。这部新作将于5月11日在漫画书店和数字平台上架,届时猴王子将首次亮相。
        The new hero will appear in an original 12-page story "The Monkey Prince Hates Superheroes" written by Gene Luen Yang with art by Bernard Chang.这一新英雄将出现在12页的原创故事《猴王子厌恶超级英雄》之中,由杨谨伦与伯纳德·张创作。
        Monkey Prince is inspired by the Monkey King, legendary hero of Chinese mythology and the classic tale Journey to the West. In Yang and Chang’s original 12-page story, “The Monkey Prince Hates Superheroes,” Monkey Prince battles and teams up with Shazam to defeat both the evil Dr. Sivana and a Chinese deer demon spirit!猴王子的灵感来自“美猴王”,后者是中国神话名著《西游记》中的传奇英雄。在这部新作品中,猴王子将与沙赞对战,并组团击败邪恶的希瓦纳博士以及“一个中国的恶魔鹿妖”。
        Many Chinese netizens said they only see "Monkey King" as their true hero instead of "Monkey Prince," and expressed their dissatisfaction with the character's "unhandsome" appearance and "stereotyped Asian face." Some complained that DC was "stealing Chinese culture" to earn money in China.不少网民认定只有“美猴王”才是真正的英雄,而非什么“猴王子”。同时,网友们对于猴王子“不帅气的外形”和“刻板印象的亚洲脸”也不满意。另有网友认为DC“剽窃中国文化”,又回过头来挣中国钱。
        Hollywood is trying to win the hearts of Chinese moviegoers by playing the nostalgic card of using Chinese legendary figures, but they risk suffering the same poor result as Disney's Mulan if they fail to express Chinese culture, Chinese film experts noted. 国内影视专家表示,好莱坞尝试用中国神话形象打“情怀牌”,赢得影迷好感。然而,如果没能恰当表达中国文化,很有可能和迪士尼真人电影《花木兰》一样反响惨淡。
        To seize the hearts of Chinese audiences, there should be respect and understanding of Chinese elements without arbitrarily matching or combining them at will, and they also need to tell a story that conforms to the logic of the characters, Shi suggested.他建议,如果想真正赢得中国观众,好莱坞应当尊重并理解中国元素,而非按照自己的意愿随意搭配结合。同时,他们还需要讲述一个与角色逻辑相符的故事。

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