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Spring is bursting out all over … achoo!

来源:中国日报    2021-04-08 10:57

        Every spring, when the pollen concentration rises, the nose and throat departments of hospitals will be packed. Incidence of the allergic diseases has been growing in China in recent years. Incidence of allergic rhinitis, which used to be widespread in some developed Western countries only, also began to prevail in China. 每年春天,花粉浓度上升时,医院的鼻咽喉科就会挤满了人。近年来,我国过敏性疾病的发病率呈上升趋势。过敏性鼻炎以前只在一些西方发达国家普遍流行,现在其发病率在我国也开始升高。        研究显示,我国过敏性鼻炎患病率达18%,估计患病人群超过2.5亿,尤其在儿童和青壮年中发病较多。
        In Beijing, for example, the most common allergenic pollens in spring include those from the large-fruited elm tree, Cathay poplar, ash, acacia and white birch.以北京为例,春季最常见的致敏花粉包括榆树、杨树、白蜡、合欢树和白桦的花粉。        Allergic rhinitis is caused by both the external environment — which includes air pollution and pollen — and internal factors, in which heredity and an individual’s immune system come into play. Besides nose-related symptoms, it can also lead to lung disease, asthma, insomnia, anxiety and depression if not controlled properly, according to experts.过敏由外部环境比如空气污染、花粉浓度等,以及内部环境如遗传和自身免疫系统因素引起。专家表示,除了鼻部症状,如控制不当,过敏还可能引发肺部疾病、哮喘、失眠、焦虑、抑郁。
        As the economy develops, more Chinese will have the disease. In less-developed countries, children contact bacteria and viruses in the environment more often, which promotes their immune system, so they are less likely to experience allergies when they grow up.随着我国经济社会的进步,过敏人群还会增加。在欠发达地区,人们在儿童时期更频繁接触环境中的细菌和病毒,促进了免疫系统的发育,因此成年时过敏的几率就会降低。        张罗教授提示过敏性鼻炎患者,在花粉浓度高的时候减少户外活动,出门做好防护,如佩戴口罩,如眼睛有干痒的症状,可以佩戴护目镜,起到阻隔作用。如症状进一步加重,需要及时就医,进行临床诊断和药物治疗。
        When the pollen concentration is high, patients should reduce their outdoor activities and wear face masks and goggles when they go out. It’s helpful to take immunity-modulating drugs in advance before symptoms appear, and continue to use medicines based on a doctor’s guidance until the pollen season passes.花粉浓度高时,患者应减少户外活动,外出时应戴口罩和护目镜。在症状出现之前提前服用免疫调节药物是有帮助的,在花粉季节过去之前,在医生的指导下继续用药。        北京大学人民医院皮肤科主任张建中教授提示,正值花粉传播季节,要注意预防和用药控制“双管齐下”。
        It is still a global challenge because the pathogenesis is unclear and current treatments cannot delay progression of the disease. In addition, most allergens are closely linked to human living environments and are impossible to simply wipe out. And most treatment methods can only control symptoms.过敏性疾病在全球仍然是一个难以攻克的难题,因为它的发病机制尚不清楚,目前的治疗方法不能延缓疾病的进展。此外,大多数过敏原与人类生活环境密切相关,不可能简单地根除。而大多数治疗方法只能控制症状。        Zhang suggested enhancing medical research, raising public awareness and making current treatment methods accessible to more people. It will also help to place allergic rhinitis under the national chronic disease supervision, prevention and treatment system, as well as planting flowers, trees and grass that induce fewer allergic reactions in city landscaping, he said.张罗建议加强医学研究,提高公众意识,让更多的人了解目前的治疗方法。他也呼吁,将过敏性鼻炎纳入国家慢病监控和防治体系当中,并且在城市绿化中选取引起过敏反应少的花草树木进行种植。

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