《权力的游戏》开播10周年 HBO开启“铁王座庆典”_OK阅读网
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《权力的游戏》开播10周年 HBO开启“铁王座庆典”
'Game of Thrones’ 10th-anniversary celebration to launch on HBO Max

来源:中国日报    2021-04-08 15:38

        This month, HBO will be commemorating the 10th anniversary of Game of Thrones with the Iron Anniversary, which launched on Tuesday and will last through the end of April.        本月HBO将会以“铁王座庆典”来纪念《权力的游戏》开播十周年。庆典于4月6日开始,将一直持续到4月底。
        The celebratory event includes an interactive Game of Thrones spotlight page on the HBO Max streaming service, live now, with over 150 videos of behind-the-scenes extras, cast interviews, clips, and trailers available to subscribers.        庆典活动包括在HBO Max流媒体平台上交互式的《权游》聚焦页面直播节目,订阅用户可以欣赏到150多个幕后花絮、剧组访谈、剪辑片段和预告片。
        The Iron Anniversary will also host a “MaraThrone” marathon challenge, which kicks off with a marathon of Season 1 on April 10th at 10:00 am ET. Fans will be encouraged to binge-watch episode collections of the show in order to raise money for various charities chosen by the Game of Thrones cast members, including Women for Women International, World Central Kitchen, Conservation International, International Rescue Committee (IRC), UNICEF, FilmAid International, SameYou, Royal Mencap Society, National Urban League, and the Trevor Project.        铁王座庆典还将举办MaraThrone马拉松看剧挑战赛,从美国东部时间4月10日上午10点开始播放第一季。挑战赛鼓励粉丝们通过追剧为《权游》剧组成员挑选出来的慈善机构筹款,包括妇女互助国际组织、世界中央厨房、保护国际、国际救援委员会、联合国儿童基金会、国际电影援助、一样的你、英国皇家残障人协会、全国城市联盟和特雷弗项目等。
        Later in the month, HBO will surprise three couples who held Westeros-themed weddings with special anniversary gifts, including Thrones-themed barrels of wine, custom chalices, and elaborate cakes designed in partnership with local bakeries. Warner Bros. Consumer Products will also be releasing a new line of tie-in products, including a one-of-a-kind Imperial egg by Fabergé, a collection of Mikkeller beers inspired by the series, and several iron-textured Funko Pop figures.        本月晚些时候,HBO将会给三对举行维斯特洛主题婚礼的新人送上特别的庆典惊喜礼物,包括权游主题的桶装葡萄酒、定制酒杯,以及和本地面包店合作设计的精美蛋糕。华纳兄弟集团消费者产品部还将发布新款产品周边,包括独一无二的法贝热帝国彩蛋、灵感源自《权游》的美奇乐啤酒套装和几个Funko Pop铁制人偶。
        Game of Thrones premiered on April 17th, 2011 and concluded May 19th, 2019, bringing in a total of 45 million viewers in the US and simulcasting in 170 other countries. A prequel series, House of the Dragon, is slated to begin production this year.        《权力的游戏》于2011年4月17日首播,2019年5月19日剧终,在美国观看总人数达到4500万,并在其他170个国家同时播出。该剧的前传剧集《龙族》将于今年开始制作。

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