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Chinese scalpers shift focus to domestic sneakers

来源:中国日报    2021-04-07 10:25

        As the stances of some global sportswear brands - including Nike and Adidas - toward cotton grown in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region have caused a backlash, the money and scalpers behind special edition shoes designed by these companies are shifting to domestic brands such as Li-Ning and Anta to avoid risks, the Global Times learned.据《环球时报》报道,随着耐克、阿迪达斯等跨国运动品牌对新疆棉的立场引发众怒,资本和炒鞋客们都盯上了李宁、安踏这样的国货品牌以规避风险。        scalpers 黄牛党
        For example, the listed price of the "All-star" version of Li-Ning Way of Wade 4 on a Chinese fashion shoe-trading platform where people can buy limited editions at prices far above the official prices - is 48,889 yuan ($7,444) per pair, 31 times higher than the official price of 1,499 yuan, although no sales have been recorded.例如,在中国潮鞋交易平台上,人们可以以远高于官方售价的价格购买限量版的“全明星”版李宁韦德4,每双48889元(约合7444美元),比官方1499元的价格高出31倍,不过目前还没有销售记录。        目前该款鞋已经下架,但在该App上,不少李宁鞋的价格仍在上涨。
        The price of Chinese sportswear producer Anta's Doraemon-themed casual shoes on the platform was sold at 4,599 yuan - eight times higher than the original price of 499 yuan.中国运动品脾安踏的多啦A梦主题休闲鞋被炒至4599元,已经是原价499元的8倍之多。        《环球时报》记者采访的一位球鞋收藏爱好者表示,之前炒鞋客们通常会在AJ之类的外国品牌上投机,在新疆棉事件发生过后,他们就把注意力投向了国内运动品牌:
        Normally, money and scalpers that specialize in fancy shoes tend to speculate on foreign brands such as the Jordan 1 - a series of basketball shoes jointly designed by Nike and NBA legend Michael Jordan - a seasoned collector surnamed Sun who owns more than 200 pairs of shoes told the Global Times on Monday.4月5日,一名拥有超过200双球鞋的孙姓球鞋收藏爱好者接受采访时表示,通常,资本和炒鞋客们会在国外运动品牌上投机,比如耐克和NBA传奇球星迈克尔·乔丹联名的AJ1。        "But after the Xinjiang cotton incident, the risks of speculating on these brands caused by market uncertainties due to their vague attitude are growing, so many scalpers are shifting to domestic brands to avoid risks. This should be the main reason," Sun said.“但在新疆棉事件之后,由于这些企业态度暧昧,市场不确定性太大,因此,很多投机者把目光投向国产品牌以规避风险。这应该是主要原因。”
        Speculation involving special editions has driven up prices of some common models as well, drawing complaints from ordinary customers who said that it's hard to get a pair of normal shoes for an affordable price.炒限量版球鞋也会使得普通球鞋的价格水涨船高,这引起了一些买家的抱怨,表示买得起一双普通球鞋也不是件容易的事了。        A user of Weibo, a Twitter-like Chinese social media, said that shoes should be worn instead of being collected, as most buyers of domestic shoes are just ordinary people, and soaring prices for normal shoes will affect their quality of life.一个微博用户表示,鞋子是用来穿的,不是用来收藏的。很多买国产球鞋的消费者都是普通人,炒鞋带来的价格上涨会降低他们的生活质量。

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