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4 Ways to Tell Whether You're Fat

来源:中国日报    2021-04-01 11:25

        Just input your height and weight into one of many Web calculators or charts, and you'll get back a number that pegs you as underweight, healthy, overweight, obese, or extremely obese.
        People who are really muscular, like pro athletes, may have a BMI score in the "overweight" range when they actually have very little body fat.真正的肌肉人士,比如运动员,按照BMI得分可能会被划到“偏胖”的范围,但其实他们身体脂肪很少。
        BMI might give a misleading impression to people who are normal weight but have a high percentage of body fat and therefore a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. 对于体重正常,但体脂高的人来说,BMI可能会产生误导,这种情况下心脏病、糖尿病及高血压的患病风险更高。
        This hinges on the idea that the fat that accumulates around the waist is what really matters in terms of disease risk. 使用这个办法是因为,就疾病风险而言,腰部脂肪是真正重要的因素。
        wrapping a measuring tape around the upper hipbone, which should run across your navel把测量尺放在臀骨上部测量,绕肚脐一周
        If you're a man with a waist larger than 40 inches or a woman with a waist larger than 35 inches, you need to lose some fat. 如果男士腰围大于101厘米,女士腰围大于88厘米,你就要减肥啦。
        To calculate it, measure your waist at its narrowest point and divide that number by your hip circumference, as measured at its widest point.腰部最细部分的围度除以臀部最粗部分的围度,即可得到腰臀比。
        A woman with a 29-inch waist and 37-inch hips, for example, would have a WHR of 0.78. The general guidelines are no higher than 0.85 for women and 0.9 for men.如果某女生腰围29英寸(约74厘米),臀围(约94厘米),她的腰臀比即为0.78。就腰臀比而言,整体要求是,女性不超过0.85,男性不超过0.9。
        Pull the fat away from your muscles, pinch them with the caliper, take the measurements, and look at a chart to figure out your body fat percentage. 拉起一坨肥肉,用体脂夹夹住,测量数据,然后根据一些表格对应算出你的体脂。
        This method calculates the amount of fat in your body by using various body measurements. 这种方法利用测量身体各部分围度来计算体脂。
        BIA works on the principle that fat has a low water content and doesn’t conduct electrical currents very well. Muscle, on the other hand, contain more water and conducts electricity better.BIA测法的原理是,脂肪含水少,基本不导电。而肌肉含水多,容易导电。

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