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10 best places to visit in spring

来源:中国日报    2021-04-02 09:00

        今年的4月4日是清明节,英语也称为Tomb-Sweeping Day。
        In the spring, the sight of the Jiuzhaigou Valley is refreshing. The ice and snow begin to melt, water and streams begin to flow and mountain flowers blossom. The air is filled with the fragrance of spring. The soft and lazy spring sun kisses the surface of the lake and nurtures new growth.春天的九寨沟,景色清新动人,冰雪消融,春水回涨,山花烂漫。空气中飘荡着春天的芳香。春日的阳光和煦慵懒,亲吻着湖面,孕育着万物新生。
        Buildings here have a mixture of different architectural styles, including traditional southern Fujian style, western classical revival style and the veranda colonial style. 这里的建筑风格多样,既有福建南方原住民建筑的传统风格,也有西方古典文艺复兴风和殖民地的“外廊式”设计。
        What are you waiting for? Take your camera, go enjoy the beauty of the peach blossoms and discover the spectacular culture of Nyingchi prefecture.你还在等什么?拿起相机,去享受桃花的美丽,探索林芝精彩文化吧。
        In the spring, Mount Huangshan is fresh, tender and full of wild flowers, as well as sprouting plants. The sound of birdsong is also pleasant in the solitude, enchanting with a great show of vitality.春天里,黄山展露出清新温柔的一面,漫山的野花,植物抽芽初染新绿。莺歌燕语婉转悦耳,令人沉醉于这生机勃勃的静谧美景中。
        In the early spring of each year, apricot blossoms are everywhere, with pink petals hanging all over the branches. The grasslands under the trees are wavy, and cattle and sheep are scattered over the landscape, just like a paradise.每年早春,杏花处处盛放。粉色花瓣在枝头摇曳,杏树下是延绵起伏的草原,牛羊漫步在乡野,整个画面如天堂一般。
        Spring is the best time to enjoy the widespread pear blossoms in Jinchuan county. It is a time when vibrant vegetation sweeps across terraced landscapes and valleys.每年春天都是欣赏金川县漫山遍野梨花盛放的好时节,梯田重染新绿,山谷生机盎然。
        During this period, at least 70 types of cherry flowers are in full bloom, covering an area of 0.65 square kilometers. Cherry Blossom Valley and Changchun Bridge are the best places for gorgeous views. You can walk on the path under the trees, take a boat on Taihu Lake, or climb to the mountaintop to have a bird's-eye view of the pink and white flowers.在这段时间里,至少70个品种的樱花盛放,覆盖面积达0.65平方千米。樱花谷和长春桥是最佳赏景位置。你可以信步樱花树下小径,也可乘船漂在太湖上,亦或攀登至山顶鸟瞰粉白花海。

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