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10 best places to visit in spring

来源:中国日报    2021-04-02 09:00

        Qingming Festival, which falls on April 4 this year, is also known as the Tomb-Sweeping Day.
        It's a time for people to not only remember the dead, but also get out and enjoy nature.
        Located in Southwest China's Sichuan province, the Jiuzhaigou Valley is renowned for its scenic majesty.
        Its fairyland landscape of numerous lakes, waterfalls, and limestone terraces with clear, mineral-rich waters are set in spectacular alpine mountains with a highly diverse forest ecosystem, demonstrating remarkable natural beauty.九寨沟有着如仙境般的湖泊、瀑布和水底层层的石灰岩,水质清澈、富含矿物质,这些美景嵌在壮美的高岭群山中,山林中生态多元,大自然的美在这里展现得淋漓尽致。
        Huanghuacheng is the only lakeside portion of the Great Wall in Beijing. It is one of the most popular destinations for a Great Wall hiking tour. 黄花城是北京唯一一处与水相连的长城,也是人们爬长城最爱去的景点。
        Gulangyu Island is on the estuary of the Jiulong River, facing the city of Xiamen in East China's Fujian province. The island has witnessed clashes of culture and integration between East and the West since Xiamen was opened to foreign trade in 1844.鼓浪屿位于福建九龙江入海口,与中国东部福建省厦门市隔海相望。厦门1844年开埠,鼓浪屿因此经历了东西文化的交流与碰撞。
        The best time to go to Gulangyu is from March to May, as the island has a pleasant climate and beautiful scenery. It is definitely a good choice for Qingming Festival.游览鼓浪屿的最佳时间是3月到5月,这时气候宜人,风景秀丽。清明节来鼓浪屿是个不错的选择。
        When spring approaches, most parts of Southwest China's Tibet autonomous region are still covered with snow, but Nyingchi in the region's southeast already has become immersed in a sea of peach blossoms.当春天来临的时候,西藏大部分地区还被白雪覆盖着,但位于西藏东南部的林芝却早已沉浸在桃花的海洋中了。
        Of all the famous mountains in China, Mount Huangshan is probably the most famous and is found in the southern part of East China's Anhui province. It is famed for its stunning natural scenery.中国名山众多,尤以黄山为著。黄山雄踞安徽省境内,自然风光壮丽磅礴。
        Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region is the largest center of apricot cultivation in China. It mainly covers the area of the Tianshan Mountains and Ili River in Xinjiang.新疆维吾尔自治区拥有中国最大的杏树栽培中心,主要覆盖天山地区和伊犁河谷。
        Jinchuan county in Southwest China's Sichuan province is known for having the largest-scale pear blossom scenery on the plateau, as well as being one of the major pear suppliers nationwide.金川县位于四川省,因高原上漫山遍野的梨花美景而闻名,也是全国主要的梨供应地之一。
        Dali, a city of great antiquity in Southwest China's Yunnan province, is always a tempting destination in the spring, especially for those interested in exploring fascinating natural scenery and the area's considerable historical and cultural heritage. It is renowned as a land of wonders, both natural and man-made, and it inspires visitors with its grand beauty.古色古香的大理古城位于云南,游客钟情于探索这里奇妙的自然景观和大量历史文化古迹,大理的春天尤其让人神往。这里因天然和人造奇观闻名,美景让游人大饱眼福。
        Dubbed "China's most beautiful countryside", Wuyuan in East China's Jiangxi province transforms into a stunning yellow gem during the spring. The county is a base for Huizhou culture and has nurtured countless scholars, officials and tradesmen.
        Cole flowers blossom over curved terraces, making them look like golden ribbons waving in the wind. Black-and-white Hui-style houses dot the landscape like a long scroll of an ink painting.油菜花绽放在弯弯曲曲的梯田上,看起来像在风中飞扬的金色丝带,灰白的徽派建筑点缀在田野间,形成一幅卷轴水墨画。
        Yuantouzhu, northwest of Taihu Lake in Wuxi city, East China's Jiangsu province, enjoys a reputation for its vast expanse of cherry blossoms and attracts many tourists every year. March and April mark the best time to visit Yuantouzhu.鼋头渚位于中国东部江苏省无锡市太湖西北岸,因大片樱花而出名,每年吸引着大量游客。3月和4月是游鼋头渚的最佳时间。

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