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China subjects some travelers to anal swabs, angering foreign governments.

来源:纽约时报    2021-03-08 10:50

        China is requiring some travelers arriving from overseas to receive an invasive anal swab test as part of its coronavirus containment measures, a move that has outraged and shocked several foreign governments.        作为遏制新冠病毒的措施之一,中国要求一些来自海外的旅客接受侵入性肛拭子检测,此举激怒和震惊了数个外国政府。
        Japanese officials said on Monday that they had formally asked China to exempt Japanese citizens from the test, adding that some who had received it complained of “psychological distress.” And the United States State Department last month said it had registered a protest with the Chinese government after some of its diplomats were forced to undergo anal swabs, though Chinese officials denied that.        日本官员上周一表示,他们已正式要求中国豁免日本公民接受肛拭子检测,并补充说,一些已经接受检测的人抱怨此举带来“心理压力”。上个月,美国国务院表示已向中国政府提出抗议,因为一些外交官被迫接受肛拭子检测,但中国官员否认了此事。 
        It is not clear how many such swabs have been administered or who is subject to them. Chinese state media has acknowledged that some arrivals to cities including Beijing and Shanghai are required to take the tests, though the reports said the requirements might vary depending on whether the travelers were deemed to be high-risk.        目前还不清楚有多少人进行了肛拭子检测,也不清楚谁需要被这样检测。中国官方媒体承认,一些到达北京和上海等城市的游客被要求接受肛拭子检测,不过报道称,具体要求可能会因游客是否被视为高危人群而有所不同。
        Chinese experts have suggested that traces of the virus may survive longer in the anus than in the respiratory tract and that samples of the former may prevent false negatives. China has imposed some of the strictest containment measures in the world, including barring most foreign arrivals, and has largely suppressed the epidemic.        中国专家表示,病毒在肛门的存活时间可能比在呼吸道的存活时间长,而肛门的样本可以防止假阴性。中国采取了一些世界上最严格的防疫措施,包括禁止大多数外国人入境,并在很大程度上遏制了疫情。
        Lu Hongzhou, an infectious disease specialist at Fudan University in Shanghai, told the state-controlled Global Times tabloid that nasal or throat swabs could cause “uncomfortable reactions,” leading to subpar samples. He acknowledged that fecal samples could replace anal swabs, to prevent similar discomfort.        上海复旦大学传染病专家卢洪洲告诉官方小报《环球时报》,鼻拭子或咽拭子可能会造成“不适反应”,致使样本不合格。他承认,粪便取样可以代替肛拭子,以防止类似的不适。
        But other experts — including in China — have questioned the need for anal samples. The Global Times quoted another expert, Yang Zhanqiu, as saying that nasal and throat swabs are still the most effective because the virus is contracted through the respiratory tract.        但其他专家——包括一些中国专家——对采集肛门样本的必要性提出了质疑。《环球时报》援引另一位专家杨占秋的话说,鼻咽拭子仍然是最有效的,因为病毒是通过呼吸道感染的。
        Benjamin Cowling, a public health professor at the University of Hong Kong, said in an interview that even if someone did test positive on an anal swab but not a respiratory one, he or she would likely not be very contagious.        香港大学公共卫生教授本杰明·考林(Benjamin Cowling)在接受采访时表示,即使有人的肛门分泌物检测呈阳性,但呼吸系统分泌物不是阳性,他或她的传染性可能不会很大。
        “The value of detecting people with the virus is to stop transmission,” Professor Cowling said. “If someone has got an infection but they’re not contagious to anyone else, we didn’t need to detect that person.”        “检测携带病毒的人的价值在于阻止传播,”考林教授说,“如果有人感染了病毒,但他们不会传染给其他人,我们就不需要检测这个人。”
        A spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said this week that the government would make “science-based adjustments” to its containment policies.        中国外交部发言人上周表示,政府将“科学动态调整”相关防疫措施。
        Professor Cowling said he did not know what the scientific rationale was behind the existing policies. “I presume there’s some evidence leading to this decision, but I haven’t seen that evidence,” he said.        考林教授表示,他不知道现有政策背后的科学依据是什么。“我推测有一些证据导致了这个决定,但我还没有看到这些证据,”他说。

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