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Hong Kong Halts Use of Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine Over Packaging Defects

来源:纽约时报    2021-03-25 12:07

        Hong Kong on Wednesday suspended use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine after packaging defects ranging from cracked containers to loose caps were discovered in one batch of doses, in a major blow to a city already struggling in its campaign to inoculate its seven million residents against Covid-19.        香港政府周三暂停了辉瑞BioNtech疫苗的接种,原因是在一批疫苗中发现了从药瓶破裂到瓶盖松动等包装瑕疵,这对香港的接种工作是个重大打击。香港为其700万居民接种新冠病毒疫苗的工作原本已经困难重重。
        Health officials called the halt a precaution, saying that none of the defective vials had been administered to patients and that they had found no health risks. But if the suspension persists, the Chinese territory may not have enough shots to protect its population while the coronavirus continues to spread. Hong Kong officials were counting on 7.5 million doses of the vaccine, developed by Pfizer of the United States and BioNTech of Germany, to help fill their needs.        卫生官员称暂停接种是为谨慎起见,并表示没有任何人接种了有包装缺陷的疫苗,也未发现疫苗有任何健康风险。但如果暂停继续下去的话,这片中国领土上也许没有足够的疫苗来保护其人口,与此同时,新冠病毒仍在这里继续传播。香港官员曾指望,这750万剂由美国辉瑞公司(Pfizer)和德国生物科技公司(BioNTech)研发的疫苗能帮助满足当地的需求。
        The discovery has also unleashed a hunt for the origin of the defects, as well as questions about whether more might be out there. The doses were manufactured at BioNTech’s facilities in Germany, while a Chinese company called Fosun Pharma was in charge of transporting, storing and distributing the shots in Hong Kong.        这个发现也引发了寻找问题来源的努力,以及是否还存在更多包装缺陷问题。这批疫苗是在德国BioNTech工厂生产,由一家名为复星医药的中国公司负责疫苗在香港的运输、储存和分发。
        “I’m confused as to why this is being reported for the first time in Hong Kong and we haven’t heard about it elsewhere,” said Benjamin Cowling, the division head of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of Hong Kong.        “我有点不明白,为什么这个问题是香港首先报道的,而我们在其他地方没有听说过,”香港大学流行病和生物统计学分部主任高本恩(Benjamin Cowling)说。
        “Was there anything special about this particular batch? Presumably they were manufactured in exactly the same way that the other batches have been manufactured in Germany.”        “这批疫苗有什么特别之处吗?它们应该是在德国用和其他批次完全相同的方式生产的。”
        In a statement on Wednesday, BioNTech said the batch in question had been sent only to Hong Kong and Macau, another Chinese territory nearby. The company said it was investigating the source of the problem.        BioNTech在周三的一份声明中表示,这批有问题的疫苗只送到了香港和澳门。该公司说,正在调查问题的原因。
        “At this point, we have no reason to believe there is any safety risk posed to the population,” BioNTech said.        “目前而言,我们没有理由认为这对人们构成任何安全风险,”BioNTech说。
        Fosun Pharma said that BioNTech had detected problems with the lids within a batch of vaccines shipped to Hong Kong and Macau, where the authorities have also suspended administering the vaccine. Shares in Fosun Pharma fell 4.8 percent in Hong Kong trading on Wednesday.        复星医药说,BioNTech在运往香港和澳门的一批疫苗中发现了瓶盖问题,澳门当局也暂停了疫苗的接种。周三,复星医药的股价在香港交易所收盘时下跌了4.8%。
        Already, Hong Kong’s inoculation drive has been plagued with public doubts. Vaccination bookings had fallen after reports that several people had died after receiving the other vaccine Hong Kong is using, which is made by Sinovac, a Beijing company. Residents scrambled to book appointments for the BioNTech vaccine, which had roughly double the number of bookings as Sinovac over the past six days, according to official data.        香港的疫苗接种由于公众的不信任本已困难重重。预约疫苗接种的人数有所下降,因为有报道称,有几人在接种了另一种由北京科兴公司生产的疫苗后死亡。居民争着预约BioNTech疫苗,据官方数据显示,过去六天里预约BioNTech疫苗的人数,约是预约中国科兴疫苗人数的两倍。
        The Hong Kong government has found no direct link between the shots and the deaths. But some people don’t trust the government after mainland Chinese officials tightened their control over the former British colony following antigovernment protests in 2019.        香港政府没有发现接种疫苗与死亡有直接联系。但一些人不相信政府,因为在2019年的反政府抗议活动后,中国大陆的官员加强了对这个英国前殖民地的控制。
        In January, a poll of 2,733 residents showed that only 39 percent of Hong Kong residents were willing to take a Covid-19 vaccine.        今年1月,一项对2733名香港居民的调查显示,只有39%的香港居民愿意接种新冠病毒疫苗。
        “There are some important risks here that this will further undermine confidence in the vaccines that are available,” said Karen Grépin, an associate professor at the School of Public Health at the University of Hong Kong, who got the BioNTech shot on March 12.        香港大学公共卫生学院副教授凯伦·格蕾潘(Karen Grépin)说,“存在这种大的风险,这将进一步削弱人们对现有疫苗的信心。”她已在3月12日接种了BioNTech疫苗。
        Professor Grépin said that many Hong Kong residents had been waiting to see what the early stages of the rollout would look like before deciding on taking a vaccine.        格蕾潘说,许多香港居民在决定接种疫苗之前,一直在等着看推行疫苗的初步结果。
        The suspension sent a ripple of uncertainty through the city’s clinics and medical offices, as vaccinations shuddered to a halt.        随着疫苗接种工作的暂停,给香港的诊所和医务室带来了不确定的涟漪影响。
        Lindsay Eng, 36, got vaccinated at 9:11 a.m. on Wednesday. As she sat in the waiting area afterward, she noticed new people had stopped coming in. When she left the center, staffers were putting up a sign that said the vaccination service had been suspended. A crowd of people who were arriving for their vaccinations were asked questions.        36岁的林赛·黄(Lindsay Eng)在周三上午9点11分接种了疫苗。之后,她坐在观察区等候时,她注意到不再有新来接种的人进来。当她离开接种中心时,工作人员正在贴通知,上面写着已暂停疫苗接种服务。一群来接种疫苗的人正在问问题。
        Ms. Eng said she wasn’t particularly worried about her own health but was more concerned that the incident would result in fewer people in Hong Kong getting inoculated.        黄女士说,她不是特别担心自己的身体,但她更担心这件事会导致香港接种疫苗的人数减少。
        “Just talking to local people here, it’s pretty clear that there are a lot of people who are saying, ‘Let’s wait and see,’” said Ms. Eng, who is from Toronto but has elderly family members in Hong Kong who are hesitant to receive a vaccine.        “只和这里的人聊聊就很明显,有很多人都在说,‘还是等等看吧,’”黄女士说。她家在多伦多,但在香港有上了年纪的亲戚不太愿意接种疫苗。
        Hong Kong officials had reached out to Fosun for answers after receiving reports from frontline workers and pharmacists about defective vials and packaging, Constance Chan, Hong Kong’s director of health, said in a news conference on Wednesday. The defects were found before the doses were administered, she said, adding that workers had been vigilantly inspecting containers and vials.        香港卫生署署长陈汉仪在周三的记者会上说,在收到了一线工作人员和药剂师有关药瓶和包装有问题的报告后,香港官员已联系复星医药寻找答案。她说,包装问题是在接种之前发现的,还说工作人员一直在仔细检查包装盒和药瓶。
        In all, the government received eight reports of cracked containers, 22 reports of leaks, 16 reports of loose caps and 11 reports of stains or marks on the outside of bottles, Dr. Chan said.        陈汉仪说,政府总共收到了8份药瓶破裂的报告,22份药水漏出的报告,16份瓶盖松动的报告,以及11份药瓶外部有污渍或标记的报告。
        The flawed doses were among a batch of 585,000 doses, with the order number 210102, the Hong Kong government said earlier on Wednesday, citing data from a Hong Kong subsidiary of Fosun. So far, 150,200 people had received shots from that batch, according to the government.        香港政府在周三早些时候援引复星医药香港子公司提供的数据说,出现问题的批次为210102,这批疫苗总共是58.5万剂,其中部分出现了问题。据政府说,到目前为止,已有15.02万人接种了这批疫苗。
        The authorities said they were also putting on hold another batch of 758,000 doses of the BioNTech vaccine, with the order number 210104.        当局说,他们还暂停了批次为210104的另一批75.8万剂BioNTech疫苗。
        “This is a precautionary measure to continuously ensure vaccine safety,” the Hong Kong government said in a statement.        “有关措施属预防性质,旨在确保疫苗接种安全,”香港政府在一份声明中说。
        Fosun said it would work with BioNTech to conduct inspections of the manufacturing plant in Germany, according to Dr. Chan.        陈汉仪说,复星医药表示将与BioNTech一起对德国的制造厂进行检查。
        Compared with the United States and Britain, Hong Kong has been slow in starting its vaccination drive. Just over 5 percent of Hong Kong’s 7.5 million residents have been vaccinated. The city has reported more than 11,000 cases and 204 deaths since the pandemic began, but it just beat back a new outbreak that resulted in hundreds of people being rounded up for quarantine.        与美国和英国相比,香港在启动疫苗接种方面进展缓慢。香港750万居民目前的接种疫苗率仅略高于5%。自新冠病毒大流行开始以来,香港已报告了逾1.1万例确诊病例和204人死亡,香港前不久刚遏制住了一波导致数百人隔离的新疫情。
        It is unclear how soon concerns about the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will be cleared up or how quickly Hong Kong can make up for the shortfall. The city has also ordered 7.5 million vaccine doses from the British-Swedish company AstraZeneca, which are set to arrive in the second quarter. The company has not yet applied for approval of its vaccine in Hong Kong.        目前还不清楚对辉瑞-BioNTech疫苗的担忧多久才会消除,也不清楚香港能多快弥补这个缺口。香港也从英国和瑞典合资的阿斯利康公司(AstraZeneca)订购了750万剂疫苗,预计将于今年第二季度到货。阿斯利康尚未在香港为疫苗申请批准。
        However quickly the problem is resolved, confusion has been sown.        无论问题多快能得到解决,混乱的种子已经播下。
        Ruby Callaghan Brown, 32, and her husband arrived at a vaccination center on the eastern side of Hong Kong Island at 7:45 a.m. on Wednesday, 15 minutes before it opened. A staff member shooed them away, saying all vaccinations had been stopped and that an announcement was coming.        32岁的鲁比·卡拉汉·布朗(Ruby Callaghan Brown)和丈夫周三上午7点45分就来到了港岛东部的一个疫苗接种中心,距离中心开门还有15分钟。一名工作人员挡住了他们,说所有的疫苗接种已经停止,马上会有通知。
        Then they read online that the center had reopened, so they returned. They were about to submit their paperwork when they were told once again that vaccinations were suspended.        他们后来在网上看到该中心已经重新开门,所以他们又回去。当他们准备把填好的有关表格交上去时,他们被再次告知疫苗接种暂停。
        They waited 45 minutes before leaving. “I thought, ‘I’m just going to sit here until they change their mind,’” she said.        他们等了45分钟才离去。“我想的是,‘我坐在这里等他们改变主意,’”她说。

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