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Welfare program helps girl realize dancing dream

来源:中国日报    2021-03-31 11:05

        A video clip of a girl dancing at a pork stall in a village in Southwest China's Yunnan province went viral online, moving many netizens.
        Outside the stall, her mom was busy chopping pork while the girl immerses herself in her dance. This is part of a documentary Little Giants made by Bilibili, a video-sharing site.在摊位外,女孩的妈妈正忙着切肉,而女孩则沉浸在舞蹈中。这是视频分享网站哔哩哔哩制作的纪录片《小小少年》的片段。
        When she was 6 years old, her mom found she liked to watch dancing videos and imitated the moves. "She said she loves ballet and the pretty dresses. My husband and I believe she loves dancing."小云儿6岁那年,妈妈就发现她喜欢看着视频里的舞蹈动作模仿。她说:“小云儿说喜欢芭蕾舞和漂亮的裙子。我和我丈夫都认为她喜欢跳舞。”
        "The teachers said she was very talented. They suggested we find a more capable teacher for her," her father said. But it cost more than what the family could afford, and they didn't know where to find such instruction.小云儿的父亲说:“老师认为她很有天赋。建议我们为女儿寻找更专业的舞蹈老师。”但是家里无法承担高昂的学习费用,而且他们也不知该去哪里寻找。
        Zhang was born in Yanshan county, later living in Beijing. In 2016, she was touched by a photo of girls standing beside a broken wall in Naduo village. So she visited the village and found many girls unattended. Some were left-behind children, while others were orphans.
        Every summer and winter vacation, they come back to Naduo village to teach girls for free. They also invite local teachers and volunteers for free instruction. In 2019, Zhang quit her job in Beijing, set up a training center in the village and put nearly all the couple's savings into the endeavor.每年寒暑假,他们都会回到那夺村免费教女孩们跳舞。他们还邀请当地教师和志愿者免费授课。2019年,张萍辞去了在北京的工作,在村里成立了一个培训中心,并把夫妻俩几乎所有的积蓄都投入了这项事业。
        In October 2019, Wu Gangyun and other girls in the "Colorful Cloud Program" performed on the stage of CCTV. It was the first time for them to take trains or planes, visit a big city and performed on stage. Guan and Zhang also took them to visit Beijing Dance Academy.2019年10月,小云儿和其他几位“彩云计划”的受益人一起,在央视登台亮相。这也是他们第一次坐火车乘飞机到大城市、在舞台上表演。两位老师还带她们参观了北京舞蹈学院。
        Over the years, the "Colorful Cloud Program" has helped 62 children from 17 villages get recruited by art schools in Yunnan. 多年来,“彩云计划”已经帮助了来自17个村的62名儿童,她们均被云南的艺术院校录取。

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