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WHO: Animal-to-human virus transmission most likely

来源:中国日报    2021-03-31 11:22

        The virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic is "extremely unlikely" to have originated in a lab, but most likely jumped from an animal to humans, according to a World Health Organization report released on Tuesday by a joint international and Chinese team probing the virus' origins.        世界卫生组织3月30日发布的报告指出,引发新冠疫情的病毒“极不可能”源于实验室,最有可能是动物传播给人类。这份报告是国际和中国团队联合开展病毒溯源研究的结果。
        The 120-page report said the virus most probably jumped from an animal, potentially a bat or pangolin, to an unknown intermediate animal host and then to humans. However, the path of transmission is still not known.        这份120页的报告称,病毒最有可能来自动物,可能是蝙蝠或穿山甲,经由未知中间宿主传播给人类。然而,传播途径依然不清楚。
        "There is no record of viruses closely related to SARS-CoV-2 in any laboratory before December 2019, or genomes that in combination could provide a SARS-CoV-2 genome," the report said.        报告称:“在2019年12月之前,任何实验室都没有与新型冠状病毒密切相关的病毒记录,也没有能提供新冠病毒基因组的基因组合。”
        "In view of the above, a laboratory origin of the pandemic was considered to be extremely unlikely."        “综上所述,疫情极不可能源自实验室。”
        The report said that the two most likely scenarios to explain the emergence of COVID-19 both involve the transmission of the virus from animals to humans.        报告称,最可能解释新冠病毒起源的两个场景均与动物传人有关。
        "So far, we have not been able to document any substantial transmission of SARS coronavirus in the months preceding the outbreak in December," Thea Fisher, a member of the international team, said at a news conference on the report on Tuesday.        国际团队成员西娅·费雪3月30日在该报告的新闻发布会上表示:“迄今为止,我们还未能记录下2019年12月疫情暴发前新冠病毒的任何实质性传播。”
        Peter Ben Embarek, a Danish food safety and animal disease scientist who heads the international team, said the joint team looked into all scenarios.        国际团队的领头人、丹麦食品安全和动物疾病科学家皮特·本·昂巴雷表示,联合团队考察了所有场景。
        "We try to stay with the arguments we have, the hard facts we have," he said.        他说:“我们试图坚守我们现有的论点和可靠的事实。”
        He called it "a huge report" with a lot of new knowledge, data and information, and added that information will continue to come out after the initial studies.        他将这份报告称为包含了许多新的知识、数据和信息的“巨作”,并补充道,在初步研究过后还会继续发布更多信息。
        He also praised the good collaboration between the Chinese and international experts.        他还称赞了中国和国际专家之间的良好协作。
        "I think the size of the report, and the amount of material and results and analysis and data in the report, speaks for itself in terms of how the collaboration went," he said.        他说道:“我认为这份报告的篇幅,以及报告包含的海量资料、结果、分析和数据,足以说明我们合作的情况。”
        "There would never be anything like that if we did not have a very strong, good collaboration with our colleagues in China," Embarek added.        昂巴雷补充道:“如果没有中国同事的大力支持和良好协作,我们不可能写出这样的报告。”
        The report was written by a joint international team made up of 17 international experts and 17 Chinese experts under a mandate from the World Health Assembly, the decision-making body of the WHO. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization participated as an observer.        这份报告是在世界卫生组织决策机构世界卫生大会的授权下,由17名国际专家和17名中国专家组成的联合国际团队写成的。联合国粮食及农业组织以观察者的身份参加。
        The team conducted a joint study from Jan 14 to Feb 10 in Wuhan, Hubei province, following initial online meetings, according to the report.        报告称,在网上举行了初步会议后,该团队于1月14日到2月10日期间在湖北省武汉市开展了联合研究。
        Peter Daszak, a member of the international team, tweeted, "I do hope people actually read the huge amount of new data in the report!"        国际团队成员皮特·达赛克发推称:“我希望人们可以好好读一读报告中的海量新数据!”
        Q: The World Health Organization has released the report of the joint WHO-China study of origins of SARS-CoV-2. What's China's comment?        问:世卫组织已发布中国-世卫组织新冠病毒溯源研究报告。中方对此有何评论?
        A: China has taken note of the report released by WHO. We commend the Chinese and international experts who have taken part in this joint study for their commitment to science, tireless industry and professionalism.        答:中方注意到,世卫组织已发布新冠病毒溯源研究报告。中方对参与此次溯源合作的中外专家展现出的科学、勤勉、专业精神表示赞赏。
        China has always been a supporter for global scientific research on the source of the virus and its transmission routes. We co-sponsored the WHA resolution on COVID-19 and support WHO-led cooperation on zoonotic source research among member states. Despite the daunting task of domestic prevention and control, China twice invited WHO experts in for study of origins. From January 14 to February 10 this year, Chinese experts and international experts from WHO and ten countries formed a joint team and conducted joint research for 28 days in Wuhan. The Chinese side offered necessary facilitation for the team's work, fully demonstrating its openness, transparency and responsible attitude.        中方始终支持各国科学家开展病毒源头和传播途径的全球科学研究,参与共提了世卫大会涉新冠肺炎决议,支持世卫组织主导下各成员国就病毒动物源头研究开展合作。中方在国内疫情防控任务十分繁重情况下,两次邀请世卫专家来华开展溯源研究。今年1月14日至2月10日,中国专家和来自世卫组织及10个国家的国际专家共同组成联合专家组,在武汉开展了为期28天的联合研究。中方为专家组在武汉的顺利工作提供了必要协助,充分体现了中方开放、透明、负责任的态度。
        Study of origins is a matter of science, which should be jointly conducted by scientists all over the world. To politicize this issue will only severely hinder global cooperation in study of origins, jeopardize anti-pandemic cooperation, and cost more lives. It would run counter to the international community's aspiration for solidarity against the virus.        溯源是科学问题,应由全球科学家合作开展有关工作。将溯源问题政治化的行径只会严重阻碍全球溯源合作,破坏全球抗疫努力,导致更多的生命损失。这同国际社会团结抗疫的愿望背道而驰。
        Study of origins is also a global mission that should be conducted in multiple countries and localities. We believe the joint WHO-China study will effectively stimulate global cooperation in origin-tracing.        溯源也是一项全球性任务,应在多国多地开展。我们相信,世卫组织和中国的这次联合研究将对全球溯源合作起到良好的促进作用。

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