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People name the things they loved as children, but currently hate

来源:中国日报    2021-03-26 14:03

        Enjoying things? Ha! That’s for kids.        喜欢这个吗?哈!这是孩子的东西。
        A viral thread is polling the online community for the things they "loved as a kid but hate as an adult," and the responses are turning up all sorts of foods and experiences that most grown-ups are glad to leave behind.        最近外网的一个热门话题问网友,什么东西是他们“小时候喜欢但长大后却不喜欢的”,网友回帖中出现了多数成年人都敬而远之的各种食物和经历。
        Not surprisingly, thousands of users agreed that receiving mail — of both the snail and electronic kind — did not hold the same excitement as it did for the younger selves, largely thanks to the amount of junk mail and spam that currently fills most inboxes.        不出所料,数千名用户一致认为,收邮件(无论是纸本邮件还是电子邮件)不再像小时候那样让他们感到兴奋,这主要是拜如今大多数邮箱中充斥的垃圾邮件所赐。
                 snail mail:(与快速电子邮件相对比的)传统纸本邮件
        "It used to be all exciting gift cards, presents, cool magazine subscriptions and nice letters from family members and friends. Now it’s 99% bills and solicitors," one user wrote.        一名用户写道:“过去邮箱里都是令人兴奋的贺卡、礼物、订阅的酷杂志和亲友写来的珍贵信件。但如今99%都是账单和催款函。”
        "But how else will you know when your car's warranty is about to expire?" another joked.        另一名网友开玩笑说:“不然你怎么会知道你汽车的保修单什么时候到期呢?”
        Another once-exciting concept that no one seems to enjoy? Spending the night at a friend’s house.        另一件曾经激动人心而今却似乎无人喜欢的事情就是在朋友家过夜。
        "Even if it’s 2 am, I always choose to pay for the 47-minute Uber ride home so I can sleep in my own bed and wake up in my own house!" reads one popular comment.        一条人气评论写道:“即使是深夜2点,我也会选择花47分钟坐网约车回家,这样就可以回自己的被窝睡觉,然后在自己的家里醒来!”
        "Cannot agree more," wrote another. "Just got back from a five-night vacation and all I want in the world is my own toilet and my own bed."        另一名用户写道:“完全同意。刚刚结束6天5晚的假期归来,现在我想要的只有我自己的马桶和我自己的床。”
        Plenty of foods — namely, junk foods — also got name-checked in the thread, including gelatin desserts, candy corn, excessive amounts of frosting, canned pasta, buffet-type restaurants and fast-food.        很多食物(都是垃圾食品)都在帖子中被点名,包括果冻、玉米糖、过多的糖霜、意面罐头、自助餐和快餐。
        "Used to love [fast food] because my parents only allowed me to have it when we were on vacation so it was like a treat for me," wrote one user. "As an adult, their home cooked food is the treat now."        一位网友写道:“过去我很爱吃快餐,因为我父母只有在度假时才让我吃,所以感觉很特别。成年后反而觉得,父母在家给我做的饭才是美餐。”
        In addition to mail, sleepovers and junky eats, Reddit’s community offered hundreds of other examples of things they now hate, despite loving them as children. But the most interesting example of all, perhaps, was the concept of children themselves.        除了邮件、在朋友家过夜和垃圾食品外,网友们还提出了数百种小时候喜欢但长大后讨厌的东西。其中最有趣的或许莫过于“孩子”这个提法。
        "Other kids," wrote one user, who apparently can’t stand children at the present moment.        一位网友(小时候喜欢但长大后讨厌)的是:“其他小孩。”显然这位用户现在无法忍受小孩子。

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