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College students celebrating spring break despite pandemic

来源:中国日报    2021-03-24 10:31

        College students are continuing to flock to beaches to celebrate spring break despite the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic.尽管新冠肺炎疫情仍在持续,大学生们却纷纷涌向海滩庆祝春假。
        Although universities around the country either scaled back the traditional holiday week or canceled it altogether, the Sunshine State saw an influx of traveling students. 美国各地大学或缩短了传统的假日周,或干脆取消春假,但佛罗里达州还是出现了大批来度假的学生。
        Spring break travel last year may have fueled the spread of the virus as it gained momentum in March 2020, a study out of Ball State and Vanderbilt University that used GPS smartphone data to track the movement of a sample of more than 7 million US college students found.鲍尔州立大学和范德堡大学的一项研究发现,去年春假旅行可能加速了新冠病毒的传播,在2020年3月该病毒传播势头强劲。这项研究利用全球卫星定位系统智能手机数据跟踪了700多万美国大学生样本的出行轨迹。
        “Basically the only reason I came down here is because my mom told me I couldn't do it.” “说实话,我来这里的唯一理由是因为我妈叫我别来。”
        “Am I scared of COVID? Yes, I'm scared of COVID but I'm willing to risk it to get the biscuit you know. ““我害怕新冠病毒吗?我怕!但我宁愿冒险也要尝尝甜头,你明白吗?”
        综合来源:ABC NBC Ruptly 海客新闻

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