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E-commerce sites pull H&M products after company's Xinjiang statement

来源:中国日报    2021-03-25 11:10

        Chinese netizens call for fashion retailer H&M "get out of Chinese market" after it came to light that the company said it has prohibited any type of "forced labor" in its supply chain in Xinjiang, citing so called human right concerns.中国网友呼吁时尚零售商H&M“退出中国市场”,此前该公司以所谓的人权问题为由,表示在新疆的供应链中禁止任何形式的“强迫劳动”。        
        We do not work with any garment manufacturing factories located in XUAR, and we do not source products from this region. 我们不与位于新疆的任何服装制造工厂合作,也不从该地区采购产品/原材料。        
        The European Union (EU) imposed unilateral sanctions on relevant Chinese individuals and entity on March 22, citing the so-called human rights issues in Xinjiang. This move, based on nothing but lies and disinformation, disregards and distorts facts, grossly interferes in China's internal affairs, flagrantly breaches international law and basic norms governing international relations, and severely undermines China-EU relations. China firmly opposes and strongly condemns this. The Chinese government is firmly determined to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests.        3月22日,欧盟基于谎言和虚假信息,以所谓新疆人权问题为借口对中国有关个人和实体实施单边制裁。欧方此举罔顾事实、颠倒黑白,粗暴干涉中国内政,公然违反国际法和国际关系基本准则,严重损害中欧关系。中方对此表示坚决反对和强烈谴责。中国政府捍卫国家主权、安全、发展利益的决心坚定不移。

        The Chinese side decides to sanction the following ten individuals and four entities on the EU side that severely harm China's sovereignty and interests and maliciously spread lies and disinformation: Reinhard Butikofer, Michael Gahler, Raphaël Glucksmann, Ilhan Kyuchyuk and Miriam Lexmann of the European Parliament, Sjoerd Wiemer Sjoerdsma of the Dutch Parliament, Samuel Cogolati of the Belgian Federal Parliament, Dovile Sakaliene of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, German scholar Adrian Zenz, Swedish scholar Björn Jerdén, Political and Security Committee of the Council of the European Union, Subcommittee on Human Rights of the European Parliament, the Mercator Institute for China Studies in Germany, and the Alliance of Democracies Foundation in Denmark. The individuals concerned and their families are prohibited from entering the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao of China. They and companies and institutions associated with them are also restricted from doing business with China.        中方决定对欧方严重损害中方主权和利益、恶意传播谎言和虚假信息的10名人员和4个实体实施制裁,包括:欧洲议会议员彼蒂科菲尔、盖勒、格鲁克斯曼、库楚克、莱克斯曼,荷兰议会议员舍尔茨玛,比利时议会议员科格拉蒂,立陶宛议会议员萨卡利埃内,德国学者郑国恩,瑞典学者叶必扬,欧盟理事会政治与安全委员会,欧洲议会人权分委会,德国墨卡托中国研究中心,丹麦民主联盟基金会。相关人员及其家属被禁止入境中国内地及香港、澳门特别行政区,他们及其关联企业、机构也已被限制同中国进行往来。

        The Chinese side urges the EU side to reflect on itself, face squarely the severity of its mistake and redress it. It must stop lecturing others on human rights and interfering in their internal affairs. It must end the hypocritical practice of double standards and stop going further down the wrong path. Otherwise, China will resolutely make further reactions.        中方敦促欧方认识到错误的严重性,反躬自省,纠正错误,不要再以“人权教师爷”自居,不要再玩弄虚伪的双重标准,不要再四处干涉别国内政,不要在错误的道路上越走越远。否则,中方将做出进一步坚决的反应。
                 据H&M集团发布的2020财年财报, 该集团在中国内地拥有445家门店。中国内地销售总额约74亿元人民币,位列全球前四大市场之一。H&M在中国市场的注册会员达1400万人。

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