国际奥委会将购买中国疫苗 供东京奥运会和北京冬奥会使用_OK阅读网
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国际奥委会将购买中国疫苗 供东京奥运会和北京冬奥会使用
IOC to buy vaccines from China for Tokyo, Beijing Olympic competitors

来源:中国日报    2021-03-12 14:50

        Competitors at this year's Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 Beijing Winter Games will be offered coronavirus vaccines bought from China, Olympic chief Thomas Bach announced Thursday.        国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫3月11日宣布,将为今年东京奥运会和2022北京冬奥会的参赛者们提供从中国购买的新冠疫苗。
        The Chinese Olympic Committee have made "an offer to make additional vaccine doses available to participants for Tokyo 2020 and Beijing 2022", Bach said.        巴赫表示,中国奥组委愿意“为2020东京奥运会和2022北京冬奥会的参与者提供额外的疫苗”。
        "The IOC will pay for these additional doses of vaccines for the Olympic and Paralympic teams.        “国际奥委会将为奥运会和残奥会的参赛团队支付这些额外疫苗的费用。”
        "The IOC will also pay for two doses more that can be made available to people in that country," in what Bach said was a "demonstration of solidarity" in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.        “国际奥委会每购买1剂疫苗,还将再提供2剂疫苗给参与接种的代表团,他们可以提供给本国民众。”巴赫表示,此举在抗击新冠疫情的斗争中 “彰显了团结一致的精神”。
        Bach said the Chinese Olympic Committee, in cooperation with the IOC, was ready to make vaccine doses available in two ways.        巴赫表示,中国奥组委准备和国际奥委会合作,通过两种方式来提供疫苗。
        "This can be via international partners or in countries where partnerships are already in place with the Chinese government," he said.        他指出:“一种是通过国际伙伴的合作,另外一种方式是直接送达与中国政府签订了疫苗合作协议的国家和地区。”
        Bach added that a significant number of Olympic teams "have already been vaccinated".        巴赫还表示,相当多的奥运会参赛团队“已经接种了疫苗”。
        "Another significant number have received a commitment from their governments or are in very positive discussions."        “还有很大一部分已经得到政府的承诺,或者正在积极的商讨中。”
        Bach also tried to play down risks to Japan from hosting the Olympics, citing the fact that 270 world championships had been held involving more than 30,000 athletes following "rigorous health and safety protocols" since September 2020.        巴赫还试图淡化日本举办奥运会的风险,他提到,自2020年9月以来已经举办了270项世界锦标赛,超3万名运动员参加,所有这些赛事都遵循了“严格的卫生和安全协议”。
        "Not a single one of these events turned into a virus spreader," Bach said, adding they had posed no danger to host communities: "It's clean and obvious proof."        “没有任何一项赛事导致病毒传播,”巴赫补充道,也没有给主办地的居民带来危险,“这就是显而易见的证据。”
        The Tokyo Games were originally scheduled for the summer of 2020, but it was pushed back by one year as the coronavirus pandemic raged across the globe.        东京奥运会原定在2020年夏季举办,但由于新冠疫情在全球肆虐而被推迟了一年。
        They are now scheduled for July 23-August 8, Bach at pains to reiterate that the IOC remains committed to holding a "successful and safe" Games this year, dismissing cancellation talk as "speculation".        现在东京奥运会计划在7月23日到8月8日期间举办,巴赫不遗余力地重申,国际奥委会今年依然致力于举办一场“成功而安全”的奥运会,并驳斥了取消奥运会的猜测。
        Overseas spectators, however, are likely to be shut out, as Japanese organisers prioritise public health and safety.        不过,由于日本奥组委以国民的健康和安全为重,海外观众很可能会被拒之门外。

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