欧盟拟发放数字通行证 接种疫苗者可自由出行_OK阅读网
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欧盟拟发放数字通行证 接种疫苗者可自由出行
Covid: EU unveils 'digital green certificate' to allow citizens to travel

来源:中国日报    2021-03-18 14:41

        The European commission has unveiled a “digital green certificate” that could allow EU citizens who have been vaccinated, tested negative or recovered from Covid-19 to travel more freely within the bloc this summer.        欧盟推出了一种“数字绿色证书”,允许已接种疫苗、新冠病毒检测为阴性或患新冠肺炎后康复的欧盟公民今夏在欧盟境内更自由地出行。
        The plan would also allow southern states such as Spain, Greece and Portugal, whose economies are most reliant on tourism, to make bilateral arrangements with non-EU members – including Britain – providing the deals are approved by the commission.        该计划还将允许西班牙、希腊和葡萄牙这些经济最依赖旅游业的欧洲南部成员国以及包括英国在内的非欧盟成员国订立双边协议,前提是欧盟委员会批准这些协议。
        "We aim to help member states reinstate the freedom of movement in a safe, responsible and trusted manner,” the European commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, said as the scheme was unveiled on Wednesday.        3月17日发布这一计划时,欧盟委员会主席乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩表示:“我们的目标是帮助成员国通过安全、负责任以及可信任的方式恢复旅行自由。”
        The digital document, containing a QR code and carried on a mobile phone, has deliberately not been called a “vaccine passport” because some member states felt that would discriminate against those who had not yet been offered a shot.        这份电子文件包含一个二维码,与手机绑定,文件特意避开了“疫苗护照”这个称呼,因为一些成员国感觉这是在歧视那些还未能接种疫苗的人。
        The certificate is “not a passport … but a document that will describe the medical situation of the individuals who hold it”, the commission spokesman, Eric Mamer, said.        欧盟委员会发言人埃里克·马梅表示,这个证明“不是护照……而是一份描述持有者医疗状况的文件。”
        The plan stresses that it “cannot be a pre-condition to exercise free movement rights, nor can it be a pre-condition for using cross-border passenger transport services such as airlines, trains, coaches or ferries”.        该计划强调说,这份证明“不能作为履行自由旅行权的前提条件,也不能作为使用飞机、火车、长途公共汽车或渡船等跨境交通服务的前提条件。”
        The certificate, should mean travellers will not need to quarantine, would be available to all citizens who can provide evidence that they have either been vaccinated against Covid-19, have recently tested negative, or have acquired antibodies after recovering from the virus.        该证明意味着乘客不需要被隔离,所有能提供证据表明自己已经接种新冠疫苗、近期新冠病毒检测为阴性或在患病康复后拥有新冠抗体的人都可以获取该证明。
        It follows several months of lobbying for a common, Europe-wide system aimed at easing free movement within the bloc, led by southern European holiday destinations whose economies have been devastated by the pandemic.        在此之前,为了放松欧盟内部的旅行限制,建立欧洲范围内的通用旅行体系,以南欧度假地为首的团队已经游说了数月。疫情已经摧毁了南欧度假地的经济。
        The commission’s plan, which it hopes will be approved by national governments and the European parliament by mid-June, says all vaccines approved by the EMA should be automatically recognised by member states.        欧盟希望这项计划能在六月中旬前得到欧盟各国政府和欧洲议会的批准。该计划称,欧洲药品管理局认可的所有疫苗都应自动得到成员国的认可。
        Despite a sluggish rollout so far, the EU aims to vaccinate three-quarters of its adult population by the end of summer and officials remain hopeful that if national delivery speeds up, many restrictions could be lifted in time for the holidays.        尽管到目前为止疫苗接种的进度比较缓慢,不过,欧盟的目标是在夏季结束前完成四分之三成年人口的接种。官员们仍然认为,如果各国疫苗运送速度提上去,等到假期来临时许多限制都有望解除。

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