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Chinese Zihaiguo in 'Vincenzo' stirs up Korean viewers

来源:中国日报    2021-03-20 09:00

        In last Sunday's episode, a scene showed the two lead characters - Vincenzo (Song Joong-ki) and Hong Cha-young (Jeon Yeo-been) ― having instant bibimbap cups together. But as the camera zoomed in on the cups, the brand of its Chinese sponsor, Zihaiguo, an unfamiliar name to most Koreans became visible.3月14日播放的剧集中出现了两位主演文森佐(宋仲基饰)和洪车英(全汝彬饰)一起吃即食拌饭的场景。但当镜头拉近对准餐盒时,中国赞助商“自嗨锅”的品牌名清晰可见,大多数韩国观众对这一品牌并不熟悉。        
                 The actor also added a line says that "don't forget to eat something nice while watching something interesting."演员还说了一句台词:“看有趣的东西的时候,别忘了吃点好的。”
        The product placement backfired with many viewers slamming the drama for featuring the Chinese appropriation of the Korean dish.这一广告植入引发韩国网友不满,纷纷抨击剧集里出现被中国“盗用”的韩式菜品。        Some Korean netizens seemed focused on the meal's packaging, claiming they were repulsed by the Chinese characters printed on it, while others busied themselves emphasizing that the "stirred rice dish" is a Korean dish. And some others mentioned that they do not want to see South Korean stars eating food to promote Chinese brands on TV. 有韩国网友称,看到产品的中文包装感到“厌恶”,还有网友强调“拌饭”属于韩国食品。还有人提到,不希望在电视上看到韩国明星通过饮食的方式推广中国品牌。
        "What is this Chinese bibimbap product placement? Now they (Chinese) are going to argue that bibimbap is a Chinese dish," a viewer wrote online. 有网友写道:“中国拌饭的广告植入是怎么回事?他们(中国人)又该说拌饭也是中餐了。”        Another viewer wrote, "If the network just sells placement to Chinese companies for quick money, wouldn't (foreign) people who watch this series think bibimbap's Chinese food? This is a serious issue … I know money is important but this is taking it too far."还有人评论:“如果剧方为了赚快钱把广告植入卖给中国公司,那么(外国)人们看了电视剧会认为拌饭是中国食物吧?这是个严重的问题……我知道资金很重要,但是这样就太过分了。”
        Some viewers defended tvN for its effort to cover the 20 billion won ($17.6 million) budget of the show. 也有人给剧作方tvN辩解,这么做是为了收回200亿韩元的制作成本。        The Chinese food company has an advertising agreement with Vincenzo, which stipulated the instant meal should appear a total of four times in the series and be eaten by the leads at least twice.中国品牌方与《文森佐》剧集达成广告协议,规定产品会在电视剧中出现4次,其中主角至少会吃两次 “自嗨锅”。
        According to entertainment web portal Koreaboo on Tuesday, tvN has contacted Zihaiguo, to discuss cancelling the contract.据韩国娱乐网站Koreaboo 16日报道,tvN已经联系了“自嗨锅”方面,商讨取消合同。        
                 This is not the first time tvN has raised domestic viewers' collective ire through controversial product placement deals with Chinese companies. The comedy romance series "True Beauty" has recently come under fire for excessive advertising of Chinese products and brands, placing banners of the e-commerce firm JD.com in bus stops and showing characters eating Chinese instant hot pot.这并不是tvN第一次因为出现中国公司的广告植入,而让韩国观众“炸锅”。爱情喜剧《女神降临》最近就因过度宣传中国产品和品牌而受到抨击,剧中公交站台出现京东广告牌,演员也有食用中国即食火锅的镜头。
        综合来源:观察者网,环球时报英文版网站,韩国时报网站,南华早报网站,海峡时报网站        转载自:21世纪英文报

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