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来源:中国日报    2021-03-21 08:00

                 获得91.9k的好评的回答@Dan Knight:
        I have 15 years experience in the restaurant.        我有15年的餐厅从业经验。
        It depends on his or her skill level. I’m a chef, and I can make a Turducken:        这取决于厨师的烹饪技巧。我是一名主厨,我可以做特大啃(Turkey-duck-chicken的简称,所谓“特大啃”是一种美食新吃法:将无骨鸡填到无骨鸭肚子里,然后再将填了无骨鸡的无骨鸭填到无骨火鸡的肚子里)
        Even for the keenest of chef’s, Fugu would be fairly high up the list of difficult dishes to produce.        即便是技艺再精湛的主厨,河豚鱼还是排在“最难做的菜单”前几位。
        But then look at what you get: This is Fugu sashimi. Even the presentation looks difficult to master properly.        这是最后给顾客上的成品:河豚刺身,连摆盘看起来都是那么的难以驾驭。
                 获得2k好评的回答@Mahabub Amin:
        Making layered cakes with three types of frosting is not easy at all.        用三种不同的糖霜做多层蛋糕一点儿也不容易呢。
        Salt-Crusted Fish. Despite an entire fish being covered in salt like someone being buried in sand at the beach, the plated result is not overly salted. But, if you don't pack the salt and egg white mixture tight enough, you risk salt crystals leaking into the fish as it cooks and when you break into the shell, creating an almost unbearable flavor.        盐壳鱼,尽管把整条鱼涂满盐霜,就像把人埋在沙堆里一样,上盘的味道可能还是不够咸。其次,如果盐和蛋清的搅拌物太稀,盐晶体就会在烹饪的过程中流入到鱼体内,那个味道简直不能忍。
        Macarons. Not only are macarons challenging to perfectly execute, but if you make them in a city with so much humidity, like Houston, you're going to have a much more difficult time. Even if the weather is perfect, things can easily go awry.        马卡龙,制作马卡龙不仅要每一步都天衣无缝——这是最挑战的部分——如果你要是在湿气比较重的休斯顿,那就更有难度了。即使是气候适宜,制作上的小失误也会失之毫厘谬以千里。
                 获得1.3k好评的回答@Tamarius Peters:
        A terrine. There's a test you can take to become what's known as a certified master chef of which there's only about 300 in the world. A lot of them passed that test by making a terrine.        肉冻。有一种考试能让你成为注册大厨,全世界只有差不多300人有这个身份,他们大多数都是用肉冻来通过这场考试的。
                 获得1.3k好评的回答@Sami El-Molla Vidal:
        This is not fake, it's real bio light in the food. And this is a sphere made of sugar and water, with ice-cream, flowers and lots of shit inside.        真不是虚构,这确实是食物中的生物之光。这个球体是由糖、水、冰淇淋、鲜花还有许多的粘稠物组成的。

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