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Margaret Zhang named Vogue China editor-in-chief

来源:中国日报    2021-03-01 13:49

        As a 27-year-old Chinese Australian fashion influencer, Margaret Zhang is the youngest person to land an editor-in-chief role at the magazine and replaces Vogue China founding editor-in-chief Angelica Cheung, who had led the title for 16 years.27岁的澳大利亚华裔时尚博主章凝成为Vogue中国版新主编,接替任此岗位长达16年的前主编张宇,成为Vogue史上最年轻的编辑总监。
        Margaret Zhang is an Australian-born Chinese filmmaker, photographer, consultant and writer. 章凝是澳大利亚出生的华裔电影人、摄影师、时尚顾问和作家。
        At the age of 16, she launched a successful fashion blog and has worked as a consultant. For now, she has 1.2 million Instagram followers. In 2016, she was named in Forbes' 30 Under 30 Asia list and shot fashion week in Sydney for the publication she will now lead.16岁时,章凝就开始运营她的时尚博客,并且成为一名时尚顾问。如今,她在社交媒体上有超过120万的粉丝。2016年,她名列福布斯亚洲30位30岁以下精英榜,2016年,她还为Vogue中国版进行悉尼时装周的拍摄。
        Anna Wintour, Vogue's global editorial director says: "I am so delighted that Margaret is our new editor in chief of Vogue China. Her international experience, exceptional multiplatform digital expertise, and wide-ranging interests are the perfect combination to lead Vogue China into the future."Vogue全球编辑总监安娜·温图尔表示,“我很高兴章凝成为了《Vogue服饰与美容》的新任编辑总监,她国际化的成长背景、对数字媒体的精通,以及广泛的兴趣爱好,势必能为《Vogue服饰与美容》带来更好的发展。”
        Zhang sees her new responsibilities as both outward and inward facing. Outlining her vision for Vogue China, she believes her international experience positions her well to achieve them: "there's a lot of context about China that is lost; often it's looked at as this one monolithic entity, as opposed to a country of individuals and innovations".章凝认为,她的岗位职责既要专注国内,也要面向世界。提起她对Vogue中国版的展望,她相信她的国际经验能够帮助她完成使命:“关于中国的很多语境是不完整的,中国很多时候被看成是一个整体,而不是作为个体和创新的集合。“
        Zhang was born in Sydney and grew up in the suburb of West Ryde in Australia after her parents moved from Taizhou, in Zhejiang province. She studied commerce and law at the University of Sydney. She scored 99.85 in her HSC and graduated from the University with a degree in commerce/law.章凝出生在悉尼,在澳大利亚西莱德郊区长大,章凝父母来自浙江台州。她在悉尼大学学习商业和法律。她的HSC成绩为99.85分,大学毕业后获得商业/法学双学位。

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