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The Top Mystery Novels Ever Written

来源:中国日报    2021-03-03 10:48

        The Royal Society of Chemistry bestowed an Extraordinary Honorary Fellowship upon Sherlock Holmes, the first detective to exploit chemical science as a means of detection. 英国皇家化学学会授予夏洛克·福尔摩斯“特别荣誉会员”,他是第一个利用化学科学作为探测手段的侦探。
        Despite the success of his most famous character, throughout his adult life Conan Doyle sought to escape the Sherlock Holmes phenomenon and concentrate on writing about his other interests...he was knighted for his non-fiction work on the Boer War.尽管笔下最著名的角色获得了成功,但柯南·道尔在整个成年生涯中都力图摆脱夏洛克·福尔摩斯的光环,并专注于撰写其他感兴趣的内容……他因所撰写的与布尔战争有关的纪实文学而被封为爵士。
        When you have eliminated the impossibles, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.排除一切不可能,剩下的,无论多么难以置信,一定是真相。——Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
        Many tropes that would later become commonplace in detective fiction first appeared in Poe's stories: the eccentric but brilliant detective, the bumbling constabulary, the first-person narration by a close personal friend. 后世推理小说中许多司空见惯的设定都能在爱伦·坡的作品中看到最初的影子:古怪却又天才的侦探,笨手笨脚的警察,侦探密友的第一人称叙述视角。
        Order and method, and 'the little grey cells'.顺序、方法加小灰细胞(指动脑子)。——Agatha Christie
        Outsold only by the Bible and Shakespeare, Agatha Christie is the best-selling novelist of all time. 阿加莎·克里斯蒂是人类史上最畅销的作家,其销量仅次于《圣经》和莎士比亚。

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