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China Scores a Public Relations Win After W.H.O. Mission to Wuhan

来源:纽约时报    2021-02-22 03:50

        For months, China resisted allowing World Health Organization experts into the country to trace the origins of the global pandemic, concerned that such an inquiry could draw attention to the government’s early missteps in handling the outbreak.        数月来,中国一直拒绝让世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)专家进入国内,追溯全球新冠疫情的源头,担心此类调查可能会引发人们对政府早期应对疫情失误的关注。
        After a global uproar, the Chinese government finally relented, allowing a team of 14 scientists to visit laboratories, disease-control centers and live-animal markets over the past 12 days in the city of Wuhan.        在一阵全球反对声浪过后,中国政府终于松口,允许一个由14名科学家组成的团队在过去12天造访武汉市的实验室、疾病控制中心和活鲜市场。
        But instead of scorn, the W.H.O. experts on Tuesday delivered praise for Chinese officials and endorsed critical parts of their narrative, including some that have been contentious.        但在周二,世卫组织的专家们并没有对中国官员提出批评,而是称赞了他们,并认可其叙事的关键部分,包括一些存在争议的说法。
        The W.H.O. team opened the door to a theory embraced by Chinese officials, saying it was possible the virus might have spread to humans through shipments of frozen food, an idea that has gained little traction with scientists outside China. And the experts pledged to investigate reports that the virus might have been present outside China months before the outbreak in Wuhan in late 2019, a longstanding demand of Chinese officials.        世卫组织专家组对中国官员宣扬的一种理论持开放态度,称病毒可能是通过冷链食品运输传染给人类的,在中国以外的科学家当中,这个观点几乎没有人支持。有报道称在2019年底武汉暴发疫情前的几个月,病毒可能已经在中国境外出现,专家们承诺将对此进行调查,这是中国官员长期以来的要求。
        “We should really go and search for evidence of earlier circulation wherever that is,” Marion Koopmans, a Dutch virologist on the W.H.O. team, said at a three-hour news conference in Wuhan, where the experts presented their preliminary findings alongside Chinese scientists.        “我们确实应该去寻找早期传播的证据,无论它在哪里,”世卫组织专家组的荷兰病毒学家玛丽昂·库普曼斯(Marion Koopmans)在武汉举行的长达三小时的新闻发布会上说。在会上,专家们与中国科学家共同公布了他们的初步发现。
        Some scientists worry that shifting attention to other countries could cause the investigation to lose its focus. Determining what happened in the early days of the outbreak in China is considered critical to avoiding another pandemic.        一些科学家担心,将注意力转移到其他国家可能会导致调查失去重点。他们认为,确定中国疫情暴发初期发生了什么,对避免另一场疫情至关重要。
        The team also played down the idea that the virus might have leaked accidentally from a Chinese-run laboratory, a notion that even some skeptical scientists say is worth exploring. This theory is different than a widely discredited one pushed by some Republicans in the United States, which claimed that a lab in China manufactured the virus for use as a bio-weapon.        专家组还淡化了病毒可能是由中国运营的实验室意外泄露的想法,即使是持怀疑态度的一些科学家也认为这一观点值得探究。这一理论与一些美国共和党人推动的中国实验室制造了该病毒作为生物武器的说法不同,后者受到了广泛质疑。
        The W.H.O., by design, is beholden to its member countries and has long struck a diplomatic tone in dealing with the Chinese government, which is notoriously resistant to outside scrutiny. The inquiry is still in its earliest stages — it could take years — and W.H.O. officials have promised a rigorous and transparent examination of data and research by China and other countries.        世卫组织在设计上受制于成员国,在与以抵制外部监督著称的中国政府打交道时,它长期以来采取外交手法。调查仍处于早期阶段,可能会持续数年,世卫组织官员承诺对中国和其他国家的数据和研究进行严格而透明的审查。
        Still, the findings announced Tuesday gave Beijing a public relations win as it comes under attack from officials in the United States and elsewhere for its initial efforts to conceal the outbreak.        尽管如此,周二公布的调查结果仍给北京带来了一次公关胜利,它目前正因为最初掩盖疫情的行为而受到美国和其他国家官员的批评。
        “This is the most authoritative support that China has received in terms of its official narrative,” said Yanzhong Huang, a senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations.        “这是中国在其官方叙事中得到的最权威的支持,”美国外交关系委员会(Council on Foreign Relations)全球卫生问题高级研究员黄严忠说。
        Mr. Huang said the W.H.O. should continue to press China for data and access.        黄严忠表示,世卫组织应继续向中国施压,要其提供数据和调查途径。
        “One visit is not enough time to do a thorough investigation,” he said. “They’re doing all the work within the parameters set by the Chinese government.”        “一次访问是来不及做全面调查的,”他说。“他们所有工作都是在中国政府允许的范围内进行的。”
        The team did not report major breakthroughs but said it had found important clues. The virus was circulating in Wuhan several weeks before it appeared at the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where some of the earliest clusters were initially reported, the experts said. It most likely emerged in bats and spread to humans through another small mammal, though the experts said they have not been able to identify the species.        专家组没有报告重大的突破性发现,但表示找到了重要线索。专家们称,病毒在华南海鲜批发市场出现的几周前就已经在武汉传播,该市场报告了最早出现的一些聚集性病例。病毒很可能出现在蝙蝠中,然后通过另一种小型哺乳动物传给人类,不过专家们表示,他们还无法确定是什么物种。
        “All the work that has been done on the virus and trying to identify its origin continue to point toward a natural reservoir,” Peter K. Ben Embarek, a food safety scientist with the W.H.O. who is leading the team of experts, said at the news conference.        “所有对病毒以及试图确认其来源而展开的工作都指向一个自然宿主,”世卫组织食品安全科学家彼得·K·本·安巴雷克(Peter K. Ben Embarek)在新闻发布会上说,他是专家组负责人。
        Dr. Ben Embarek said it was “extremely unlikely” that the virus might have emerged from a laboratory studying bat coronaviruses in Wuhan.        本·安巴雷克博士表示,病毒“极不可能”来自武汉的一个研究蝙蝠冠状病毒的实验室。
        The team last week met with leaders of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which houses a state-of-the-art laboratory, and Dr. Ben Embarek said that “it was very unlikely that anything could escape from such a place,” citing safety protocols there.        该小组上周会见了武汉病毒研究所的负责人,该所拥有最先进的实验室。本·安巴雷克援引那里的安全规程说,“任何东西都不太可能从这样的地方逃出来。”
        The W.H.O. experts tried to focus their remarks on Tuesday on the scientific aspects of the mission. But the inquiry has often been overshadowed by politics.        周二,世卫组织的专家在发言时试图把重点放在该任务的科学方面。但这项调查常常蒙上政治的阴影。
        Some officials in the United States and other Western countries have cast doubt on the independence of the W.H.O. investigation, arguing that China is seeking to control the outcome. The government repeatedly delayed the visit by W.H.O. experts and sought to limit the scope of their mission. And the authorities are firmly in control of research related to the virus in China, raising concerns that they might seek to prevent the release of embarrassing information.        美国和其他西方国家的一些官员对世卫组织调查的独立性提出了质疑,认为中国正在寻求控制结果。政府一再推迟世卫组织专家的访问,并试图限制他们的任务范围。中国当局牢牢控制着国内与该病毒相关的研究,令人担心他们可能会试图阻止令人尴尬的信息发布。
        The Chinese government has tried to shift the focus elsewhere, continuing to suggest that the virus may have originated overseas. The Chinese ambassador to the United States, Cui Tiankai, recently suggested that the United States should allow the W.H.O. to send investigators there as part of its inquiry.        中国政府试图将注意力转移到其他地方,继续暗示病毒可能源自海外。中国驻美国大使崔天凯最近建议,美国也应该允许世界卫生组织派遣人员到那里进行调查。
        Chinese officials heavily promoted the idea that the virus came from abroad at the news conference on Tuesday, arguing that the search for the origin of the virus should focus on places outside China.        在周二的新闻发布会上,中国官员大力宣传病毒来自该国之外的观点,声称寻找病毒来源的工作应将重点放在中国以外的地方。
        The investigation will “not be restricted to any location,” said Liang Wannian, who led the team of Chinese scientists assisting in the W.H.O. mission. He said that Chinese researchers had found no evidence that the virus was circulating in China on a wide scale before December 2019.        调查将“不限于任何地点”,协助世卫组织调查的中国科学家团队负责人梁万年说。他表示,中国研究人员没有发现证据表明该病毒于2019年12月之前在中国大规模传播。
        In Washington, Ned Price, a State Department spokesman, said at a news conference that the United States would wait to see the W.H.O.’s report before drawing conclusions about its findings and how transparent Beijing had been with the investigators.
        在华盛顿,国务院发言人内德·普莱斯(Ned Price)在新闻发布会上表示,美国会等着看世界卫生组织的报告,然后才会对其调查结果以及北京对调查人员的透明度做出结论。
        During their visit to Wuhan, the W.H.O. team members said they were trying to steer clear of politics and promised to ask tough questions. While in Wuhan, where they submitted to two weeks of quarantine before beginning field work, they granted interviews to the news media and were photographed getting tested for the coronavirus. They turned to social media to bring more transparency to the visit, posting photos and comments about their talks with Chinese scientists.        世卫组织成员表示,访问武汉期间,他们试图避开政治,并承诺会提出尖锐的问题。在武汉,他们在开始实地工作之前接受了两周的隔离检疫,接受了新闻媒体的采访,并被拍到接受新冠病毒检测。他们通过社交媒体为此次访问带来更多透明度,发布他们与中国科学家对话的照片和评论。
        The experts repeatedly praised their Chinese counterparts, saying the government had worked in good faith to grant access to important sites, including laboratories and markets. At the news conference on Tuesday, the experts were cordial and did not challenge statements by their Chinese hosts.        专家们一再赞扬中国同行,称政府真诚合作,允许他们进入实验室和市场等重要地点。在周二的新闻发布会上,专家们态度友好,没有质疑中国东道主的发言。
        The team will face pressure in coming months to not only resolve tricky scientific questions but to demonstrate that they are carrying out a fair-minded and tough investigation.        在接下来的几个月里,该小组将面临压力,不仅要解决棘手的科学问题,还要证明他们正在进行公正而艰难的调查。
        “China’s strategic narrative now is, ‘This has been the China part of the investigation, and we’ve done it, and let’s move on,”’ said Daniel R. Lucey, an infectious-disease specialist at Georgetown University.        乔治城大学(Georgetown University)传染病专家丹尼尔·R·路西(Daniel R. Lucey)说,“中国现在的战略叙事是,‘这是调查的中国部分,我们已经完成了,让我们翻篇吧。’”
        Dr. Lucey said the experts would need to produce a breakthrough in order to demonstrate credibility.        路西表示,专家们需要取得突破,才能证明其可信度。
        “If the team doesn’t come up with something of substance,” he added, “there’s also the risk of people saying this was all just a show.”        他还说,“如果团队没有拿出一些实质性的东西,还有一种风险是,人们会说这一切都只是一场秀。”

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