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France could ban 'confusing' gender neutral words that 'endanger the language'

来源:中国日报    2021-02-26 13:10

        France could ban 'confusing' gender inclusive words under a new law proposed by 60 MPs.        根据60名议员提出的新法案,法国可能会禁用“令人困惑的”中性词汇。
        The MPs argue that the gender inclusive nouns make learning proper French more difficult and could even endanger the entire language.        议员们主张说,中性词汇会加大学习正规法语的难度,甚至可能威胁到整门语言。
        The new legislation was proposed by MP François Jolivet and close allies of President Emmanuel Macron.        这项新法案由法国议员弗朗索瓦·若利韦和总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙的几位亲近盟友提出。
        The MPs claim that the gender neutral words 'create a gap between the spoken language and written language.'        议员们指出,中性词汇“在口语和书面语之间划下了一道鸿沟。”
        'It is therefore the whole of French linguistic heritage which risks disappearing,' they said in a statement quoted by the Telegraph.        《每日电讯报》援引议员的声明称:“整个法语遗产都会因此冒上消失的风险。”
        'The fight for equality between women and men is fair. The road it takes is sometimes confusing.        “男女追求平等的斗争是公平的。但是有时候会走上一条令人困惑的路。”
        'Do the rules of grammar no longer exist?'        “语法规则不存在了吗?”
        Concerns have also been raised over the accessibility of the grammar changes for people who are blind or have learning difficulties.        还有些人担心盲人或学习有困难的人可能无法获知语法规则的改变。
        The proposed law will be debated in the national assembly in the coming weeks.        法国议会将在未来几周讨论这项提案。
        Proponents of 'écriture inclusive' argue that it prevents the erasure of females from the French language.        支持中性语言的人指出,中性语言将防止女性指代义在法语中被抹除。
        Currently, a French grammar rule taught in schools dictates that the masculine plural of nouns 'always wins'.        目前在学校教授的法语语法规则指出,法语中表示名词复数时,阳性单词“总是胜出”。
        The masculine plural of friends, 'amis', is used to refer to both women and men, even if the majority of the group is female.        以朋友一词的复数为例,阳性单词amis可用来指代男性和女性朋友的复数,即使这个群体的大多数为女性。
        The feminine plural, 'amies', would only be used if everyone in the group was female.        阴性单词amies只有在群体中的所有人都是女性时才能使用。

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