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来源:中国日报    2021-02-24 10:06

        "Face with Tears of Joy," the official name for the laughing crying emoji, is currently the most-used emoji.“笑哭”表情包的官方名称是“喜极而泣”,是当下最流行的表情包。
        "If you indicate digital laughter for years and years in the same way, it starts to feel insincere. ... The hyperbole gets worn out through continued use," she said. That's why Gen Zers may be looking to fresh and novel ways to signal they're laughing through different ways.她说:“如果你多年来用同样的方式表达笑意,它会逐渐显得不真诚。……这种夸张的符号已经被用烂了。”这就是为什么Z世代试图找寻新鲜的替代品,通过不一样的方式发出笑的信号。
        "What's wrong with the laughing emoji?," one user asked in a TikTok comment. Another responded: "it's so off." 一名用户在一则TikTok评论中问道:“‘笑哭’表情符号有啥问题?”另一名用户回复说:“过时到不行了。”
        Seventeen-year-old Xavier Martin called the Tears of Joy emoji "bland" and said "not too many people" his age use it. Stacy Thiru, 21, prefers the real cryng emoji because it shows a more extreme emotion and feels more dramatic.17岁的泽维尔·马丁则表示,“笑哭”表情符号“很乏味”,并称同龄人使用它的并不多。21岁的斯泰茜·蒂鲁更喜欢真正的“哭泣”表情符号,因为它表现出一种更极端的情感,更富有戏剧性。
        “The English language cannot fully capture the depth and complexity of my thoughts, so I’m incorporating emoji into my speech to better express myself. Winky face.”

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